I quoted all of these for reference; really though even if Casey DeSantis envisioned herself as the belle of DC, I don't think I'd pin the motivation on her entirely. Regardless of how much power of persuasion you think she might have or even her professional career skills (and she was by all accounts good at her job--regional Emmy winner etc), I suspect/speculate that this is Ron and the people with whom he's been since he was plugging away at Yale, Harvard Law, and later through the military and US Attny Office. He was moving up through the ranks somewhat steadily and I think that was by his design not hers (they married after his return from Iraq). She is an asset, no doubt, due to her abilities and her own competitiveness, but I also believe this is just who Ron DeSantis is. While other people in the political arena may be "more enthusiastic, driven, and confident than DeSantis," it doesn't mean he doesn't want the role, the attention, or the power. And ultimately, I believe it is the last word, power, that is his motivation. It wouldn't be the first time that someone who doesn't really fit the image or what popular media says must fit the image made a run for the role. He was and is in a bit of a pickle. Waiting another four years was a risk, but so is laying the cards out now. It's what he chose and he's having to deal with it. He seems rather thin-skinned w/respect to criticism, so perhaps he isn't good with trying to sincerely work on his delivery etc. It bores him because (similar to Trump) they should like me as I am: wonderful and smart, right?
Casey DeSantis: Yes, dear.
We don't have to agree on this, I certainly don't know either one of them. It just seems a little too simple to say that it's her pushing him into this.