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Posts posted by touchthemonolith

  1. 8 hours ago, Longboard Horn said:

    I wonder if @Sbbruin turned off the tv, then turned it back on when the Bruins started making their comeback. 

    Also, this is the perfect example of aggy athletics. They choke away leads and out play their opponent for most of the game and still find a way to lose. 

    Big 12 aggy ====> SEC aggy



  2. 2 hours ago, JFKFC said:

    Wanting the kids to play this year means you don't care if 1/3 of them get heart problems. It is impossible to argue otherwise. 

    Does wanting the kids to play this year also mean you don't care if 9/10 of them get CTE? Or whatever the going rate is for brain trauma among college football athletes?

    Seems possible that wanting* kids to play this year while also being extremely concerned about their health and well-being aren't mutually exclusive imo.

    • Hook 'Em 6
  3. I wish we'd break out those throwback unis more often too. I love our regular home unis, but the plain burnt orange shirt with no 'TEXAS' across the chest and no nameplate just look clean as hell.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Doc Reeves said:

    It would be nice to beat someone by 55+ again. 

    At least we haven't lost by 55+ to anyone lately. Feels like that was happening pretty regularly under a certain recent head coach that shall remain nameless.

  5. 2 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

    Oh so you don't want the club seat experience?

    I actually sat in club seating exactly once in my life years and years ago when my old boss hooked up some tickets. I got fucking plastered, ate about a pound of ham, and got a picture with a very annoyed-looking Vince Young.

    8/10 would recommend.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 3
  6. Are the cardboard cutouts they're selling going to be scattered among the actual fans in attendance? I might like to check out a game but watching it surrounded by soulless, lifeless cardboard cutouts of other fans sounds like something from a GD horror movie.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Bill Lumbergh said:

    Here's how I like to think the talk with Tom and Greg goes:

    Tom: I've got one year to turn this thing around and I need the best name you've got.

    Greg: Vince. Vince Young is your guy.

    Tom: Vince? As oc?

    Greg: No, no, as qb. You see, OC is really overrated. All they do is call plays. If the players run those called plays, bad stuff happens. If the players ignore the called plays and do their own thing, good stuff happens. Vince does his own thing, and then you win a national championship. If you really want to win, you need to go see if he's available to be your quarterback. It worked for me.

    Tom: ...

    I'm down to bring VY back as our QB assuming he can show up sober like, what, 45% of the time?

  8. I'm getting 2015 Sonny Cumbie vibes from Graham Harrell. Maybe he's just not that into us.

    Assuming he doesn't become an HC, his options are to: (a) stay to work for a head coach that's probably getting fired next year; or (b) leave to work for a head coach that's probably getting fired next year. Both schools are willing and able to money whip him. The only differences are that Herman sucks to work for, and that option A is a known quantity for him--he's already done it successfully for a season. 

    I feel like, as with all things Texas football related, this is going to end in disappointment.

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