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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. So are you saying Sir Nick is a believer in the Jordancoaster?
  2. Hey look I play as well as Christo - I can't tell you how many times I could have broken 40 on the front nine, if I could just birdie 1 of the last 2 holes. C'mon Christo, keep the dream alive.
  3. Selling calls can be a bigger loss generator So a friend tells me
  4. Fool me once, shame on you Fool me twice, shame on me Fool me for the 20th time, what the fuck is going on
  5. huh - I seem to have the decimal point on my investment gamble
  6. Typically 1/2 of what you own goes to people you ask for help on the Internet. Or you should get a proportionate share of the new company, as your ownership% in the old company
  7. Don't even get me started - I first found out about BRK in the late 1980's (best annual report I'd ever read, then or now), cost about $1,800/share, didn't pay dividends, or split; and my 401k offered only about 9 or 10 investment options (including cash, stable money fund, couple of bond funds, etc. And I didn't really have any extra cash and didn't open an investment account until the early 1990's, by then I'd forgotten about Uncle Warren......man-o-man what could have been. 10 shares of that is worth just over $5 million; makes my eyes tear up just thinking about it
  8. with probably 25,000+ posts on various message boards; I say cremate me, I need to get used to the heat - and take the ashes and throw them anywhere you want, because it won't matter to me.
  9. or to the extent that it is easy to sit back and criticize from the cheap seats, which almost everyone does. at all levels, local, state & federal
  10. Not the update you were hoping for, but close
  11. Almost added one from my list https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66154758
  12. So you are saying she is a successful attention whore; I mean she had to show her new tits to get attention and now she can call a press conference (and not show them)
  13. No mention of receiving the Uncle Boobs treatment, or is that what is meant by watching porn made for women? Asking for myself err a friend
  14. holy shit - pretty soon someone is just going to start posting paychecks or portfolio screenshots
  15. Thanks - there is a rabbit hole that it looks like I can spend a good bit of time going down.
  16. Not sure if this is the right thread, but here goes Is the global view that the US$ is weakening, I ask because we some suppliers that are in Europe, and until the last couple of weeks they were fine taking PO's in US$ and billing us in American greenbacks, but today makes the 4th time that we were asked to issue the PO in Euro's and we will be billed as such (4 different companies in 3 different countries). Did I miss the memo, or was Uncle Warren buying into Japanese brokerages a wake up call to the almighty dollar?
  17. that is an organized performance, not really a flash mob - pretty sure they were paid performers
  18. Now 437.65, and my 439 would be ITM and my 436's could get there as well - that's why the day/short term game is really just gambling, it is a fun game. So you have to celebrate the wins and don't look back at the losses (and realize that my $350 bet that was worth $0 yesterday would be worth about $2,000 today)
  19. LOL - I sure will. Do you want to be one of her siblings, kids, a close family friend? It really doesn't matter because she really can't remember anyone; but I will put in a good word from you. But only after I recap from my huge loses in the market today. I am down my entire SPY puts expiry today aan that is costing me well into triple digits, something like $360. I will never retire at this rate.
  20. yeah - I got this card from a "friend" the other day
  21. I manage my Mothers investments, and that is much easier today than it was 2-10 years ago; now I can get 5% money market and/or CD's up to about 5 years. With her SS payment and a small spousal pension, I have about 6 years of expenses in money market & a frankenstein CD ladder for her.
  22. I think the 4% rule has been around long enough that it was based on long-term treasuries, and AAA rated corporate bonds. The idea was that if you draw down 4% that interest on your investment will be enough to fund the annual withdrawals. I am pretty sure it predates the 401k, which has RMD requirements that at about age 74 and older requires a minimum withdrawal of 4% gradually increasing from there (and many people have the bulk of their retirement in 401k (or related plans).
  23. maybe he did, and maybe he didn't - you'd have to see if the car behind him was also way to close and driving faster than his brakes could defend him I've been rear ended a couple of times because I could stop 3 inches from the asshole in front of me who braked aggressively, but the asshole behind me could not stop in time (well the last time this happened - in all honesty, she actually did stop an inch or two until the guy behind her not looking at the road hit her car at about 35mpn and pushed her into my car)
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