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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. I don't know what kind of Voodoo you practice, but I am setting a reminder to not piss of @McCroskey because death list is a real thing
  2. So I went all in and bought 20 SPY puts that expire 7/5 expiry, overall cost of these was $330. Strikes are $439 and$439 Wheee!!!
  3. thanks Mr CR - can you tell me if we are more to blame on a per capita basis? Why do we seem to get our fires under control more quickly, why can't Canada put out these fires? Don't we have leftover PFS flame retardant somewhere to push onto 3rd world countries? It bothers me because I thought this was mainly a California problem; I don't like it when it affects me, which it has for most of this week. {sarcasm - if not realized}
  4. How way your June? S&P 500 Heat map (https://finviz.com/map.ashx)
  5. I hope you are right, for my family and friends in the area; but I really don't count on the forecast more than 2-3 days out. Unless there is a big system coming up from the Gulf, or off the plains, I'm thinking those changes are wishful thinking and people want to believe.
  6. Hey look - for once I didn't fuck up the market, took a flyer yesterday just before close and bought some next day SPY calls. kinda humblebrag, kinda surprised it worked - now I'm thinking about buying some puts for Monday (or Wednesday) because getting it right once makes me think I've got this market thing all figured out. What could possibly go wrong?
  7. I don't get why people get all caught up in this, there is an easy way around having to have a Costco membership. Give someone a gift card to Costco, That gift card will get you into the club, and then I've been told that you can buy whatever you want, including another gift card. Maybe they will close this loophole and only let you spend what is the the gift card, but I doubt it. If I go in with a $100 gift card, they are going to let me buy $200-$500 because they want the sales. I have done it with one of my sons and his wife - that way I don't have to go with them when they go shopping. (it has been probably a year since they did it, so maybe it doesn't work anymore)
  8. Did Rickie get a new swing coach, psychologist, start taking the PEDish attention/focus meds? I mean in the last month or two (excluding the PGA) he has become a birdie machine.
  9. So today it hit home - Mrs Fairway was told that her mole removal tested positive for Melanoma, and she is scheduled to go in next week to have another biopsy and make sure the margins are clean. I'm asking for 2 things to help - what should I read, google has a billion links, but I need to read real stuff; so I'm focusing on MD Anderson, Mayo, American Cancer Society - tell me why we shouldn't be getting her to MD Anderson for evaluation and treatment (if they take our insurance, or even if they don't) the hardest part right now it trying to breathe, be rational and not panic (btw - this confirms that Surly is closer than family, as we haven' told anyone yet)
  10. Used to wear one every day, had a favorite that I wore about 360 days a year. Then the crystal cracked, Mrs Fairway went to get it fixed and dropped it and the damned thing fucking broke. It wasn't an expensive watch, just on I liked. I have been wearing a fit bit ever since, because it reminds me I'm fat and haven't walked enough today. My 23 YO son likes to wear them, hell he probably has about a dozen; he doesn't wear them to work, just when he is out with friends. And it is 100% a fashion/trend thing, because if I ask what time it is he 1000% is checking his phone.
  11. still in her bio (you don't think she would lie or fabricate anything do you)
  12. If Fitlump getting elected to Austin city council isn't proof of living in a simulation, then I don't know what is
  13. May I present Senator and Mr FitLump (I'm thinking she replaces Cornyn, but it would be funny if she replaced Rafael Edward aka Ted-O Cruz)
  14. it has been around for a long time (well at least most of my lifetime) we have a big storage system here in Michigan, it is considered the 4th largest battery in the world https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludington_Pumped_Storage_Power_Plant of course people complain about the water is slightly warmer when returned to Lake Michy, and sometimes fish get caught into pump system.
  15. FYI - nobody is in zero danger of outspending their wealth. Now they might have to do something stupid to do it, but there are people worth 10's or 100's of millions who find ways to spend it all (things like investing in speculative ventures, gifting/helping friends, getting sued or not having proper insurance and needing super expensive healthcare, keeping your kids out of prison or keeping them in private schools. Look at the athletes that make generational wealth but are poor, again it shouldn't happen, but it does)
  16. Christ people give it a rest - this thread has lasted to long; longer than the dive, longer than the search. We all should just be waiting around for the next great castasto-mystery, while loading our memes
  17. I would be disappointed in a pirate who didn't drink rum
  18. I was in Texas last week, and I didn't have a gun; was that illegal and how dangerous was it? Was I at risk? I was mainly in the Woodlands, but also a quick trip to Kirby/59 area.
  19. WHAT THE FUCK @Burt - I open this thread and see an Earl highlight. Do not put that thought into our heads; and my heart skipped a few beats until I figured out your post. I would neg you for that, but it is against my message board credo
  20. So this occupied a weeks worth of dumbfuckery on surly, what do we do next?
  21. congrats on winning the Stephen King post of the day/week/year award
  22. Here is my question - which is found first: Submersible or MH370? I mean there is a much more well defined search area for the Submersible, but after another week will there be any search effort? Can it stay pressurized, or will it eventually get crushed due to pressure at the bottome of the ocean? And on that note, why hasn't there been more debris ever found from MH370, there should be flotsam and jetsam from things that would float; or could it have been ditched in a relatively shallow area near an uninhabited atoll? To take this further, will Earhart's plane ever be found ? Also - someone should tell @BamaATL that we have rules around here...
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