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Mrs Whiggins

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Everything posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. Well God also wants a lot of men to have a limp dick most days but somehow that is different.
  2. Same, same. "Where's your happy faaaaaace?" Leap Year with Matthew Goode and Amy Adams, supporting cast includes Adam Scott and John Lithgow. It also makes me laugh, the premise is far fetched but two good actors that just went with it and made something with it.
  3. Aha! So now we know that @Prepuce of Doom's scary porch group can travel and procreate. Beware!
  4. I love how the oligarchs are worried about birth rates w/o actually promoting policies or cultural change that encourages affirmative child care/family support and health care; instead doubling down on punitive measures--anti birth control, etc that take away consumer/worker choice are their go to. So typical. No wonder Elmo looks like the last loaf at the day old bread store, same old stale ideas.
  5. H.R. 8373 The Right To Contraception Act passed with a vote of 228-195 with 8 Republicans voting Yea. Of those, I believe 4 are not seeking re-election. The Senate killed it (it was received in the Senate July of 2022 and when brought forth, Joni Ernst, remember her? She blocked it). My rep (R) did not vote (of course; he is a prick in all ways all days). So, it was reintroduced in June of 2023 and right now is not looking like it will pass either the House or the Senate this go around. So, anyone who thinks this is not going to keep sliding down the slope--remember Roe V Wade? I remember. The carve outs and medical exemptions will be just as murky so that physicians and pharmacists and insurance will refuse service. The STDs will keep them in business though. Sad.
  6. She is nominated for Best Actress and has a pretty good shot at winning.
  7. Hormonal Birth Control saves lives. Women would be a lot more violent if we lacked the medical ability to regulate our cycles somewhat. Trust me on that one.
  8. Because women suffering regardless of how it affects future fertility or quality of life is the point (SEE: Viagra, availability to males): Medical uses for oral contraceptives other than birth control are Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Endometriosis Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) Dysmenorrhea (painful periods) Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Primary Ovarian Insufficiency Heavy Menstrual Periods Anemia Many of these conditions start after the onset of puberty and can continue throughout child bearing years.
  9. Here is a link to Crouser's toss: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3d_WpAvxHu/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=38c6349a-879b-4ec6-9994-18204b69f6fc Didn't find a link for Davis-Woodhall's leap, but good for her as well.
  10. Although it was on the schedule, UT did not send any athletes to the Arkansas Qualifier meet this Saturday (AFAIK). Upcoming-- the Big 12 Indoor Championships in Lubbock Feb 23/24. This weekend the USA Indoor Championships were held in Albuquerque, NM. I may have omitted some alums, it was a quick run through as I wasn't able to watch due to a conflicting event. These two events caught my eye as the marks are currently WL. Men: Shotput- Ryan Crouser (1) 22.8m/74' 9 3/4"; Tripp Piperi (4) 20.43m/67' 0 1/2" Women: Long Jump- Tara Davis-Woodhall (1) 7.18m/23' 6 3/4"
  11. Been awhile since updating this thread but it's an election year and I'm wondering when some of this AI generated "love" (/sarcasm) is rolling out. The shortened article (originally in Rolling Stone) is not new, but it was copied by other media and it's worth a reminder here that Gab has continued on (after its 2018 deplatforming following the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre) with its owner Torba promoting his Christian Nationalist views. Tennessee seems not to mind hosting Nazis, so here we are in 2024. Link: https://nexttechtoday.com/news/nazi-chatbots-meet-the-worst-new-ai-innovation-from-gab/ (January 10, 2024) Nazi Chatbots: Meet the Worst New AI Innovation From Gab The far-right social media company is preparing to launch “based” AI chatbots that will deny the Holocaust Gab, the far-right social media network, is launching a “based” alternative to mainstream artificial intelligence tools. While only one of the company’s chatbots has been named after Adolf Hitler, the company’s “uncensored” AI will gladly help users make a plot for global Aryan domination. Andrew Torba, Gab’s CEO, first previewed his company’s AI agenda in a Jan. 2023 post declaring that “Christians Must Enter the AI Arms Race.” Torba blasted what he called the “liberal/globalist/talmudic/satanic worldview” of mainstream AI tools and vowed to build a system that upholds “historical and biblical truth.” Torba added: “If the enemy is going to use this technology for evil, shouldn’t we be on the ground floor building one for good?” What does “good” AI look like to Torba and Gab one year later? The company’s tools are still in beta. Still, a preview reveals that Gab has created an array of right-wing AI chatbots, including one named “Uncle A” that poses as Hitler and denies the Holocaust, calling the slaughter of six million Jews “preposterous” and a lie “perpetrated by our enemies.” The broader array of Gab’s AI bots is easily goaded into parroting extremist antisemitic and white supremacist beliefs, as well as conspiratorial disinformation — including that Covid-19 vaccines contain “nanotechnology that could potentially be used to track and control human behavior.” Rest of article:
  12. True, true. With the addition of @atomheartbevo's tweet (Liam Neeson) post above, I think the Cybergs are envisioning themselves in a Mad Max Fury Road role w/o considering that apocalyptic environments are bad for one's well-being.
  13. Daddy issues. Some guys are fond of speaking about women in this regard, but Errol did his son no favors with respect to modeling appropriate behaviors and the meaning of love. Elon will forever search for that approval or act out in ways that harm others.
  14. There is definitely a chance at the title (men's). I was glancing over other teams and event points and again, that Tech team head to head with Texas would place higher than the Longhorns, but as you say the field expands at nationals and can throw a spanner in the works. NAU doesn't have the breadth so I am going to be surprised if they can hold on to second or even third by the end of the season (but, don't count them out, they are a tricky bunch in those distance races). That gives Texas, Florida, and even Arkansas the opportunity to move up. If Leo N competes in both the hept and the long jump, that's potentially two first place point totals right there. Texas' ranking can fluctuate by several spots up or down over the next three weeks (as can other top teams) and then win the title. For the women's teams, Arkansas is just so dominant right now.
  15. Raspberry. Hard to find but a good pop-tart.
  16. 'Member when the Right was all about Classical Education from our "lil old European ancestors?" They had to amend that some because it got confusing for their party when discussing the 7 Liberal Arts of medieval curriculum because of the word "liberal." The Seven: Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astronomy. I remember. (I include spelling with grammar)
  17. They're a pair then. Elon had a hair transplant, but he still had some hair with which to graft when that happened.
  18. X, X Elon has wider hips than I do and I've born children. Also, "people" (probably Elon) say that Elon is 6'2" but he doesn't look that tall to me. I think he's just fluffed up his hair to add height.
  19. It's likely because of the kernel of truth that often exists in some theories (in order to make them appear believable). Most of us recognize that PR relationships are definitely a 'thing' in the entertainment industry, even formally written up etc. Promoting a movie, album, and so on with the celebs 'breaking up' sometime after the premier or release. It's a hot topic among fans and drives the side industries that thrive on the speculation. Swift and/or Kelce can date/marry whomever they wish and that's their business as long as no crimes (underage, DV, etc) are committed, whatever their relationship, this one got crossed over into the culture wars and that in itself drives more side industries. Bread and circuses for all.
  20. Helobious had approximately 12 posts on two different threads (Football and CR) that mentioned Taylor Swift so given that she had 12 camera pans for a total of 54 seconds during a 4 hour and 8 minute game time, there should be _____ posts about the game itself by said poster. Solve for X. Or Q. Whatever. It's pretty funny.
  21. I didn't watch the entire game due to some work that needed finishing; besides the ending which was so Keanu Reeves' Shane Falco/Gene Hackman's Coach McGinty "Winners always want the ball when the game is on the line" Mahomes is THAT guy and nothing I saw during the playoffs would dissuade me from that view (at least as long as he's healthy)......I thought the trick play with Purdy/Jennings/McCaffrey in the first half was pretty slick. If it hadn't worked, people be pointing and saying it cost them but it did work and you'd have thought would've loosened the 49rs up a little. But they needed some of the GB player's vibe from the play offs, the what have we got to lose go for it. Sure it can go too far, but this is Lombardi trophy on the line. Grab it and don't let go. I enjoyed what I watched--entertainment and a spectacle just as the Super Bowl has been for quite awhile. If it returned to the 70's roots, viewership would plummet further. It's just the way it is. As it is, the way the NFL turned a potential ho hum (Chiefs again..) into something that got people talking (over and around each other); they (NFL) know how to track demographics and participation and all the rest. Viewership was trending downward as was/is participation (tackle). I like regular football games w/o the pomp and circumstance (and talking heads) but it's obvious that is becoming more of an outlier; sport is an 'experience' now and a 'lifestyle,' where people identify with teams, players, ethos, whatever--and if that is perceived as changing then some may not like that. But change is going to happen because the money (or lack of it) will force it to happen. All the sighs and cries over changing and this and that--dig the coach's shorts and tube socks out of the drawer and head out to the sideline where players can practice sans water and sans NFLPA labor protections and stare at the empty field. I don't think those days are returning.
  22. Wow; I have no words because the reasoning of MIL is just not going to have anything with which to rebut. However, James Earl Jones, at age 93 and pretty much retired, for a small ok maybe not so small fee may be convinced to record or call a message to your MIL strongly worded to the effect that God is not amused with her leaving the abode where she was surrounded by love to go wander in the desert. @mchookem That is heartbreaking. Some of the same issues to which you referred have happened in my family background and it's a rough road with a lot of suffering. Hang in there. Vent in the Help thread or here if you need to...
  23. But there's a lot of lame ass commercials out there. One might think that because the ad buy is so expensive that the agencies could come up with something more clever, and I think they could but the best ones sometimes push the envelope in unexpected ways and I suspect that like @MNLonghornFUKM point about Hollywood, the corps play it safe just as the studios do. A lot of great screenplays never get made, a lot of perspectives never revealed and a lot of shitty commercials are given the nod because they check a box of 'does this make our company look good,' in ways that are forgettable instead of memorable. If Coco-Cola came out with the famous 'I'd like to teach the world to sing..' commercial from 1971 now, how would it fare? History then and now, culture then and now. We're now into many decades of commercials and a lot of $$ at stake. The classic 1984 Apple ad was directed by Ridley Scott (fresh after Blade Runner, which at the time, 1982, was a box office disappointment, and hadn't grown in stature among general viewers yet) and cost around $370,000 to shoot. That was taking a chance of sorts, meshing several types of references at once that struck a chord with viewers and done in a very stark and coherent way--memorable. It's likely another reason why the Dunkin' commercial is getting some positive feedback--in a slightly different and less chancy way. I'm not in that line of work, but it's fascinating in its own way. Easier to enshittify than it is to deliver the beef and that is another memorable ad, btw--and featuring an octagenarian emphysema laden Clara Peller. Go figure.
  24. Yes, if some consumers are just now noticing this, then they've haven't been taught by family or teachers because this is nothing new. When I was learning how to cook/bake, my mama had a lot of old recipes that had to be adapted because the ones that had instructions like use one box yellow cake mix would turn out awful if one didn't account for the shrinkage (i.e. volume matters). The Betty Crocker company, along with Pillsbury, etc have been doing this for years, and I rarely buy mixes unless a recipe specifically calls for it and then just do the math but it's a pain. Across the board, it's those little amounts every aisle, every product and nationwide adds up. IIRC, weights and measures are regulated by state not federal although there is a federal office (Office of Weights and Measures underneath the aegis of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, US Dept of Commerce). Not sure if I have that correct, but a friend back in college was a food science major that was really interested in candy bar weights and how much $$ profit was in getting that bar perfectly weighed. Now, it's Snickers bars in various sizes from King sized to bite sized so that consumers don't even think about what they're doing.
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