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Mrs Whiggins

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Everything posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. Big Twelve Indoor Championships *Current athlete list, may change. Please pardon any unintentional mis-spellings. Friday Events List (Prelims & Finals; Pentathlon is just overall entry) WOMEN Pentathlon: Kristine Blazevica (Jr) Weight Throw: Kiana Lowery (Jr) Pole Vault: Kaeli Thompson (Sr) Mile (prelim): No Longhorn athlete listed 60m Hurdles (prelim): Akala Garrett (Fr), Emilia Chatfield (Jr) 60m (prelim): Kenondra Davis (Jr), Ackelia Smith (Jr) 600 yards (prelim): Mackenize Brown (Fr), Akala Garrett (Fr) 400m (prelim): Ziyah Holman (Sr), Dejanea Oakley (So), Lauren Lewis (Fr) 1000m (prelim): Amity Ebarb (Jr) 800m (prelim): Olivia Howell (Sr) Long Jump: Aaliyah Foster (Fr) , Ackelia Smith (Jr) 200m: Dejanea Oakley (So) , Kenondra Davis (Jr) 5000m (final): Eva Jess (So) DMR: Mackenize Brown, Emilia Chatfield, Amity Ebarb, Ziyah Holman MEN Heptathlon: Brock Lewis (Fr) 60m Hurdles (prelim): Kody Blackwood (So), Kendrick Smallwood (So) 60m (prelim): John Rutledge (Fr), Nolton Shelvin (Jr), Marcellus Moore (Sr) 600 yards (prelim): Cole Lindhorst (Jr), Elijah Mosley (Jr), Chris Brinkley (So) 400m (prelim): Brian Herrron (Jr), Logan Popelka (So) 1000m (prelim): Yusef Bizimana (Sr), Christopher Riley (Fr) 800m (prelim): Daniel Howells (Jr) Long Jump: Kelsey Daniel (Jr), Jathan Belaire (Sr), Leo Neugebauer (Sr), Solomon Washington (So) Weight Throw: Jeremiah Nubbe (So) Pole Vault: Connor Boenig (Jr) 200m (prelim): Marcellus Moore (Sr), John Rutledge (Fr), Nolton Shelvin (Jr) 5000m (final): Haftu Knight (Sr), Isaac Alonzo (So) DMR: Christopher Riley, Emmanuel Sgouros, Cole Lindhorst, Chris Brinkley Saturday Events (excluding finals that had Friday Prelims) WOMEN Shot Put: Kiana Lowery (Jr), Nina Ndubuisi (Fr), Chrystal Herpin (Jr), Marilyn Nwora (Sr) Triple Jump: Ackelia Smith (Jr) High Jump: Trinity Tomlinson (Jr) 3000m: Elizabeth Pickett (So), Haley Harper (Fr), Eva Jess (So), 4x400 Relay: Emelia Chatfield, Kenondra Davis, Amity Ebarb, Akala Garrett MEN Triple Jump: Solomon Washington (So), Jathan Belaire (Sr), Kelsey Daniel (Jr) Mile: No Longhorn athlete listed; this event had no prelim unlike the women's. Shot Put: Leo Neugebauer (Sr), Patrick Piperi (Sr) High Jump: Dylan Lineberger (So) 3000m: Emmanuel Sgouros (So), Haftu Knight (Sr), Isaac Alonzo (So) 4x400 Relay: Brian Herron, Elijah Mosley, Logan Popelka, Marcellus Moore
  2. Perhaps because we are no more a monolithic group than any other. I can think of so many reasons why some women do not view it as 'against' other women as well as why some women do view it thusly and are fine with that. I could soap box on this for four paragraphs but perhaps not today. It's pretty sad but again, there will always be pushback when marginalized groups advocate for their rights and those who do not wish for certain groups to have agency will never stop trying to remove that agency.
  3. I shouldn't have laughed but I did. On point. @YGIFS I wish I knew. As a random guess, seems that many women just don't pay enough attention; specifically to the long term consequences and outcomes of voting/not voting/supporting specific policies. You'd think they would, but if they're in the 'burbs, the insulation of 'well that won't affect me' takes root (until it does), or the inertia of actively confronting the discomfort of "I never vote Democrat" and/or "I'm X (insert some identity be it religious, single issue, monetary, subservient) therefore I vote GOP" is too much with whatever else they have going on in their lives. If they attend a church that has gone political, then it's heard from the pulpit. If they belong to a Mom's group, a PTO, a Yoga pod, etc then they have to go against them and the social ramifications if it is GOP leaning. I think it was @pyrohornIII or someone else that recently commented on how difficult and lonely it can be to swim upstream against the gerrymandered and small mindedness of Texas communities and I have to believe that exists in a lot of places, not just Texas and including ones where right leaning candidates are in the minority. For some, it spurs activism but others are going to go to the poll and vote how they vote. The word "feminist" has successfully been turned into a pejorative by those in power even though its meaning is simply that societies prioritize the male view/perspective and that women are treated unjustly in these types of societies and thus advocate for change. The wheel keeps on turning.
  4. Shame that Marjorie's phone works; was kind of hoping that the outage would have provided some much needed calm to the cellular seas.
  5. I've been fighting against the idea that all suburban women vote that way, but it's amazing how many women fret over the supposed grooming by people in drag costume reading books to their children but are blind to the numbers of ecclesiastical abuses perpetrated by youth pastors, camp counselors, and the church leaders who provide cover for the abusers and lack of oversight over any of the programs. The queen promoting literacy in a library surrounded by witnesses is around a child/children for thirty minutes only occasionally (if one even chooses to attend) but the youth pastor is spending every week with that child/teen sometimes multiple times a week. Parents are frequently elsewhere participating in other church events, or have dropped the child off at camp, or it's an after school program such as Young Life or something similar. Most of these children attend schools that are predominately higher SES and yet, the idea that immigrant=thug amongst their parents is endemic.
  6. Embarrassment in what way exactly? Our allies have been quite supportive of the current administration whereas Putin has been determined to regain the independent republics that the former Soviet Union lost. Other authoritarian led countries have also been anxious because the WH no longer has the pay to play sign out. Economically, coming out of a global pandemic plus quite a few climate disasters, things are uncertain but still better than what was initially forecast what with several wars ongoing, rise of 'antidemocratic' rulers, and corporate greed and enshittification (SEE: the DT thread which says it all). Congress is not earning their salary at this point in time. Why are we not demanding that they do so? So much reform is possible with immigration, healthcare, employment (hello families?), and consumer protections from the monopolization of goods and services and bought politicians (thank you so much Citizens United and the reprobate majority justices) but now everything is performative, grifting nonsense that keeps those foreign authoritarian leaders and home grown oligarchs drooling over the spoils that are sure to come if we turn to the 'law and order' authoritarian leader on the home front. Because the law will bind many but only the foolish think they will emerge unscathed as being 'above the law,' should that come to be.
  7. It's also why (before BSC Musk ruined twitter) the hashtag RepealTheNineteenth was trending for awhile. The same group(s) don't want women to vote. Here they turn chalices into swords and helmets and sell the blood of Christ by the bucketful; here Cross and Thorns are exchanged for shields and lances, and even Christ himself is losing patience. But if he ever dared to show his face, they'd send his blood spurting up to the stars, since here at Rome they sell his very hide, and all the paths of righteousness are barred. Everything old is new again, as @BevoAbyss points out. The above verse is part of a sonnet written by Michelangelo, irked at Pope Julius II and his war-like ways and the funds necessary to finance them. Some of today's Christians are no less martial, going to war against 'others' in the name of God and patriotism but Julius did have a redeeming feature: he was an ardent supporter of the arts (bullying the same Michelangelo to paint that wonderful ceiling) and education, something that is anathema to the modern religious crowd who would rather usher in a Dark Age instead of lighting a path towards peace and understanding.
  8. Maybe not, but @PenelopeWitherspoon's travel posts on the coast were amazing. You realize you need to be blogging here either during or post trip so we can 'see' too.....
  9. Big 12 Indoor Championships begin tomorrow in Lubbock. Start lists not yet available, but the meet will be airing both Friday (10 AM CST) and Saturday (11 AM CST) on Big12Now on ESPN+ for those that would like to watch w/o going to Lubbock. (If you do care to attend in person, tickets are $10 per day for general admission.) Per usual the pentathlon and heptathlon will open the meet Friday morning followed by running/field events in the afternoon going into the evening. @Rickylovesweed--the DMR final is the last event on Friday, women followed by men. BYU and Okla State have faster squad times for the DMR than Texas (men) currently, but w/o knowing who is running what, hard to say how that's going to go. Hopefully exciting; I enjoy a good relay. Once the start lists are out, I may try and post the Longhorns competing.
  10. Yes, indeed. The taste is spectacular.
  11. They are, but Alabama is playing the game of wait and see. (See if the country is still fifty states by the time the effects of the drain are felt). It's not like they could regress a whole lot farther, and it pains me to say that, even though I have no ties to the state. But once that human capital is born, to some--those humans are disposable.
  12. Mrs Whiggins


    Oh, I know. And you know I know. The dehumanization and 'othering' has been supercharged and empowered and with the Christopher Rufo et al types and the legal system/judges/talking heads leading the way, it is horrific the damage that has already been wrought and I fear the worst is yet to come.
  13. These are all good points. However, indulge the red state males only women-hating club counter argument: 1. Brain drain--we didn't want all them ivory tower snotty people anyway. They're weird, actually read books, and can figure exact change even though they have a bank card. No one needs all them useless degrees that don't make money anyhow and critical thinking is only one step removed from critical race and that just leads to BLM and Antifa in our state. 2. The ability to take your talents to Georgia or California or Massachusetts--not Georgia, they're going to go right along with 'Bama just as soon as Marjorie figures out that in vitro is not a nutritional supplement and can lean on her state legislature to propose a bill. 3. If you're a woman who has an education and may consider possibly being something other than a baby-incubator, you're going to seriously think about locating your life and career elsewhere. Just stop right there. First off, no woman should be educated enough to where she can think seriously. We like that Afghan education policy but we're willing to extend it to a high school diploma if the gal doesn't get knocked up first. That's why we don't want women going to college anyway, then they can't leave because where the hell they gonna go with no education , all these kids that I don't really take care of, and no money? But if a guy decides he needs a new model and gets a divorce then she can go be poor like God intended; serves her right for only having girl babies when she knows sons are better and I wanted sons. What's that about genetics? Uppity female telling me how chromosomes work. Us alpha males don't need those Xs and Ys, we don't need the ABCs, we got deez..........nuts.
  14. Mrs Whiggins


    No. No. No.
  15. The OP did say it was geometry, so it fits rather acutely in this instance. OTOH, the off season should perhaps be less strident given that this is an election year (NO CR) and a year in which billionaire pop stars and trophy winning athletes cause people great angst. So let us wish for a kinder gentler off season. One in which everyone stays out of jail, sits and licks a little drop of foam from a recently opened beer while keeping a fond eye on the grill/smoker, and the most troublesome cloud in the sky is whether the wardrobe will be sufficiently tailgate worthy at immamac's next fall gathering.
  16. Mrs Whiggins


    I stated no opinion as it was not relevant to the discussion. As Nex Benedict was nonbinary, Nex was using the bathroom that the law required for students. That was where the fight occurred and my comment was in reference to the post above it that discussed news accounts of bullying towards the victim.
  17. Agree. Is the culture different from elsewhere? Yes, just like places all over the world. We found in France, like places all over the world, there are a lot of nice people who just happen to be different in some ways and not in others. Have a lovely time @mchookem, Europe in May is a wonderful time to picnic... so if things start to unravel/grow tiresome, grab some beverages and munchies, find some green space and relax; à votre santé!
  18. If I may, I'd like to add some commentary regarding the attire. Lindell's tux passes muster...barely. It is not in great shape, but then again neither is he. But the Senator? His net worth is calculated at around $4 million but let's disregard that and go with his government salary of ~$174,000 per year. The sales force at Men's Wearhouse could put him in a better look than what he's wearing and they deal with clientele who make far far less money. I mean, the trousers need an iron in the worst way, the shirt I won't even discuss, and the jacket is ill fitting, mismatched, and inappropriate for the event/time/season just like you suggested. A man with Ted's burgeoning adipose tissue doesn't have to spend all THAT much to look distinguished and if he thinks this outfit fits in with his "I'm not really a Princeton and Harvard grad, I'm just a working man like y'all," he is so very wrong. My dad starched his jeans with a crease so sharp his pants could probably open a door without a key. The class conscious well-to-do that make judgements based on shallow metrics (Yeah, but that awful jacket cost two grand so what do you know lolpoor?) could at least visit Versailles to witness an example of spend it like you mean it, even if the consequences down the road lead to a rather sharp and abrupt end.
  19. Ah, now Ken Paxton you hooligan, go back to the King James Version and read along with me: And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. Paul is talking about the self-sacrificing love for others; the love that supersedes all other gifts.
  20. USTFCCCA Rankings for this week (#5) have Texas slipping a little down a few spots to #7 for the men and the women dropping one spot, also to #7. Of note, the Conference ranking has the Texas men with a 14 point edge over Texas Tech. The women's conference championship they've got scored a lot closer, with BYU getting the edge at #1 but only by 3 points (these numbers are approximate, I didn't bother with rounding). As was discussed upthread, both teams have a shot at a national title--much more of a reach for the women due to dominant Arkansas, but every event matters. After the various conference champs are concluded, it will be a good gauge as to how things may shake out coast to coast. Men's Ranking Indoor T&F 1) NAU 2) Texas Tech 3) Arkansas 4) USC 5) Washington 6) Florida 7) Texas 8 ) Nebraska 9) Alabama 10) Wisconsin Women's Ranking Indoor T&F 1) Arkansas 2) Florida 3) USC 4) Oregon 5) Texas Tech 6) Washington 7) Texas 8 ) Okla. State 9) LSU 10) BYU
  21. Not going to happen. I was at the last Illuminati potluck and general assembly and the vote was unanimous (of those present--fifteen members were absent which was too bad because the green bean and peach salad was very tasty) and opposed to allowing it per the Guidelines and Rules of Global Management of Affairs of State (Domestic Division).
  22. Mrs Whiggins


    According to several news articles, this (bullying) does appear to be the impetus for the fight in the (female) bathroom between the victim, another transgender youth, and several older girls (all unnamed save for Nex Benedict). One point is that due to Oklahoma law, students must use school bathrooms according to gender assigned at birth. I doubt that the adults involved will discuss that law as pertaining to any bullying (SEE: Earlier post, CYA mode). Also a quote by Benedict's biological grandmother, Sue Benedict, stated that she had raised Nex since Nex was two months old. Nex was a member of the Choctaw nation and while I agree that families do not always support non binary youth, we do not know exactly the reason for the family situation at this time. I expect the ISD, the Oklahoma AG, the state's Secretary of Education and Superintendent of Instruction, and the Governor to offer thoughts and prayers and not lose a wink of sleep. I could elaborate on why that is, but it would go way off topic into the politics of a state that has been corrupt from before its inception.
  23. I am almost finished with this book and while it seems gimmicky from the cover, it was a good read. It's organized by numbers, beginning with lists of threes, all the way to 24 (I think the last one is the Greek alphabet). It skips a few numbers at the end, and the bulk of the lists cover the numbers you would expect: 3, 5, 7, 10, and 12 covering a wide range of topics from the Trinity, Newton's Laws of Motion, to the Furies, to types of triangles, quarks, battles, etc. Each list goes into some detail and for the ones with which I was familiar, a good refresher, and others exposed gaps in my education/knowledge. A pretty extensive bibliography/reference at the end as well. It's not a difficult read, but easy to set down and pick up again.
  24. Go to Electrify America https://www.electrifyamerica.com/ and there is a place to locate chargers for your make and model by adding your location.
  25. Mrs Whiggins


    Owasso HS is going to be CYA mode, but I suspect that justice for the victim will not be achieved. Owasso has grown a lot in the last three decades but it retains a lot of its 'small'-mindedness.
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