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Mrs Whiggins

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Everything posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. You're referring specifically to Trump, I'm aligning with @Rimbo's discussion that it does not have to have that man and his corporeal person in order to wage a (un) holy war. I'd love for you to be correct in your projection, but IMO, it's too early to be that confident.
  2. In addition, the militia/patriot movement that spun up into the Jan 6th events will not simply disappear despite the arrests of some individuals; there are too many that still believe that violence is the way, and the internet is still the food that nourishes their discontent with life. They're in every state and while many will not act, it doesn't take many to wreak the terror they hope will restore whatever fantasy they have about justice for all the perceived wrongs against them.
  3. 1. Same here with your first two sentences. 2. The joy of the bargain is short lived and an elusive high. The cost saved is passed forward with interest to the heirs who pay with their time and emotional energy to clear out the estate.
  4. Your basil looks really nice. I'm jealous but in a good way.
  5. Not a drag queen? Huh. How 'bout that.
  6. Tonight we had the Pegu Club and instead of regular gin, used Tanqueray Orange Sevilla Gin along with fresh lime juice, orange liqueur, and bitters. Delish and a good way to end the day...
  7. Deeeeeploooorable. 1. Worthy of severe condemnation or reproach. 2. Lamentable; woeful. 3. Wretched; bad. Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition "No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you. We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live." ---Muhammad Ali Jinnah (founder of Pakistan)
  8. Did you ever visit this YT channel? If you click on the "videos" segment, she has a lot of videos about "conversating." https://www.youtube.com/@LuxembourgishwithAnne/videos Here's one:
  9. So, um why is it okay for the boys to have a healthy sex life but the girls cannot? Would Mr. Mooney like to explain to us some more about how he or this hypothetical 33 year old knows what women want long term and that grabbing a sixteen year old before she can acquire the education (means and skills) necessary to leave his ass when he turns out to be an abusive man child with emotional issues or similarly when he leaves her for yet another minor? Sheesh, talk about trauma.
  10. I almost bought that at Spec's today. Thanks for the rec; I may return to check it out!
  11. Well, to quote the Lake Travis Football Parent contingent from the DT thread about bullying: boys will be boys. They aren't mean to suffer (like women).
  12. Oh sorry, you mentioned that in the gin post and I skimmed too quickly. I'd just sub it in for the sloe gin as it doesn't sound all that different. You might also just make a gin and tonic with it and see what kind of flavor profile it has? ( a super quick tonic: 1 1/2 ounces gin, pour over a tumbler filled with ice, add tonic to top then squeeze a fresh lime into the drink, give a stir).
  13. So, contraception leads to infidelity? Huh. Does he somehow believe that men never cheated on their spouses prior to contraception? Oh! He means wives were becoming unfaithful because somehow men have NEVER brought home chlamydia, crabs, gonorrhea, herpes, hepatitis, hiv/aids, HPV, NGU, PID, scabies, syphilis, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, CMV, etc. prior to hormonal birth control being available. With regards to his comment about men "devaluing" women; who is trying to treat women like chattel, Rep Wichgers? STAY OUT OF OUR HEALTH CARE DECISIONS, you arrogant ignorant prick.
  14. This may be why I missed your question--the pic doesn't load for me. Here's the link to the Drunk thread where I posted a few sloe gin cocktail recipes.
  15. Ooooo, we love sloe gin. Two of the brands that you can find in the US that we like: Plymouth is our favorite followed by Hayman's. If you've got Dekuyper it's not going to be quite the same but it'll do. I'd love to try some of the brands that are more common overseas. There are some out of California that are supposed to be good but we haven't sampled them and I've not had any luck finding Sipsmith in our area. So, with sloe gin you can drink it neat. The Plymouth (of the two we have) is best for this IMO. Cocktail recipes under the spoiler for space.
  16. The scrutiny continues. What will Snowflake do? Ted, not the dog. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/watchdog-groups-say-texas-sen-ted-cruz-brazenly-violated-federal-election-campaign-act/ar-BB1llSeE Watchdog groups say Texas Sen. Ted Cruz 'brazenly violated' Federal Election Campaign Act More at link. I'm of the opinion that nothing's going to happen with this. the FEC has been sidelined for over five years, I used to follow the chair, Ellen Weintraub on Twitter before Musk ruined the platform ( I had no account but hers was public). She was a by-the-book kind of official but that only works when people actually read the book and agree to follow it. Yeah, that's gone.
  17. Parsley and cilantro? That's some great chimichurri right there; just made some from the garden this weekend to go with the steak spouse grilled. Yum. I'd love to grow blackberries but right now am keeping things a little ....less. Got a lot going on so sticking with the basics. Our beans have come on and the first crop will be harvested soon. We've had lots and lots of salad from the lettuce which is still going as long as the temps hold. Cukes and tomatoes have blossoms. Beets and carrots doing well. I haven't got the basil in yet though.
  18. Okay, so I have no idea what is going on here but no matter what, rep for the junior cheer Sonic quote because I just lost it.
  19. Woah, woah, woah. I thought all attorneys were frequently dicks. Except mine of course. And maybe the ones on Surly.
  20. I watched the video above by @chainsaw and Michael Knowles would benefit from a course in the appropriate use of how one uses air quotes. His technique is so poor. How can he claim to be a RW "conservative" if he cannot coordinate his hands to properly and emphatically use air quotes? I mean, come on. You just lift the hands and use the fingers and 'air quote' as you're speaking. Don't half ass it Michael. Lean into it. Also, 1220 is the supposed year that Ghengis Kahn and his army took Bukhara after laying seige to it causing 30,000 civilian deaths. Knowles probably sees himself as some sort of pasha but he's more like the weird foot fetish guy in House of the Dragon. Finally, @YGIFS you responded as I was typing and my apologies for lashing out; I know you are trying to raise your family in what is rapidly becoming a period in history where women stand to lose so much in what turned out to be a short short period of time where they (and society) could perhaps realize just how much they can offer the world beyond what men have deemed acceptable for them to do.
  21. We had some good news today and were celebrating. Martinis!
  22. No. There is no "get" on this, nor is there justification. I may be two martinis deep tonight on my thought process, but the idea that modern day judges "get" anything on the founders is just bullshit. They want to manipulate what they want by cherry picking phrases in order to use their power to enforce what they have deemed is what the founders wanted. As if. I understand your point, but they, like other originalists, conveniently ignore that which they proclaim to be fact is rather subjective and that they only hold that power because we have "given" it to them. Because we are stupid. So, uh, yeah. Mrs. Whiggins needs to calm down.
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