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Mrs Whiggins

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  1. I'd speculate more of a useful idiot; there to be the shiny suited slurring distraction while the real deal agents are going through all the wallets files, aligning the systems for the future, and whatever else they can get away with. It's not like anyone with baseball bats is out there stopping the mafia from entering the store.
  2. Ah, but if you find that needle in the haystack:
  3. She was raised in Florida, the child of a Florida politician. I will never be surprised at the lengths to which she will go to sit at the table of power.
  4. That Kristi Noem photo is the new, 'look at me standing at the Rio Grande protecting you from all these brown people,' performative opportunity that the GOP is now test driving isn't it?
  5. Most Americans know that for all the flaws, America has some advantages. So I look at the above screenshot and think about the plainclothed agents who grabbed the grad student at Tufts earlier and wonder just how many of those same Americans are looking at the future and realizing that today it's international students being hunted down but eventually it will be others. Where the rubber meets the road is that fear--fear of being disappeared into a private prison, out of options and out of reach that will lead some to inform on their neighbors to either buy time or to cave to the regime and its demands to obey. Those cheering these tactics because they assume they are safe and those realizing that the line in the sand shifts closer day by day. Such a deal.
  6. This politico is one of many that keeps on following the hot dog on the fishing line. I get it. But dude, pot calling kettle on the rationalizing if you think this is going to be the straw that broke the camel's yada yada. You ever see a parent that can't quite get the hang of not capitulating to toddler and school age children's extortion schemes? Yeah, you know who I mean because you've all seen them in the aisles at the HEB.
  7. Close Brisket, but female...
  8. Our mower is a push mower that is supposed to mulch and the last mow of the season I kind of work it like your father did except I rake them to the more weaker parts of the lawn to give it some natural organic material. One year it worked a little too well because I mowed a pile over and over right in front of the fence gate where the grass was trampled and the grass grew so well it was hard to get the gate open...
  9. That's pretty much how I react to posts made by certain Surly members. Works for me.
  10. I do. However our oak is a red oak with large lightweight leaves. Live oak leaves, which the wind deposits onto our lawn thanks to our neighbors surrounding us, are much harder to mulch with the mower. We do not own a leaf blower so I just rake the lawn or sweep anything that is against the curb or on another hard surface such as the driveway. One neighbor commented on it and I just said it was a mild workout. While it does take more time than a leaf blower, so does him getting in the car and driving to the gym to walk on the treadmill so we're even.
  11. The new county makes sense. Oklahoma had several cases and those were linked mostly to Gaines County so it's entirely possible that the folks in this community that gather for religious purposes are exhibiting similar behavior as those in the NYC outbreak several years ago did. The families there did not wish to stop socializing with family and friends and thus cases kept climbing. While Gaines County obviously has fewer people than a NYC burrough, measles gonna measles if you don't quarantine at the very least. Given that the news reported that many were on the record as not going to vaccinate, it's going to keep going just as the health department suggested.
  12. The few GOP that have bothered to hold town hall type meetings have made that perfectly clear. The derision and disdain they hold for citizens is not disguised at all. They fear their colleagues in DC and the power there, not the electorate. That is a tell. It's pretty much been on the table since the first go round with the clown show, but we got lucky then. Once they got a do-over, that was the chance for them to walk in and sweep the winnings off the table, overturn it, and take over the saloon. Some of them are insanely stupid or lucky or connected and some of them are smart and know how to conceal and hide their actions while letting others provide cover from the potshots that fell the stooge(s) perched upon the windmill. It's not all that different from the movies ya know.
  13. Checking in with more measles news. Texas is reporting 327 cases as of today; New Mexico has 43 and their cases have been on a downward trajectory from the initial outbreak. Texas cases (as @bolverk mentioned last week) have spread to some other counties, and Lubbock has seen two additional cases since last Friday. In northeastern TX, Lamar County has 5 cases (local their health department stated 7 cases but I'll err on the side of the State for now) and the initial four patients were reported as having traveled to Gaines County (home of the initial outbreak) so a nice long trip from east to west while contagious. Do not know if the latter cases were due to exposure in public.
  14. The last quote by Dudek where he should've added, "I am a petty petty man."
  15. Sure. When you shift blame to the reporter and label them a traitor, it furthers your goal towards eliminating dissenting voices and provides an opportunity to begin the process of deploying the Khashoggi tactics used by your personal friends.
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