What high interest and fees? Payment plans are basically your fine divided into several monthly payments. Zero fines and interest unless you CHOOSE not to pay on time. But yeah, that again is someone else's fault. System, yes.
So now we're moving on from traffic offenses to other "minor" drug and alcohol offenses. I'm not white so spare me your white guilt bullshit as I've dealt with racists before, its life, it happens. Sometimes people are racists, some of those people are cops, do you know the best way to avoid it? Oh I know, maybe stay away from drugs especially since its drilled into you since kindergarten. But oh no, again its someone else's fault that I got caught with drugs even though I was reminded of staying away from it since I gained consciousness.
Poor people do have a lower margin for error but so do the rest of us in different forms. All of us come with some predisposed issues in life, genetic at times that cannot be avoided. I come from a family with heart problems so I have to watch out on my consumption of red meat. But if I continue to eat burgers everyday and drop dead at 45, its me, not the system. Similarly if you're poor, maybe stay away from illegal drugs that you know could land you in trouble because you don't have the bandwidth to deal with it.
I'm not saying that they shouldn't be poor and shit. But I am saying that if you're poor maybe avoid shit that is avoidable. Getting speeding tickets and drugs are those things. And if you do get caught doing that shit, don't point to how someone else gets away with it because they can throw money at lawyers. You knew you couldn't and still chose to do it, now pay the fucking price for it.