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  1. Someone needs to put a gif together of that dropped deep pass but substitute the ball for a chicken.
  2. As many others have said, the CliffsNotes on these updates you provide are appreciated.
  3. Ewers won’t be his quarterback barring a catastrophic injury to end his season and the nfl draft.
  4. Who was the last North Shore guy that panned out and had a legitimate impact on his college team?
  5. With a 12lb shot. They use 16lb shot in college.
  6. Was this at the Toyota Music Factory in Dallas? I went to that one. Pretty good show.
  7. Probably could’ve got Ohtani if he’d tried.
  8. Yeah but also… if we’re tampering that just means we care about a trophy. And it’s not like Michigan is getting fucked with. Tamper away gentlemen, tamper away.
  9. Just to get this straight… Blake Corum is gonna play behind J Brooks next year?
  10. Both of them are already silently committed.
  11. That actually isn’t until April 23. https://whatnationaldayisit.com/day/vagina-appreciation/
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