Sit down and let me tell you a story. I had a plan, had a could of people look at it, and with minor tweaks it was all good. I've hit level 1 max for almost 20 year, and that is making sure to get max employer match, there was a period of 10 years I hit the 401k max, then about 5 years ago I took a job that offered more life balance and that was great, but I didn't max the 401k. But I've always invested fairly aggressively, S&P 500, a couple of growth funds, little in bonds...and that has done well.
The plan was that I would continue to do contact consulting until 70, because a) it maxes or SS, 2) I really like most of the clients I've worked for. Mrs Fairway was going to with to 65, and get Medicare, draw her SS until I started to draw at which point she'd get an increase to 50% of mine. And we be set, even if we made it to 100.
The Mrs Fairway gets a cancer diagnosis (see the cancer thread), and she may be done working, I've shifted my contracts to someone else. And although we are "comfortable", there are a couple of financial unknowns, that can wait until we know where she is with the big C.
The moral is, didn't wait until later to start investing, pay your future self first because you may not get the choice about when you do contributing or when you will need to pull money out.
Good luck, let time be your friend in inventing, and only speculate with a small % of portfolio.