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Mrs Whiggins

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Everything posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. New motto? Texas, it's a whole other tinpot country!
  2. Their neighbors in Nebraska that attended rallies will happily remind the freezing Iowans that the buses will be coming soon.
  3. So what you're saying is that what happens in Iowa should be taken with a grain of.........road salt. I'll show myself out now.
  4. Rude; right after I offer praise for getting close to the estimated value, you come along and crush their career aspirations.
  5. Wasn't there also a report/study/investigation that was published somewhat recently that examined how some areas of Texas were seeing greater numbers because they were becoming essentially choke points? Going off memory--some of it was avoiding police/agents and some of it was due to trying to come in through areas that were deemed 'safer.' Safer as in the travel through Mexico was problematic due to violence, robbery, etc and word of mouth influenced which groups tried to get in via which location. To the eye, that might seem like a greater number but only due to other "roads" being closed. A traffic jam that is somewhat artificially created in other words. The highest number of illegal persons in the US is still people who overstay their visas.
  6. 21st century Appeasement Policy leading into an eleven month struggle with an aggressor party is exactly what the GOP wants because history may not repeat itself exactly, but it doesn't have to in order to place fascists in power. It would take a lot of tact (by the administration) in order to bring them to heel on their escalations and thusly, nothing will happen and the first sentence will be the likely result (my two cent take).
  7. Talk about a minefield. Ignoring all the lawyering stuff for a minute: bunch of men with guns on either side of this. Not great. All the while the leadership in this state is posturing and posing because, heaven forbid one actually have a humanist take and work with the (checks notes) federal government on how to help solve the issue. Someone's going to get hurt and it won't be a politician. It'll be an innocent bystander or someone who was present because they were ordered to do so.
  8. According to The Guardian, Never Back Down, the Super PAC supporting DeSantis, postponed two events due to weather. So they did, indeed, back down.
  9. Hey, that's a pretty good estimate--value was around $6 billion last August according to Forbes. Dallas is #1 at $9 billion.
  10. Of course it is. This is the school that created a memorial for a cockroach: Story went national, here is just one link out of many: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/krishrach/people-built-a-shrine-and-held-a-funeral-to-this-dead-cockro
  11. Returning to AA-Rod(gers), he's 40 and coming off that Achilles, he's going to face a rough year despite his and Saleh's optimism. I mean you kinda have to project that hopefulness but at the same time, better be trading/drafting for some protection....
  12. Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus going on before. This hymn was mentioned recently. I certainly learned it in Sunday School. I think perhaps a reminder of the last stanza of this Christian hymn would be useful for those that deny welcome to the weary travelers. Alas, they are so hard of hearing. They've hardened their hearts. Ironic isn't it? Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng, Blend with ours your voices in the triumph song. Glory, laud, and honor unto Christ the King, This through countless ages men and angels sing.
  13. Team #NoDrip here. On the subject of generators, I guess our family would be labeled as stubborn. If I'm to pay higher energy prices for a company policy of mismangement and profits (in order to fix the issue that may or may not be fixed) so that I'm now considered 'self-reliant' because I've spent more money (on a generator) then something seems a little backwards. However, it's not only cold out there, it's incredibly windy and is messing with my plans to mow the last of the leaves into the lawn. However, they seem to be blowing down the street into the neighbor's yard so I'm passing the buck. Hey! There's a moral to this story!
  14. I haven't listened to the whole radio show that featured the governor, but that clip above from KVUE and his comment (near the end of the clip) is an illustration of how skewed everything is at this time. His remark: "we are deploying every tool and strategy that we possibly can. The only thing we're not doing is we're not shooting people who come across the border, because, of course, the Biden administration would charge us with murder." So um Governor, that weird phrasing makes it sound like a NON-Biden administration would NOT charge you with murder and you would have no problem with that. Certain elements of our society likely would cheer that and it's rather stomach turning. Performative clown.
  15. Today and tomorrow is the Rod McCravy Memorial Meet at the Univ. of Kentucky (Louisville, KY) and the athletes scheduled to appear are at this link: https://live.dcracetiming.com/meets/29587/teams/735631 In addition, declathlete Leo Neugebauer has been named to the Bowerman Preseason Watch List. He was a finalist for the award last season. Womens' team member and field even specialist (long & triple jumps) Ackelia Smith has also been named to the Preseason Watch List.
  16. No clue, but anyone that assumes there was a 'political' take on the topics of masculinity, gender, and use of the word 'conservative' (which the last time I checked is not in the sole proprietorship of one specific group) in relation to Aaron Rodgers and his various interviews is, projecting their own insecurities into the thread. This thread is sixteen pages that pretty much discuss Rodger's whining and opining about various topics (plus whether he's been the beneficiary of friendliness by officials with respect to penalties, etc). The post that was complained about offered up an opinion as to why that might be--the shifting sands of an ever-changing society. If that is political (changing norms, etc) then so is the forward pass. TL/DR: Snowflakes melt....down.
  17. Refusing to scroll through 357 pages but I know this was covered before: people who talk/scroll/whatever on their phone and/or have zero awareness while entering highway on ramps. The purpose of the on ramp is to merge traffic safely with the traffic currently on the highway. That means paying attention to THAT traffic and its progress, whether 75/80 mph or crawling due to who knows what--probably some idiot like them on a further down the road on ramp who, in the same soporific state of stupidity, think that going 35 mph is somehow going to miraculously create a smooth merging experience for all. Makes me surly every time and today was no exception. And no, I am not driving while I type this.
  18. I imagine Linda and Gwynne have each other on speed dial.
  19. So can I, Mister, so can I:
  20. Okay, but before that happens use the dollars Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Kansas, Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Tennessee declined when they refused to pass Medicaid expansion and put it where it will help the most in need of immigration services support. Perhaps that will assist the immigrants in order for them to get processed and on their way to employment and a better life. The ten states get what their leaders wanted, and the cities who received the huddled masses can become the beacons they were meant to be.
  21. Can't y'all just move a manhole cover on her street or something? If she fell in, the neighborhood would probably decline to report it.
  22. Sorry for the derail. If there isn't a thread on old recipes that perhaps should never be resurrected then there had ought to be. I know there was/is a guy on social media/YouTube that makes old sometimes odd, sometimes wtf, sometimes hey that doesn't look too bad recipes from forgotten cookbooks and blogs about it, but the potential on Surly to find the strangest ones is limitless as witnessed by the salad above.
  23. First, I did not know of the host or his show but certainly knew of Aaron Rodgers as we followed the Packers for many years. But the whole 'talking head' sports stuff whether NFL or NCAA I just tune out. However, after some game on ESPN one night my husband must've turned the tv off and so McAfee show's was on and I made it for five minutes max because in addition to him and his brofriends not talking football, they were surrounded by toys/memorabilia and it was a lot like the same eye-glazing nausea one might get from the Home Shopping Network. I know a lot of fans collect stuff/get autographs but these guys better not make fun of the Comic Con set cause they're just a different flavor of the same lollipop. So I hear you, Chooky, I hear you. Second, ditto on the suits with sneakers. I understand that some show hosts wear shorts, etc if they're behind a desk and it's not visible but if you're camera from head-to-toe then I want either a sharp dressed person or if they've got bonafides as a former athlete then at least something professional and not 'Mom made me wear the clothes and I picked out the shoes.' If my husband is watching pre-game, I either wait until the game starts to sit down or mentally critique the tie and suit combos. Since females are usually sideline reporters, that's another one where practicality has to actually meet performance because they're actually on the field. Finally, I don't care about an athlete's sexuality or gender preference (No CR). But if it's really important to them personally that they project an image one way or another, they could easily do a PR relationship with an NDA. It's done in Hollywood all the time and is no big deal. As long as nothing criminal is going on (DV, assault, minor, etc) then two adults doing adult things is none of my business and has no bearing on the game.
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