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  1. Does this mean an angry mob is no longer outside my door?
  2. Lol, yea nothing really to hide. If you feel like stalking a UT student's social media then feel free.
  3. Still meh. I'm aware of the hell that will be brought should I be wrong.
  4. QUICKLYApropos of nothing written above (Broughton or Rogers) there's going to be an interesting development headed your way. It's not positive but it won't be as negative as the Person As make it out to be. We'll add color when we can. For now set it aside and take in VB Day.
  5. Oh I know, I'm a long time reader. Figured since I heard this news the other night, and then IT dropped a cryptic message this morning, I would share.
  6. Since IT didn't spoil it, I assume it's meant to be kept hush hush. I will say, it's not a position coach leaving. EDIT: It's a positive for the staff member leaving, so don't want to spoil their news, but its a "semi" negative for us.
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