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Mrs Whiggins

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Everything posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. Momentum looked like D’ville and then the fizzle. Great knock away by the GP NS player.
  2. I don’t know if the producers let the two non UIL female announcers set their topics or not. They do have to do some goodwill UIL promoting, I get that but if they needed filler and didn’t want those two giving the X and O talk the two guys do then they could’ve had some polls during the year for fan favorite uniforms and HS stadium food and reveal the results during the final games. Who has the best concession stand is a better discussion than oh wow look at how full aT&T is. Yeah, we can see that.
  3. God isn't anywhere near that stadium or the games would be a lot closer. Anyone else get the feeling that whenever the kind cowboy hat coach/dude comments on some aspect of the game there are a bunch of older folks sitting at home watching on cable nodding their heads? Also: not your sock Beau Vine. You write gooder than I does.
  4. Oh, I forgot: the TLDR was that yeah, I agree, some of the other regions and districts aren't very well rounded.
  5. I may be mistaken, but I believe this is the first year of the biannual realignment? Sometimes I think that can reveal various population shifts/growths/etc. that can influence competitiveness. It is not unusual for folks to give the side-eye to certain schools attendance numbers that get turned in, and that may happen, but there are also greater metro areas that can gain bodies by new campuses and the ensuing splits within districts from one high school to two. Katy Paetow HS was an example of that. We used to drive to the Houston area for soccer instead of Austin and sometimes the games would be near Katy. Every time we would go we would turn to each other--was that subdivision there last month? KP's enrollment snapshot may have reported one number, but I bet all one would have to do would be to look at lower grade levels to know which schools were going to explode (not throwing KP under the bus, that is just one that stood out because they beat CS last year when we watched the games on tv, and we had seen the growth for ourselves when traveling. I did some checking just now though, and Brenham was in CS district prior to realignment. I can't imagine that they are a fast growth school like CS or Aledo. Last year, I think CS was in a different district and it included some different schools from this year as opposed to last (and that included Brenham). If the CS school is only what nine or so years old and Brenham still has one high school, but are on different trajectories, I still would imagine the student population of CS gained enough to be at the ceiling of the classification well prior to the reclassification due to that growth. After looking at the UIL numbers, they currently have CS listed at 2109, A&M Consolidated at 2106 and Brenham at 1557. But this year after realignment, CS is in a district with A&M Consolidated (2106), Cedar Park (2005), Georgetown (2052), Georgetown Eastview (2101), Leander (2202), Leander Glenn (1991), and Pflugerville Hendrickson (2144). To me, it kind of makes sense that Brenham and CS although somewhat close in distance are now in Div. 2 and Div 1 respectively. Brenham is not growing at the same pace as CS which started out as what? 3A when they opened ? and won a championship in 2017 the announcers said but were already playing 5A Div 2 and reaching the playoffs by 2014. Their coach was pretty good, but that rapid growth likely helped too. More people, more bodies. Crazy thing is that the districts for other sports don't usually shake out that way and the disparities can be greater.
  6. I've been stuck in the house still getting over that respiratory virus and watched and dozed during football yesterday. Some of the games were more fun to watch than others, but the most fun has been watching @Beau Vine and @Helobious picks go head to head. Copy paste from Helo's post with bolded comments based on Beau's picks from a few pages back. Helo Redemption week: 6AD1: NS beats Duncanville. Fully believe in Amador the Matador 6AD2: Desoto beats Vandy. Too explosive on offense. 5AD1: Aledo beats CS, cause they’re Aledo. 5AD2: PNG beats SOC like 14-7. SOC turnovers doom them. Also seems unwise to pick against a team with a Vietnamese running back. Beau Vine picked SOC. 4AD1: Boerne beats China spring. Greyhound destiny. Not today destiny. Beau Vine picked CS. 4AD2: Carthage beats Wimberley, because they’re Carthage You both picked Carthage because who wouldn't? Draw. 3AD1: Brock beats Franklin in an upset. Beau Vine got the repeat win for Franklin. 3AD2: Poth beats Gunter, region 4 rise up Not so fast. Gunter got this one. Beau Vine picked Gunter. 2AD1: Refugio beats Hawthorne, south Texas power baby. It's actually Hawley and they won. Another point to Beau Vine 2AD2: Mart beats Albany. I’ve heard of Mart before Albany wins so they can be heard. Once again Beau. 1AD1: Abbott beats Westbrook. I have never heard of these towns/schools in my life Westbrook took this one. 1AD2: Loraine beats Benjamin. I have never heard of these towns/schools in my life. Benjamin for the win. The last two games Beau Vine didn't select so I'll call them a draw. Three games left. both picked Desoto and Aledo to win and the final game of the night they've got opposing picks. All in good fun fellows, but it's added an extra element to an otherwise crap weekend when I'm coughing up a lung so thanks.
  7. When Jose Andres calls you out for something, there is a good chance you should rethink your behavior... On that note, all of the banned journos have been reinstated save two--one is Linette Lopez, the woman who had called him out back some time ago (this seemed rather like a revenge ban because he's a gamergatebro at heart) and the other is Keith Olbermann.
  8. The announcers pointed him out and I was tickled. He’s a good egg. Game has been entertaining so far.
  9. It's not a 'theory' and for the most part I believe you and I to be in agreement regarding his state of mind etc. My point is basically that the collateral damage caused by his behaviors can be greater than what it would seem. IOW, Yoel Roth is having to avoid death threats but Elon has cancelled anyone who crosses him like the insecure narcissist he is but doesn't afford anyone else those protections. That is a problem and it is growing--I don't care if Elon fails at everything he touches, I care that there can be exploitation of his acquisition and have pondered if (as wild and random as he is) he can be manipulated. It's not a conspiracy theory as much as watching to see how this is shaking out? Jibe? I don't think he has a 'plan.' He appears to have a messianic complex, a lot of SDE, and a whale of a mid-life crisis.
  10. If you stand on a public sidewalk in front of the school the way the Gideons do in our community to hand out Bibles to students, I'm not sure there is anything anyone can do is there? So perhaps they could hand out little dictionaries to all the children while the review is underway for the lengthier dictionary for the library?
  11. In my head I am picturing Tina Fey's character in Date Night (with Steve Carell) and she's driving down the road looking at the little screen, "Oh c'mon! Little rainbow wheel?! Why do I always get the little rainbow wheel?!
  12. 1. No, I am aware of the requirements in order to be a presidential candidate. 2. The metrics of using his platform to service the hate machine on behalf of other oligarchs and authoritarians like himself or to sway the significant percentage of the population to which @Brisketexan refers below to aid others who may fulfill those requirements or to sow chaos in order to benefit them. 3. He was not exactly in an area where he is beloved right now nor do people like surprises when they've paid for something else. I understood that he wasn't part of the original ticket purchase correct? Could someone have foreseen that? Well, anyone who has self-awareness, sure. But I believe the consensus on this site is that is not one of his strong suits. Pretty much this.
  13. Not in the business sense of which you are thinking in which normal metrics of success apply-- I'm going full on CR here, but there is precedence with having a failed businessperson gathering a bunch of very outraged angry people to do anything he asked of them.
  14. What I’d like to know is, who are the people assigned to read and approve books for the schools in this review process? It's been awhile since that has come under my purview but it often varies by state, then school district. In Wisconsin, for example, school librarians must also have a teaching certificate and many of them use the *CCBC at the UW Madison's library school if they have questions or concerns or someone has raised a challenge. Some areas will have a standing committee to address reviews. Every library from coast to coast should have a policy manual which directs patrons to the mission statement and other policies such as challenges, weeding, donations, and where books are shelved (i.e. cataloguing a book as Young Adult that has slightly more mature content). What are their names? Where do they live? Where do they work? What are their qualifications? What are their histories? Do any of them have a criminal record? I’m not saying anyone should make death threats against them and their families like right-wing election deniers do to election workers, nor that people should demonstrate outside their homes. But I think concerned parents have a right to know who’s deciding what little Johnny can read. You shouldn't be surprised to discover that most parents have never set foot into their child's school library even during Scholastic Book Week, but talking to the librarian and (if the librarian is lucky enough to have an assistant) one will usually discover it is the librarian who does initial reviews and once again, depends upon various state and/or local district policies but names are usually not a problem. With respect to criminal history, I wouldn't have been able to volunteer in the district anywhere w/o a background check and most people I have been around on committees have had their names put forward by teachers/admins or thought they had the skillset to do whatever committee tasks were needed. I did volunteer for many years in an elementary library (the upper grade schools used student volunteers) and there are a lot of parents who really do not know how to shelve a book., what books are available, or how wide the reading ability can be on a K-4 campus. And that is the clincher right there. You have nine year olds that can read at a HS level but most librarians I interacted with knew that it is difficult to navigate (in the short time they have with the children each week) age appropriate topics for advanced readers. Then again, the parents back in the day that wanted to BAN Harry Potter but hadn't read the series can form a line out the door. Also, to add onto @horn4life's excellent post, if you've ever been around a lot of children's literature you do do not have to be particularly observant to notice just how startling the difference is between a quality children's book vs a cheapo GOP self-published or discount drugstore book. One will have a wonderful simpatico between the illustrations and the text, the others all have the same look and appearance of a paint by number I-just-threw-this-together and if the words rhyme it's probably good enough to sell. A **book with Caldecott Award worthy illustrations is often one a child will remember for years and years. (or the text, or the entire piece depending upon the reading level targeted). All I have to do is say kerplink-kerplank-kerplunk and my children know exactly to which book I'm referring. Those well written beautifully illustrated books and books in general are pricey, and that is why the pooled resource of a library as book center for all is so important. So of course the GOP hates them. *CCBC is the Cooperative Children's Book Center. https://ccbc.education.wisc.edu/ I don't know if they have twitter, but they have Face: https://www.facebook.com/SOECCBC/ **Not all books have to be the fanciest in order to be considered good quality children's lit as much as the ability to engage the child's mind where they are and where they are headed (with respect to verbal/nonverbal and other intellectual milestones). For example, babies love board books, squeaky bath books, cloth books, and the little books that have things for them to do included in the story (always be careful with those because they sometimes have small parts that can detach.) Perfect for that age group because they can use all the senses while sitting on a caregiver's lap snuggled in a safe while they look, taste, listen, and feel.
  15. SIAP. The Onion always nails it.
  16. RE: The rent, nonpayment of assorted expenses, etc. Perhaps he will go with the 'whaddya gonna do about it' aka 'the make me' assertion knowing he can drag any legal issues out for a lot longer than certain other people Who Shall Not Be Named due to his wealth, reduced somewhat though it may be. He also knows, if he did not before, that he can easily make himself out to be the victim and sic any and all of his friendly followers after any foes with just one or two tweets (SEE: Roth, Yoel) regardless of veracity. This was written much more eloquently by other posters several pages back, but whether his brain is 'broken' or not, he is using the outrage machine to great effect right now and in a manner that really should be setting off more and more alarm bells for what it may mean in the future. I believe author/journalist/pundit Greg O'Lear or maybe it was Brian Beutler (sp?) commented that should one replace the name Elon Musk with the name Steve Bannon it should be made clear enough. I don't think that is far off the mark given the chaos that has been a feature not a bug. I know the whole 'reading her DMs' and his ex and all that is bandied about a lot, but at this point that is not going to matter. The rest of what I think pushes political boundaries in a nonpolitical thread so I'll stop there.
  17. That seemed to be our experience when we caught it in September. One of my children had it, and I didn't fall ill and test positive until about five or six days later while my spouse fell ill after about two-three days after exposure. We are vaccinated, etc but had not gotten the latest booster at the time but fortunately the worst of the symptoms didn't hang around for too long. We all have RSV now, yuck.
  18. JFC, just hand the man a Sharpie, a roll of paper towels, and a bottle of bleach and accelerate the timeline cause I'm rather weary of it all.
  19. His inner circle has a similar viewpoint and squishy politics that tech oligarchs seem to share--I'm thinking shades of Mark Rylance's character from his recent Netflix movie. Without going full CR, from my perspective it's a bit messiah (only I/we can save whatever or whomever they deem worth saving) complex regardless of whether the narcissism exists. The adulation is certainly tied in with that, but it is complicated because there are layers and not only Elon involved in this, IMO. His closest bros aren't just riding his coat-tails for fun--they have their own agenda as well, both with their own 'brand' and also for their own gains in wealth and power.
  20. I've read too many NYT so I could only read the bits previously posted, but the author is wishy washy about the entire 'nuance' of Musk. It's no surprise that Democratic Feinstein received dollars from Tesla's owner. During the time the HQ was in Palo Alto, there was no way she was going to be unseated, nor was donating to a politician who sits on energy and tech subcommittees a dumb move. That doesn't mean that someone is a party supporter as much as someone knows how influence works. Few are so loyal as Mike Lindell and most give strategically to gain the most benefit. People change for a lot of reasons, witness the migration of conservatives from the Republican party who see money being wasted on performative stage acts instead of on issues that can affect real change. But, you do raise a good point about Twitter and propaganda. It's hard to say what he's doing, but he's got a little less than two years until decision day (11/5/2024) and (I suspect) some 'helpful' suggestions being whispered in his ear. Guess we'll see.
  21. If one happens to venture into the CR to the Marjorie Taylor Greene thread and reads the link to an Atlantic article about her rise to DC, there are some similarities in the way certain personalities react to the subsequent rise to power and fame.
  22. Followed by
  23. Anecdotal, but my Gen Z kiddos and their friends see Elon for what he is and it is not the visionary in the thread title....
  24. Apparently Stermon had suffered a stroke recently and was going to 'distance' himself from politics. So, the rumors that he had received a 'terminal' diagnosis due to his health and thus the impetus for his death may mean something entirely different if one follows the other rumors related to the investigation currently ongoing by LEOs regarding sexual misconduct, or the ones that were shut down regarding election improprieties in Florida.
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