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Everything posted by SuperSurly

  1. Meat Church rocks - a friend of mine started it and he's done very well. Holy Cow works with almost any cooking method from slow BBQ style to sear or even reverse sear... https://www.meatchurch.com/collections/frontpage/products/holy-cow-meat-rub
  2. Leal is a difference maker at a position of need - pretty painful to consider that he may play in CS, but there will be ups and downs in recruiting until the end - this staff has shown they can recruit well and I have confidence we'll finish with a good class. Winning will make all the difference, if we can win 9+, some of the options that appear to moving off the table will be back.
  3. It makes me Surly when co-workers wear Aggie shirts... It's impossible not to question every other decision they make after learning they chose to go ATM... NOT SORRY!
  4. Don't want the pussy to stink!
  5. Yea, that was a tough one... I cry every time I see it
  6. If we could take 2 of the next 3 football games against OU, that wouldn't suck.
  7. Who the &^)# is Cam Clear? Did he actually play football? Does he mean Came Clean? Cums Clear?
  8. Just in case this becomes epic (long way to go), in one page 1
  9. I'm too sober to post in this drunk thread...
  10. SuperSurly

    Gym Pet Peeves

    Fireable offense, there
  11. Nice clip. Great rep for The University.
  12. "That is a bad dude. Why would she be hanging out with bad dudes?"
  13. Dez will use this as motivation and probably have a good year or two with someone else. Doesn't matter, that wasn't going to happen in Dallas.
  14. It's the offseason, and I'm beginning to lose my surly and even becoming somewhat gruntled... I choose to enjoy these happy moments before having to watch the inevitable 3 and out results of Beck calling plays next season.
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