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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. That's right, they become penny stocks after we buy them in the low to mid single digits. Amirite?
  2. MOU's simplified - I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a cheeseburger today
  3. Well, even if they did nuke each other it isn't like it would destroy their entire population or landmass, but if it was anything other than a small number of nukes then the economic impact would be huge globally.
  4. If it is true then his bookies, Sports betting apps & Casino Sports book all just took huge cuts in pay.
  5. Stealth FIghter not submarine - but you get the idea
  6. Somebody help. It has been so long, what are we supposed to do with a stonk when it isn't losing me money? Asking for a friend
  7. They are - but it doesn't mean these events were cancelled. This is like a gap season, I'm not sure the methodology, but wins and points will figure into status for 2024 FedEx, but as always the fall events don't really draw big names. Looking at the 2024 schedule, it ends with the Tour Championship; no idea what happens to the fall events
  8. I worked for a company that was working on doing just that; only problem was they were 10+ years and about $120 million in primarily VC funds into actually delivering financial results. I left when they were 90+ days behind on payables, and struggling to meet payroll. But awesome science
  9. Packers fans get owned by a Milwaukee bar promotion https://www.cbs58.com/news/im-thinking-with-my-wallet-as-bar-offers-free-beer-fans-root-against-rodgers
  10. start of the boring Fall season this week - playing in Napa, couple of Ryder Cup guys playing
  11. 2 weeks big deal, get back to me when he closes in on Eric Rudolphs hide & seek with the cops record, or that one guy who wrote a letter to the FBI years/decades after escaping Alcatraz
  12. My response is either a)fuck you b) thank you I just can't figure out which one
  13. Thanks for the bump, I did actually nail it, just like a blind squirrel finds an acorn.
  14. It is super super super rare that a reverse split does anything other than give the shorts more room to work it.
  15. Did that title say #130 regan ducks? I think Tech can give the #130 team a game
  16. Sad story, my WSM was damaged in a couple of weeks ago Good news, it will have to be replaced. It was about 10 years old & was my starter kit for smoking. So the question is, what should I replace it with? The WSM was the smaller one, but the 22 looks huge & I'm not sure I want to have to deal with taking it apart. So if not a WSM, then Traeger, BGE, offset. I use 2-3+ a month, except winter when it snow on the ground 1-2 times a month.
  17. Interesting that Schwab lists ABML today with this name "AMERICAN BATTERY TECHNOLREVERSE SPLIT EFF: 09/11/23 I see no company information about a split, but it had to come from somewhere, or can Chuck just make this stuff up?
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