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Mrs Whiggins

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Everything posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. That weed must've been TOXIC.
  2. In The Music Man, there's a reason Professor Harold Hill sang "Madam librarian..." if you know what I mean.
  3. And apparently was high and/or perhaps lacks certain skills related to organization, comprehension, analyzing, and logic.
  4. I sure do! I take our clerks baked goods so they can deal with all the haters knowing that at least one person in the neighborhood likes what they do. Congress has really dropped the ball on what the USPS could've done for our country if allowed to modernize and provide cross agency services. They visit every single place in the US six days a week.
  5. About that; here's something to give you pause... https://www.tucsonsentinel.com/local/report/092623_election_official_turnover/98-arizonans-will-have-new-elections-officials-2024/ Also: https://www.npr.org/2024/04/09/1242811437/election-voting-officials-threats-turnover From that article above at NPR, here's a figure from the nationwide study: "The researchers measured whether a local election office changed hands over a 4-year cycle. In 2022 (the most recent year with complete data), the turnover rate was 39%, compared to 28% in 2004. A chart showing election official turnover rate since the 2000 election. Courtesy of the Bipartisan Policy Center In recent years, as the attrition began to snowball, experts worried the impact on 2024 could be disastrous. New election officials tend to make more mistakes, and conspiracy theories about voting tend to focus on honest mishaps to try to build a false narrative that voting more broadly can't be trusted." The article does go on to remark that overall & especially in large metro areas the new officials coming in still have a fair bit of experience. But IMO, Arizona may be a bellwether for "issues" that YOU KNOW the RW media will play up into a storm like in 2020.
  6. Too many socks, too many pillows.
  7. Also: From a 2016 article by CBS reporter Jared Dubin, he talks about an interview Rodgers had with Bill Simmons (Any Given Wednesday) about his concussions... HIS EYE WENT METALLIC. I don't even know what that means, but it sounds... not great. Rodgers hasn't been doing his brain any favors.
  8. It might, but honestly the thing with rolling dough whether pie crust or tortillas is that practice is sometimes all that is needed. I was making pies from a young age and whenever I went for a long enough spell w/o rolling crust, the skills got a little rusty and then would pick right back up. Get comfortable with rolling dough every week and you don't have to think about it, it begins to flow like a great jump shot.
  9. He's been hanging out in Florida of late; earlier this month he was at an event in Fort Meyers with Roger Stone sponsored by the Lee County GOP. Trying to stay relevant I suppose.
  10. Friend, I do believe @Brisketexan would object to that statement by pointing out, with evidentiary support mind you, that there is no bottom and not only that but despite the lack of a "bottom" the shit will continue to flow, overflow, and raise a plume of toxicity that will poison us all.
  11. Does it really use a "z" in Gains? It's like a walking advertisement for insecurity and fake chutzpah.
  12. According to his bio and a couple of candidate forums, he does have degrees; a multidisciplinary BS in Business/Chemistry from Liberty as well as an MA in Theology, an MBA from Tennessee, and a certificate from a leadership program from MIT. He's also a veteran (Army) and served in Iraq. His service was 1983-93 and then a re-enlistment in 2003. He defeated Dr. Jan Hahn, a family medicine physician, in the general election. (76.7%-23.3%) after roundly beating the other 4 R candidates. He appears to be a God, Guns, and *Gomorrah type of rep. *Everything "I" don't like or understand is wicked/a sin.
  13. We had a lot going on this weekend and just finished with the kitchen clean up. Fish, grilled portobello mushrooms, etc along with gin rickeys during the prep and a French gimlet for afters. Both of those cocktails use fresh squeezed limes and I have to say having our own little lime tree is a nice bonus.
  14. Finished the Toobin book and am three chapters in on Disillusioned by Benjamin Herold. It's promising thus far and more than a little unsettling based on personal experiences (with respect to education).
  15. ^^What is the potent potable?
  16. A&M didn't admit women without limitations until 1969 and that was due to $$$$. That school would've been around the size of VMI (~2000 students give or take) if Rudder and the regents hadn't seen the writing on the wall. Ah well, nevertheless.
  17. Apart from Madison and Milwaukee, Wisconsin is Idaho. Signed, A former resident.
  18. The ideal wife would garotte you for not knowing that there is no 'e' in the plural of tattoos. She wouldn't work outside the house because guess what? The house requires more work than you can afford if you contracted it out. She knows this and if you don't then you are fucking stupid so congratulations you have married someone that you should be thanking because when if she ever realizes this she is going to make you pay in all the ways your bitch ass will think is all because she is crazy when it's actually because you're fucking stupid to think this is what an ideal wife is. *I really need to stop posting after the post prandial drinkfest.
  19. I know the (my) limit and I abide by it. Seriously, I work pretty hard at keeping it at a level that is very "aware" at what is healthy. That being said, we tried a couple of new things this weekend. I'd never bought curacao and decided to try it. A blue martini. TBH, it wasn't all that. Pretty, but a regular martini has better flavor. But the prosecco and creme de mure we had with supper? That was quite nice. A little sweet and a little bubbly.
  20. When asked about his purchase as he waited for the tow truck....
  21. A saw won't matter. I know the contractor who poured the concrete for that ledge and I have some very bad news about that....
  22. Today I learned that composite materials that are not alive can be considered 'diseased.' Huh. The next time I'm at a soirée where someone is discussing their pool, I'll have my ears open to hear if their pool has this affliction.
  23. This is what happens when you allow a pool builder without a medical license to name an issue. Cancer occurs when the body's cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body. I maintain, based on the photographic evidence provided above, that these concrete pools suffer from concrete fracture i.e. a crack or a break and not "cancer," because although Mr. Bo Barnett avows that the pools are terminal and cannot be treated, cancer does not necessarily require removal of the patient. *Note: I am not licensed to practice medicine in the state of Texas or any other state.
  24. Process: https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/irs-complaint-process-tax-exempt-organizations Form: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13909.pdf Send: Can be submitted one of the following ways: Email to eoclass@irs.gov, or Mail to TEGE Referrals Group, 1100 Commerce Street, MC 4910 DAL, Dallas, TX 75242
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