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Mrs Whiggins

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Everything posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. I don't have stats from reputable sources, the answer for status depends on a couple of things. Anyone entering the US at the border who wishes to become a legal resident must either have docs or receive the required immunizations; same with minors due to school requirements. Anyone who is arriving from a refugee camp where there has been an outbreak (of whatever disease) is also required to be vaccinated. Vaccines are offered to all IIRC. Also, every entrant must undergo a health check and that is the rub as measles (along with many other viruses) is contagious prior to symptoms appearing. After that, it's going to depend. Many of the cases appearing in the US have been due to travel back and forth from Europe and the Middle East where there are several outbreaks along with low vaccination rates in scattered pockets across the US. LAX receives a lot of travelers as do other airports in major urban areas, so like COVID, it's a gamble as to whether the afflicted would spread the illness among random people but in one of the last big outbreaks some years ago, it was travel from Israel to NYC that led to a lot of cases among the Orthodox community there (low vaccine rates). I can't remember if there were any fatalities but I think one woman miscarried after she was hospitalized.
  2. Worried about fertility and a declining birth rate? Hey, let's expose children to illnesses that can kill or maim them!
  3. Less well known and omitted from the article was the boy band Billy started: Durant Durant. I could definitely see shades of Elon that references the cybertruck in their biggest hit from the wayback machine: Hey now, woo, look at that, did he nearly run you down At the end of the drive, the lawmen arrive You make me feel alive, alive, alive I'll take my chance, 'cause luck is on my side or something I know what you're thinking, I'll tell you something, I know what you're thinking His name is Elmo, you don't need to understand And I might find him if I'm looking like I can Oh Elmo, Elmo, hear them shout across the land From eighty thousand in a month to a couple grand.
  4. Sorry Elmo, my Prada's at the cleaners.
  5. I would agree that safety nets (whether government, family, or society) are something that perhaps American culture seems to find alien and/or abhorrent but those are the very things that can encourage young women to consider childbirth. Sometimes it is not the thought that "I can have it all" that is the career (desire) motivation, it is the fear that "it can all be taken away from me" that is the decision driver. Regardless of child support financial arrangements, a woman with offspring who suddenly becomes single (through divorce or other circumstances) faces poverty at a much higher percentage. If she has no higher education due to staying at home post HS or was not employed (while having babies) even with a college degree , then entering the workforce at a disadvantage is a given. The situation is improving in some fields, but it's still difficult enough to give one pause and perhaps want to have some skills, money, or other things in place and getting those things takes time. That was pointed out--that it's a choice, but our country has only ever really considered the upper and upper middle class women when questioning those things because working class women have almost always had to work throughout history and manage both and without few if any safety nets at all. Some act as if women are essentially instinctual creatures who don't have the intellectual capacity to think, to question, to invent, to dream.
  6. ^^ Yes, I knew Qualley was her daughter and am hoping she does well. Lanthimos has one other work (as director) in the pre-production pipeline that's been announced but with little information other than it's a remake project whatever that means. Emma Stone is currently rumored to be attached to that one but no other cast listed. The writers are Joon-Hwan Jang (Save the Green Planet) and Will Tracy (The Menu, Succession, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver). Lanthimos seems to select his projects thoughtfully so I'm keeping that one on my radar for further info when more time passes.
  7. I watched Shoah several months ago when I was ill and stuck on the couch and it was indeed worth the watch and yes, devastating and heartbreaking. Long, but nine hours is nothing when one thinks of the time cut from millions of lives taken. For a different theme, Roko Belic's Happy (2011) is a good view. Very uplifting. I agree that anything nature related with Richard Attenborough is worth a watch. The Ken Burns films, too. We enjoyed the 2020 doc on the Bee Gees, How Can You Mend A Broken Heart when it came out on HBO. Some other older ones, Manufacturing Consent (about Noam Chomsky and media); Hoop Dreams (obv. basketball); Won't You Be My Neighbor? (Mr. Rogers but it's not the one with Tom Hanks); March of the Penguins.
  8. One thing I've really enjoyed about not only the Deadpool movies, but some of Reynold's other movies is his working in the old pop hits into the soundtrack. It makes me laugh and strikes me as fitting his personality and perhaps Canadian-ness. Getting the audience to laugh with him and at him so that he's imminently likeable as you watch the movie.
  9. No, the adults didn't behave properly at all. The weirdest but most predictable part of the article was the aggrieved walk out parents acting as if they were some sort of freedom fighters on behalf of their 'victim' status. Yeah, y'all get back to me when fire hoses and attack dogs are directed toward you as you exit the stadium. That had to be one of the more stupid petty sports parent things I've read of late and it's not like there's not much material coast to coast when it comes to youth sports.
  10. Per usual the photos are top notch and the food always looks sooooo good. That roast beef from back in March, oh my word, that is one of my favorite meals--beef with potatoes, carrots, and homemade rolls or a Yorkshire pud. One of my kiddos is working for a company that has offices in Dublin and London and I keep waiting for the news that a move to there is coming because those two cities were places to which he wanted to return for an extended stay.
  11. Whatever happens, follow all manufacturer's instructions when washing the car afterwards.
  12. Hmmm, well okay. I guess I could give it a try.... Credit to Trump, he really was the one to show you can change the weather with a felt tip pen. He saved Alabama because the hurricane went nowhere near it!
  13. As a reminder (I didn't scroll through much to see if it's got its own thread), Yorgos Lanthimos has another pic coming out: Kinds of Kindness and the cast once again includes Emma Stone. Also will have: William Dafoe, Jesse Plemons, Margaret Qualley, Hong Chau, Mamoudou Athie, Hunter Schafer, and Joe Alwyn. It's going to premiere at Cannes in May and scheduled to be released in the U.S. June 21st. His films are rather compelling and riveting. I never quite know what to expect but I enjoy them.
  14. Finished the Herold book above, Disillusioned: Five Families And The Unraveling Of America's Suburbs (2024). IMO, this was a good read. The author takes five families from various locations and socioeconomic and racial demographics, and explores the scene both large and small that has been unfolding since WWII. He got the interest in writing it when he went back to his own childhood home outlying Pittsburgh and he interweaves the history of each of the five communities, families, and the nation into the piece. Whether you're urban, rural, or a burb dweller, it's a good read. Just for extra: The five families (pseudonyms were used save one) were from Penn Hills (PA), Gwinnett County (GA), Evanston (IL), Compton (CA), and Lucas, (TX). The family from Lucas used to live in Plano, and then moved to Lucas.
  15. Saturday night on a message board filled with men and THIS is what y'all talk about? I'm laughing my tits off.
  16. That woman is Lizzie Marbach, formerly the communications director for an Ohio anti-abortion group. Marbach was fired for being more outspoken on social media than they wished, and she used that quite capably (given that comm is her background) to spin it so it seemed she was fired for being Christian due to a person of the Jewish faith (GOP congressperson Max Miller also of Ohio) who took offense to her stating "there's no hope for any of us outside of having faith in Jesus Christ alone." That episode took place about the time that the Ohio group and she parted ways and, well she's good at getting eyeballs and outrage. (RW media picked up the whole thing and ran with it). As for the question why do women hate women? Why do people hate in general? In Marbach's case, she is of a very religious belief and her world view is entirely shaped by that. I don't believe she wishes to question that belief at all.
  17. We have GE and they are the basic ones we bought 20+ years ago. Three speeds, three water levels (washer); several dry features and (best of all) the timer can be silenced (dryer). We've had them serviced a couple of times when spouse couldn't do the repair and the tech was like this is going to be almost as much as the machine is worth. I gave him the 'look,' and shrugged because it really is worth it. I mean, $75 to cross the threshold and then maybe $100 for a fix and given some of the newer machines with the weird agitators and digital displays and I'm good as long as they can find parts.
  18. C'mon folks, @StassneyHorn was nice enough about it and posted a chance to change the discussion. The labor news is a good way to do so because it echos some of what went on last year with the WGA/SAG-AFTRA negotiations in the entertainment industry. Here we have a UAW emergence in a southern state with as StassneyHorn pointed out, Alabama in the queue. Have enough people been convinced by propaganda that unions are evil or have some of the workers lifted up the curtain to see the benefits of organizing?
  19. It makes sense that Charlie Kirk would say that. His hairline has been repealing from his forehead a good many years.
  20. There were a not unsignificant number of Americans who signed up to serve for five years minimum (per the agreement) teaching in low income schools for having up to $17,500 of their principle forgiven when they borrowed funds to attend school to become educators (Public Service Loan Forgiveness program). However, the former education secretary (DeVos) decided to make it onerous to not only file, but ultimately deny those applicants when they applied for the forgiveness, despite that being policy going back a number of years. DeVos claimed it saved money (well, no shit) but how does one put a value on 1) service to underserved communities and 2) providing financial opportunity to someone who cannot afford a college education to then discharge that opportunity to said community and raise their own standard of living? Seemed like a win-win to me. It took a lawsuit to determine the outcome.
  21. That's Aaron Rodgers in about six months, right?
  22. We had some buttermilk I wanted to finish off so to answer the question, "Do gin martinis work as a cocktail prior to consuming pancakes and sausage (breakfast for supper)?" The answer is: "In our house, that is affirmative."
  23. Recalls can make $$ for the dealer. While the accelerator issue may be legitimate, perhaps it's a way to keep some funds coming in to the folks that sell the trucks? https://www.wardsauto.com/dealers/dealers-can-reach-extra-bases-recall-field
  24. That weed must've been TOXIC.
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