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Mrs Whiggins

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Everything posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. I have no account so if anyone sees any good comments in the replies, please do tell.
  2. I hadn't given it any consideration at all, tbh. Getting a rough survey of the demographic the site is trying to attract might provide some insight as to what forums or issues work.
  3. Lorne likely makes the list because he's donated to both GOP and Democratic candidates. He gave to the late John McCain but also donated to Obama. He gave to Susan Collins of Maine as well.
  4. This is a perspective that perhaps needs further discussion with respect to the topic. To step away from that for just a second, though, some other thoughts... Most collegiate sports message boards are +87% male. Among those males, a higher percentage are white, possess at minimum a bachelor's degree, and around 40% earn a higher than average salary of $100K/year.* Considering that the applied, admitted, enrolled data for the University of Texas (Austin campus only) shows that since at least 2013 (as far back as their dashboard goes--they have more data but the dashboard is quick and easy), Texas has enrolled an average of 52.8% female students. Of those females going back the decade, they're an average of 40% Hispanic identified ethnicity. Whereas, the percentage of males enrolled since 2013 averages to 47.2%. Of those males, ~35% enrolled were Hispanic, 26% White, 18% Asian-American, 11% Black or African-American, 6% Intl, and Other had no figures/were identifiable. Those numbers matter depending upon what you want your site to be and what your goals are. I enjoy the site and (most) of the posters, but it's not really welcoming to females and that's +50% of your graduates right there. That may not concern you and that's okay too. It's an observation based on the data from the UT campus. Focusing on males, there were 2,364 enrolled (freshmen) for 2023. Over the last decade, that number is 19,133. Presuming everyone graduates that enrolled, from 2013-2023, that is 21,404 females to 19,133 males. Given some of those numbers and percentages, it might be that Neonmoon's comment is not out of line. What makes the culture of Surly appealing is its infinite capacity for debate, discussion, diatribes, and devil-may-care digs, but boundaries--should they exist? Or not? That may determine engagement among the lurkers you try and attract or repel. Edit: and @safe sex had a beautiful response that came as I was typing. This is not meant as an attack on the site. I've gotten a lot of joy from hanging around here. *This was taken from a paper in the Intl. Journal of Sports Communication
  5. Wonder if the Q/MAGA dude was an acolyte of Michael Flynn.
  6. I don't know what will happen, but one healthy response she usually has to haters is to: not personally respond. It has been rather a good method for her. Whether that includes legal actions, I cannot say, but she just goes out and keeps doing what she does.
  7. I got a score of 102. Some of the questions, like how many sports played in hs were interesting. I have zero pilot and/or aviation knowledge. I don't think the job would be for me given the little bit of description that I know about it.
  8. Remember, this is Elon and his company here so I imagine it's like the ending of the video posted above but the eventual outcome is this:
  9. Most of the Aggy politic board is skeptical that Swift is a psy-op campaign, but there is always that one guy. Here's some screenshots for your Hump Day reading: The poster, 'Shooz,' didn't comment after that; perhaps has decided to do some more 'research,' before resurfacing. I wonder exactly the qualifications necessary to be classified as a 'shadowy figure.' Seems like a rather vague job description. FTR, CAA has around 3000 employees worldwide, give or take a few (they cut jobs during the pandemic). Their current majority owner is married to Salma Hayek:
  10. Produce? Not sure you'll find that in the convoy cart.
  11. The meme about daughters and "be smaller, be less" is exactly how the haters wish it to be. It's why it's so troubling to them. How can men such as themselves feel good about themselves unless females serve and obey them?
  12. It boggles my mind that the outrage geniuses can't see how they're being played by RW media w/respect to Swift/Kelce. The NFL needs not only consumers viewing its sold ad time, but players in the pipeline. Anyone with half a brain who reads may have noticed that participation numbers of males in football has declined overall. It's especially noticeable in certain demographics and certain states. WaPo did an article on it, and the NFHS released a survey about two years ago that broke down some of the numbers based on tackle, flag, etc. Oddest thing: while overall participation was down, girls participation was up--perhaps that made the NFL take notice. Especially due to the fact that the wealthier, more educated, whiter demographics were the areas where overall tackle football participation declined. If you have fewer players in the pipeline and fewer fans watching, money dries up. Guess, they could go Saudi like pro golf (one of the few sports that saw an increase in the NFHS survey) and the other sports that Saudi has purchased large shares of (soccer, Formula One, Cricket among others) but given Saudi Arabia's views towards women in sport, the NFL is capitalizing on this moment to perhaps get a viewing share of the younger demographic who like to, you know, enjoy the rizz of the singer and athlete. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/interactive/2023/football-participation-decline-politics-demographics/ https://www.nfhs.org/articles/nfhs-releases-first-high-school-sports-participation-survey-in-three-years/
  13. He moved from Arizona to Texas prior to running. He has six children, so if CPS shows up at his house, perhaps the call will come from inside....
  14. Nah, even after all the reports on the faulty Cybertruck trunk closures come in, they'll still be like:
  15. I could rant for a good several paragraphs on the stupidity of a man who is blind to that which is no one's fault but his own, but I don't think I will. He is not a kind man, nor a particularly insightful one even though he believes himself to be. His anger frequently over-rules his logic, proving once again that some men are every bit as emotional as they claim women to be.
  16. One of the weird bits in that video was when the guy was plugging his accessory/Tesla support business at the 3ish minute mark and went on to talk about replacing filters in the models because "you're probably familiar with, you know that gross sock smell" I get that he makes money off the filters, but dude you just paid a lot of money for a truck that smells like dirty socks and you still rave about it? That sounds like an Elon bro, for sure.
  17. I vote for the chairs as well. Unless the chairs create an issue (damage) with the surface upon which they set, the chairs are way more versatile and easy to replace. Plus, you can stack them as necessary, move them to other locations, and so on. I'm a practical person so take that for what it's worth.
  18. There's little need to do so as the real numbers are widely available. Measles antibodies develop in ~93-95% of children vaccinated at age 1 year and ~97-99% of children who receive two doses. To achieve herd immunity, as noted above, 95% of a population vaccinated is a good benchmark to keep cases limited. Again, fatalities are rare in developed nations with access to healthcare, but after noting some of the case counts rising in the UK and other countries where US citizens frequently visit, it seemed like a good opportunity to add current state/local information to @Neonmoon's initial post. Most US outbreaks in past years have been swiftly curtailed. The Disney outbreak almost a decade ago was one of the larger ones that I can recall. It spread to several states and Canada but due to enough coverage, a little over 100 people were ill. It's not a very large number because so many people still inoculate their children. Prior to vaccine availability, 3-4 million cases per year were estimated in the US. I'm not chicken littling this thread; I believe most of you are aware of the MMR vaccine etc. It's simply a placeholder as we pass through 'measles' season. (typically ends in April).
  19. It's rather interesting to see a few neutral posts that contain factual information regarding documented cases and inoculation percentages grow rather emotional. It's not being alarmist to note these numbers in order to remind people to check medical records to ascertain if they're up to date. While measles fatalities are rare in developed countries, putting a child through the symptoms (rash, fever, etc) seems rather foolish but here we are. I make no comment on medical capacity to withstand outbreaks only to comment that given the contagious nature of the disease (noted in another post) that depending upon the size of the population affected, the medical community will likely be paying closer attention this spring to see how this goes.
  20. I would be shocked if Bening won. She's been nominated five times and hasn't yet won but that doesn't mean she should've been picked over Greta Lee. I guess the Academy differs in their opinion.
  21. Oh yes it was/is. If I told a male (who didn't know of him) of an actor who was trained in dance, drama, ice-skated, and was also an all around athlete and who played not only a drag queen, but a pedophile during his career--they would call him a 'beta' in the targeted language some people use, but they would be wrong cause Patrick Swayze was so Alpha he'd just look at that male and laugh. He didn't win a ton of awards but he made some memorable movies. It was mentioned earlier that Roadhouse wasn't 'great,' and that is accurate but it's watchable in a coherent tidy way.
  22. The ones that are abusing minors certainly won't.
  23. Is he still living in Austin? He and the anti-vax guy (Del Bigtree) that makes the videos on various sites (he got kicked off of one, I think he's found another that is more disinfo friendly) were pretty close. Bigtree made a nice chunk of change even prior to COVID, which really brought in the $$.
  24. I'm at the point now where the "it's God's will" crowd that dominates the laws surrounding women's reproductive rights can now ban ED and Low T pharmaceuticals because it is God's will that a male has these issues. Women should be able to sue anyone that aids or abets a male who receives medical assistance in this matter. Not so extreme when one considers the lengths at which the state would like to interfere with women's medical care.
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