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Wally Fairway

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Posts posted by Wally Fairway

  1. whats up with Rickie

    Cruises in yesterday with a 40 on his 2nd nine, and opens today with a 45?
    he still plays the weekend, as this is a no-cut event

  2. 19 minutes ago, BottleRocket said:

    First, thanks for asking.  It was emotional and draining for everyone involved - especially my mother.  She was (and still is) a mixed bag of angry, sad, and confused.  She's been in her new place since Monday.  At the advice of the staff, we involved her in the moving process in the days leading up to her move date.  She helped the best she could in picking out pictures, or particular pieces of furniture, etc. to take with her.  My wife did a great job in making the new space reflect her personality and filled it with items that she cared about the most.  On the surface my mother loved her room.  She's most confused about the "why".  "Why are you doing this to me?"  We had come up with a story to tell her about how the assisted living unit was going to be under construction soon and it was going to be too noisy and disruptive for her to stay.  Logically she asked why my father was staying and we just laughed it off and said that he can sleep through anything.  She doesn't believe any of it.  It's the best we could do.

    My father visits her an hour in the morning and an hour after lunch.  He's purposefully not spending too much time with her in the hopes that she will participate in some of the activities going on and get to know the staff and other residents.  This is the worst part.  Most of the other residents on her floor are really out of it.  Non-communicative.  In that respect, my mother doesn't belong.  She is unable to complete a coherent sentence, but if you know her you understand what she's trying to say.  She calls the lobby "downtown" and "yellow" might mean vegetables.  It's mostly gibberish but you can tell that she's still putting together pretty complex thoughts and has deep emotions.  It's really sad to see her eating lunch with people that cant lift their heads and she KNOWS she's not like THEM.  It's as if there should be a place that is 'somewhere in between'.  I feel guilty.  My father feels guilty.  My wife feels guilty.  My mother feels angry and betrayed.  It sucks.  But all-in-all everything went about as well as we could have hoped.  How about them apples?

    It is a tough journey, I teared up reading your story and the memories it brought up of moving my parents. All I can do is tell you that there is no one right answer, and it is good that you are interactive with the facility staff as they deal with this on a daily basis. I would tell you to cherish any and all of the good moments along the way, and to tell your parents that you love them and give them a gently hug  (this that is as good for you as it is for them). 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. 15 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

    No, social media and porn sites really ARE doing things, beyond exposing what was already there.

    so is WSB on Reddit, and gambol'n sites,  dating/whoring sites - and on the other side there are a ton of benefits.
    just like printing magazines led to porn magazines, did they curse the printing press (yes they did - Jimmy Swaggart types)
    Sure online speeds up the change, both the good and the bad

  4. l have decided that I don't like the new PGA Tour schedule. I have been programmed so the longest day in golf (aka US Open final qualifying) is the day after Jack's milkshake-athon at the Memorial; but now because the Memorial is the week before the Open that means it was actually 2 days ago. And I completely missed it, and now I'm too lazy to go back and see how it turned out. So I'll just look and see who is qualified, wait a week to see tee times, and then tune in to see how difficult they have made #2 (meaning do get the greens to 15?)

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 22 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    Well, they weren't near zero from 2000 to 2007, and the same trend existed. They went to zero, and the trend didn't change. They aren't zero now, and the trend continues. That might suggest to a rationale person that ZIRP isn't causing this phenomenon. 

    Sorry, this is surly, not a rational soul to be found. Carry on

  6. 57 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

    Need to make corporate ownership of single family homes illegal. There's just no good reason for that.

    so owning rental property should be illegal?
    from my experience almost all the homes around a campus, are student rentals
    I know several individuals who own rental homes, almost all are through an LLC; some as a side business, a couple as their main job

    • Hook 'Em 1
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    • Fuck You 1
  7. 2 hours ago, orange dream said:

    So, is the move to select the max for everything for every day and then you get (most likely don't get) what you get?  (essentially you put a "ticket" in the hopper for each day's drawing unless you get selected which removes you from the remaining days' drawings) Or, do you pick 2 tickets for 1 day or practice day and somehow you have a better chance for that day based on your selectivity?  Seems like being in every day's drawing is better.  Anyone have any anecdotal experience upon which they base their current approach?

    4 tickets a day for practice days, 2 tickets a day for tournament days. That is the max I you can request.

    Someone else will have to give you advice on strategy that actually works (25+ years of disappointment is what I have to offer)


    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Taking a damned week off kills the momentum leading up to the finals. 
    I wouldn't really care, except there is a local kid playing for the Celtics. So I will watch, just to see some of that. 

  9. Have to say I am somewhat impressed/skeptical by this - DFV's prior Reddit post was 4/16/2021 and the snapshot of is account had a total market value of $34.3 million, now just over 3 years late the total is $210.6 million while increasing his shares held from 200,000 to 5,000,000.  That truly is quit a run.

  10. How much would it cost to buy a billboard near the republican convention? 

    I'm thinking a photo of Trump and s group of his high profile idiot followers. Captioned with "Play stupid games, with stupid prizes"

    Not sure they would get it

    • Haha 3
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  11. 8 hours ago, Slacks said:

    Today I closed my position of ZEVY.

    Purchased {I forget when} 129 shares at $15k.

    Sold today 129 shares at $9.95.

    Anybody have a newsletter I can subscribe to for one month?

    My name is Wally, and I have a problem
    Welcome to the shitty investors club meeting

  12. So which Surly posters have been vacationing in Spain?



    The authorities in the town of Platja d’Aro, on Spain’s Costa Brava and around 60 miles northeast of Barcelona, have introduced fines for anyone daring to go out in public in costumes depicting genitalia or carrying sex dolls.

    Individuals could be left with a $811 fine (€750) for “walking or standing on a street or public space without clothing, or only in underwear, or for wearing clothing or accessories that represent human genitals, or with dolls of a sexual nature,” a city hall spokesman told CNN Thursday.


    Higher tolls of up to $1,620 (€1,500) could also be levied for anti-social behavior which causes more of a disturbance, though the exact nature of these offenses remains unclear.

    and from the comments section of the article

    Bruce Springsteen
    4 hours ago

    It is all just fun and games until someone brings a sex doll.

  13. Goddamn Beeks never said a word 



    Orange juice prices are going through the roof 


    • The benchmark frozen concentrated orange juice futures, traded on the Intercontinental Exchange in New York, closed at another record high of $4.77 per pound on Wednesday.
    • Harry Campbell, a commodity market data analyst at research group Mintec, said that soaring orange juice prices have forced manufacturers and blenders to adapt to the situation by considering alternative fruit juices.


    • Haha 3
  14. 27 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    @Wally Fairway

    Would you ring your broker and start buying puts?  please?

    It's been a slow couple of weeks, I'm sitting on the sidelines seeing which way the winds blow - looks like maybe headwinds, but then again if the market turns just slightly it could be the wind beneath my sails, or it could just be blowing smoke up my ass.

  15. 42 minutes ago, BearMace said:

    I can't believe oxygen and oil would fail. 

    LOL - reminds me of a conversation I was part of years ago, going to a petrochemical plant with 2 engineers and they were debating which is more inherently dangerous superheating a hydrocarbon stream under high pressure (aka cracking) or combining oxygen with a hydrocarbon stream (an ethylene oxide plant in this conversation).
    This conversation was relevant as our plant of was part of a much larger facility that had a large "event" the week before. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. 56 minutes ago, Spoetzl said:

    Neg me to oblivion, but the people that do it the way it is supposed to be done are frickin’ hreoes.

    Maybe he can help you with your spelling

    • Haha 1
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