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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. your mother's maiden name, street you grew up on, and last 4 digits of your SSN
  2. AMY what you gonna due? https://recyclico.com/recyclico-and-nanoramic-laboratories-enter-strategic-collaboration-for-lithium-ion-battery-recycling/
  3. Looks to me like we need another break-away thread (like the stonk & penny stock thread - where did that go anyway), as this has become the economics and social effects of tax policy thread, nttawwt; and I just wanted to come say that someone (FItch rating svc.) finally had the guts to say the King is wearing no clothes. With interest rates going higher & higher the interest portion of Federal spending will triple/quadruple or even go higher than that, over the next few years. With JPow focused on inflation and employement, it looks like he and his buddies could be pushing the US spending higher and higher as they we are forced to borrow more and more to make debt service payments. As Forrest Gump said, I'm not a smart man but this looks to me like we could be in for a long-time getting fucked in the wallet.
  4. gotta admit, I was hoping that starting up the new nuclear power plant in Georgia would stimulate UUUU and the whole related base of nuke power stocks. Guess this is a case of sell the news, because it is old news.
  5. I'm to lazy to see when they received the cash; I'd be more interested in the story of $200k in sales with $86.0 million in orders> Investor reaction to this release is not very good, but then again a 15% drop is nothing for a true stonk investment.
  6. It is called a slump - sometimes they are short, sometimes they are intermittent (see Spiethcoaster), sometimes they can go on for years (see R. Fowler), and sometimes people never recover (David Duval comes to mind). IMO JT will figure "it" out & if not there is some kid who will take that spot in the top 10 and we will never notice the difference. I think the real question is does he get picked to go to Italy as part of the Ryder Cup team; IMO if he isn't at the top of his game then he should come down with an ailment or injury and recuse himself from selection. He has too many friends, on the team, who will pull for him and it can cause friction if he isn't picked and they were pulling for him OR if they get there and his struggles continue. The Ryder Cup point system isn't a perfect way to select a team, as a perfect example Will Zalatoris is currently ranked no 17 and he hasn't played since January.
  7. I should have known better, it is a PGA Tour tweet X, so nothing but Tour events, so no Masters, US Open or (British) Open Championship video
  8. I just started watching it but the Open Championship from the driving range had better be No. 1
  9. It means the Fed will continue to use one of the limited number of options that they have to try to slow inflation - J Pow gonna continue to have .25% increases every other meeting. They can't get employment numbers where the Fed thinks they need to be to tame the beast; so beating will continue until moral improves.
  10. You have 50 cal ammo just sitting around - nice humblebrag I would like to donate enough for a full belt of ammo, in to be delivered in a green & white painted can; how much is that gonna run me? (give me a few weeks notice so I can generate some stonk profits to cover my pledge)
  11. But don't you get it, X is a really supercool letter; probably the coolest letter in the alphabet, in any language, ever. Sincerely, Elon and his fanbois
  12. So this thing kicks off in exactly 2 months (okay that is the Monday of hype week, matches are played 9/29, 9/30 and singles on 10/1) Zach Johnson captains team USA - with 6 players earning their spot and 6 are Captains picks Luke Donald captains team Euro (subbing for LIV Stenson) - same gig top 6 earn a spot, Captain gets 6 picks Right now the 6 US players with the most points are Scottie, Wyndham Clark, Brian Harmon, Brooksie, Xander, and Patrick Slowly Euro top 6 right now are - Rory, Rahm, MacIntyre, Viktor, Hatton and Fleetwood Next 10 for team USA are Homa, Cam Young, Spiethcoaster, Keegan, Morikawa, Rickie, Sam Burns, JT, Denny McCarthy and Kitayama Next 10 for Euros are Yannik Paul, Adrian Meronk, VIctor Perez, Rasmus Hojgaard, Adrian Otaegui, Shane Lowry, Jordan Smith, Jorge Campillo, Joost Luiten, Thorbear Oleson (or bett put a bunch of guys I've hardly ever heard of. Though I think Matt Fitzpatrick and Sepp Straka are strong contenders to get selected & there has to be some pressure to put Molinari on the team although he has missed the cut in his last 6 events, and his last top 10 finish was in January 2022. Top 6 players is kind of a push in my minds, but team USA has more depth in the bottom half, and we get stronger by not having Pattty Reed on the team. I like to see who can get hot in the next 5 weeks, final captain picks (USA) are after the Tour Championship (Aug 27), and Donald makes his picks after the Omega Open (Sept 4) So later I will make what I would bet on being team USA - but today I will say I would like to see Captains picks of Homa, Jordan, Young, Burns, Rickie and someone who gets hot - FInau/Hoge/JT if he can find his game). I know how qualifying points works, but I'm kind of surprised that WIll Z is at no. 17, hell he hasn't played since January. I am sure TV coverage will suck due to time difference, and I certainly hope it doesn't come down to the last few singles matches USA! USA! USA!
  13. It is how they tell you that they spent too much for something they bought in the past
  14. I finally have the update on Mrs. Fairway - 2nd biopsy results last week; clear margins. She is now on a dermatologist check every 3 months for the next 3 years, then maybe every 6 months. She is thrilled with the results; I wanted her to see an oncologist; but after I called the best one around here (UM Medicine Skin Cancer/Dermatoligy) they confirmed that with those results that she would see the dermatologist there and until there was a 2nd positive test they don't get a full oncology review or start a body scan to see if has progressed to other places (lymph nodes are most likely - so says Dr. Google)
  15. I feel like I should give everyone a heads up that I am mostly getting out of stonks - only keeping UUUU, BPTH, AMYZF, so dumping things like IBRX, ABML and a few others because it is time to clean up my act, focus on investments over speculation, and reevaluate what I've done with my life and my money (or what there is left of the money) tldr: buy IBRX, ABML, HMBL, TSNP, ALPP, MSNVF, CLOV, FLYLF, TNXP, TNYFF, SNVP, WDLF, PFMS (I am sure there were a few others, that is from my account summary, and a couple of spreadsheets that tracked how I lost money from sometime in 2017 through today)
  16. And remember don't use permanent markers on the projector screen or on the slides (I've seen both of those happen with hilarious results) Look I am sure YGIFS means well, but really all you need to do is post he Surly logo (whatever it is this week) and a link to your Surly profile page; the money will come flowing in.
  17. 25+ years - a disappointment unlike any other
  18. Crazy week on tour - both the Open Championship and the opposite event the Barracuda Championship won by lefties; I wonder if you could get odds on that parlay in Vegas.
  19. I would like to congratulate Brian Harman on being the Champion golfer of the Year (not kidding/not jinxing); the only thing that can stop him now is somehow going Van De Velt on 17 and/or 18 And welcome to the Ryder Cup - USA USA USA!
  20. no Jordancoaster today; I mean nobody likes a coaster that only has dips - amirite
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