This is such a fucking cop out. Texas will let him do what he wants but he has to win, which he can't. Texas hasn't seen a successful coach in what fifteen years? And even that coach had a chink in the armor where he constantly got humiliated by OU. How does one even know what the "machine" might or might not let a successful coach do. And what the fuck is this "machine" anyways? And lulz at calling it a machine at 210 million dollars in revenue.
For those who run around touting Texas' money, Texas' total athletic revenues were around $210 million dollars last year. There are about a thousand small businesses, not public corporations but mom and pop, family run built in one generation businesses around the country that do more than that in revenue. So calm down on Texas being a corporation. Its a public school in the second largest state in the union that has revenues of a successful small business but the ego of an Apple Inc. For comparison sake, Apple's revenues were $259 billion dollars last year, compare that to Texas' athletic revenues and they are smaller than a rounding error at 0.0000772099th of what Apple did. So no, Texas isn't a corporation. Its a rinky dink mom and pop ice cream corner store with the soup nazi at the helm.
Texas has constantly shit the bed when it comes to picking coaches to hire, partially due to blatant incapability of finding a good hire and partially due to "we're Texas" bullshit.