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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. hey don't knock it, almost all of my other stonks are down 74-90 (IBRX) %, though AMYZF is bucking that trend and is now only down 50%
  2. Not necessarily the top 3 OWGR, but close FedEx finals pairs the players by standing, and I thought some of the WGC's used to do it. US Open used to have some fun with pairings, some good groups, some all lefties, all double names, etc - then then decided to join the no fun club
  3. FML, my daily search for "tit pics and free beer" took me right to this thread; guess I'll stop that search after the immense disappointment when I landed here
  4. Did not, and today is giving some of the gains back day (same as always)
  5. You are not wrong - however I miss without bias both overestimating market as the rise and fall, ZH seems to be a perma-gloom&doom predictor. I read them alot back when they were all over the pending Greece bond default, bankruptcy and contagion collapse of Euro based economy.
  6. more like they have predicted 3456271 of the last 2 crashes/collapses
  7. so the Chinese gov't banning domestic flights inside China is a clear sign of racism against the Chinese, que¿
  8. I am interested in how James Piot (former US Am champ & Spartan Alum) does at the LIV events, but even that doesn't make me watch them
  9. For the record, the day zerohedge has a positive outlook on the economy/market/bonds/etc I will view that as a sign to sell everything, gather my go bags, load the guns, ammo and dog and head for my secret survival shelter.
  10. ABML releasing some news https://americanbatterytechnology.com/press-release/one-of-the-largest-known-lithium-deposits-in-us-identified-at-american-battery-technology-company-tonopah-flats-property-inferred-resource-estimated-through-s-k-1300-compliant-study/ Let's see if this can push it through $1
  11. I don't think he cares at all; I think that this is his reply to Bezos buying the Washington post. It is a contest of who has the biggest dick media distribution
  12. Jhonattan V on 59 alert after going 29 on the first 9
  13. Just over a year until the next total eclipse bump Almost everyone I know that has been in a total eclipse says it is great - going into then out of darkness, and the temperature change, and a coolness factor. xkcd has chart to explain it
  14. Sorry for not closing that out, gonna really piss me off if Iowa wins
  15. Much of that map remains unchanged, but somehow I got lucky and power came back early.
  16. I feel like I must live in a 3rd world country (or maybe Texas) - ice storm started yesterday afternoon, the area around me was in the transition zone, just south of me all the way to the Ohio/Indiana border got it worse; all kinds of power outages there starting late last night. My power didn't go out until around 8:30 this morning......and now the estimated restore time is 6:45pm, on Tuesday 2/28. FML! Sure makes for a pretty mozaic of outages though - seems like losing my power late into the outage has put me near the bottom of the list of being restored.
  17. I sold about 20% of my SPY (long position today), and put into a money market account that earns >4%. Do with that what you think is prudent, follow my lead or use the time tested reverse Wally strategy (I've heard it works both ways)
  18. It is taking all my fortitude not to jump into SPY puts, but I know that if I do it would certainly stop the market slide - but if I don't the slide will continue. I am cursed
  19. And otherwise naked 18 year olds in them finished that sentence for you
  20. In some ways it has always had that "issue", today IMO it shows that there are still people willing to invest/bet that Tesla will actually bring the Cybertruck and the EV-Semi to market. I also agree that their existing offering of vehicles is getting a little old, in terms of traditional auto makers: Model S - introduced 2012 Model X - introduced 2015 Model 3- introduced 2017 Model Y (updated Mode 3) - introduced 2020
  21. well that isn't a humblebrag that we see every day 👍
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