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Everything posted by hornhorn

  1. Right, so if Pentagon kills Soleimani in 2020, Trump did it. But if Pentagon drops depleted Uranium in 2015, its Pentagon and not Obama. Since hornhorn wasn't in the room he has no proof. Got him!!!
  2. Nah, I'll do it right here.
  3. Oh Trump is totally at fault for whatever you're accusing him of doing. No distractions there, his faults are his faults. But I suppose if he doesn't apologize for it like Obama, he didn't do it either. Gotcha!
  4. Of course we do, he did it way worse with hundreds of thousands of rounds being dropped vs only 5000 rounds by Obama. If this was an overwhelmingly pro W board I'd bring that up.
  5. If nothing, his admin at least stonewalled more inquiry into it. Here ya go: http://www.allgov.com/news/top-stories/obama-administration-stonewalls-inquiry-into-radioactive-weapon-use-in-iraq-130309?news=849366 And the fact that there is very limited information available on it should tell you all you need to make an assessment on our media. But watch them go crazy over Donny calling Rosie fat.
  6. Like I said, watch them cover their ears and eyes and defend their cult hero. Whoever it may be, Trump or Obama. Isn't it why we dropped it, because its uh harmless. Whether or not DU causes cancer is a popular question in the public media and controversial in the scientific literature. While the radioactivity of DU is low, it is not absent. It has been pointed out [41] that if even a little as 1−2% of the 300 tons of DU used in the Gulf War were converted to respirable dust it would produce three to six million grams of DU dust. Using the figures provided by Durakovic this would release 1.16 million to 2.32 million Ci of radiation, a measure that would exceed the New York state safety levels for monthly release of 150Ci by a factor of 7,733 to 15,467. However, it is unlikely that this amount would be inhaled or ingested by a population, most of it would probably end up in the soil or diluted by the wind. Nonetheless, these figures suggest that it may not be prudent to completely ignore radiation risks from DU. Human studies examining the carcinogenic potential of DU are limited but suggestive. Evidence of potential carcinogenic effects include suggestions of an increase in cervical carcinomas in Yugoslavia [42,43] and increases in micronuclei formation in subjects from the Bosnia/Herzegovina region [44]. There are also indications of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) mutation in some Gulf War veterans [40] as well as chromosomal aberrations in a German study group [45]. Two studies have found suggestive chromosomal aberrations in workers exposed to DU [46,47]. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2819790/
  7. This is what supporters and fanatics do. Here, let's do a test real quick and watch you and other Obama supporters defend him. Did you know Obama dropped depleted Uranium on Syrians sentencing generations to cancer, malformed babies etc.? And then apologized for it because we as a nation had decided not to do so after we did that in 2003. This is arguably as bad or worse than anything Trump has ever done. Does that change your opinion of Obama?
  8. Who TF is searching for Steyer?
  9. This was never about the farmers, they just happened to be collateral damage. Trump had to fix this problem before the election to confirm their votes, which he did and hence the trade war deal was broken into phases. He had to give up absolutely nothing to China in return to receive this. This has always been about IP protection so tariffs continue until US companies get it and China can show that they can implement IP protection. Him taking a victory lap is akin to Pelosi taking a victory lap on House impeachment, it means nothing.
  10. Never thought I'd see this on twitter from POTUS.
  11. Other than Bernie, is there anyone on the stage that's not phony? Warren is casting aspersions on people for doing the same things she did last year. Oh, she's evolved, never mind.
  12. I cannot get enough of your gif. Who is that?
  13. Right? If you notice my posts initially have been nothing but Math or asking questions met with fuck you, this is a Dem thread, GTFO you GOP supporter. I had similar questions in 2015 when Trump suggested cutting taxes. Met with similar responses.
  14. I don't disagree with any of your points either. Who wouldn't love for healthcare to be possible for all too but not currently as they are packaging it. They want the UK system without the UK taxes on the middle class and poor.
  15. Like you said, not my analogy. I just played along. 1. Agreed. 2. Agreed. 3. Uh what? Balance budget? We don't even know what the costs are going to be within tens of billions of dollars in ball park over a span of a decade. So how do you know how you're going to have cash reserves? I suppose you've never worked with public institutions that use federal dollars. For instance when public clinics that offer HIV treatment on Ryan White funding have X amount of dollars available at the end of the year, they test patients on tests that are not needed so they use up all their funds. If they don't then their funding gets decreased by that amount next year. You can bet your house that anything that the govt spends money on is going to have more inefficiencies than one can imagine. So please stop with this drivel. The system is meh at best. But the problem is that the solution you're proposing is more expensive, worse experience and we haven't even discussed the possible disappearance of discoveries due to absence of a profit motive. There's a reason why America files for more medical patents than rest of the world combined. But that's an unknown and unlike you I won't make claims about an unknown as a certainty that it will disappear.
  16. But its remotely not the same. Did we have private roads that citizens paid for? Did that guy ask those citizens to stop paying for those private roads and direct that payment to govt instead in a promise that it will cost the same and will be of similar quality without really knowing if its going to be? Did we have models of govt build roads in other countries that had more traffic and congestion because they didn't have enough lanes as opposed to our privately built roads? And most importantly, did that person say that he has no idea how much it would cost or how wide or how many lanes or interstates or streets they would have but we should dump the private model because some cannot use it?
  17. Because you think giving tax cuts of $100 billion dollars/year = spending $3.2 trillion/year. Your math as usual is off, by about 32 times.
  18. And that's exactly the point, M4ALL supporters don't really know how much will it cost, or how will it be implemented or how they will tier it or how it will impact the people that already have healthcare or how we will find jobs for those hundreds of thousands of employees that work in reimbursement that are now unemployed but they want it and they want it now! They sound like JG Wentworth commercials.
  19. I didn't bring up the companies, you did. Apple paid their income taxes, so we'll leave them well alone. To talk about this intelligently we have to be specific, since YOU were the one complaining about them I ask do you know why Amazon's tax bill was zero? I'll wait.
  20. Let's talk specifics, do you know why Amazon didn't have a tax bill? And Apple did pay every single penny in taxes for their US earned income. Why should they have to pay taxes on income earned in foreign countries that are kept in foreign countries? Look into it, maybe you'll learn something instead of parroting what you read on vox.com.
  21. You know its only a matter of time until Bernies make weed an inalienable human right so yeah there is.
  22. But here's the problem. To get into that amusement park. Currently: Guy A gets to pay $2,000/month in insurance and another $80,000/year in taxes. No lines. Guy B pays nothing for insurance and pays $1200/year in taxes. Can't get in. With M4ALL: Guy A gets to pay $2,000/month in insurance and another $95,000/year in taxes. His children when sick wait in a line. He sees them suffering everyday when he didn't during prior system. Guy B pays nothing for insurance and pay $1,500/year in taxes. He waits in line just like Guy A does. Tell me why Guy A is going to get on board. If it was just himself think Guy A would be OK, but if its his kids vs. ANYONE else its a no brainer he picks the older system. He's doing everything right, paying for insurance, paying his taxes then why should his children suffer?
  23. You sound like AOC just threw up on surly. You think corporations didn't or don't pay taxes? Apple in 2015 paid half of the amount in corporate taxes that Bottom fifty percent of ALL Americans put together. You're the one gunning for THEIR money and they're the greedy ones? And y u mad bro? Its already Wednesday, two more days.
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