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Mrs Whiggins

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Everything posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. Dear Elon Musk, Many people are saying I did GREAT work this week EXCELLENT woke werk work. A man came up to me with tears in his eyes saying, YOU saved so much money this week by doing such great work. I ca'nt be'lieve how much work you did. Signed Epstein's mother The other Epstein's mother
  2. Person, woman, man, camera, transgender!
  3. Ya know, if it wouldn't absolutely overwhelm the already stressed or end up on some trailer to a camp, one can come up with a lot of interesting responses to that email. Think of a USPS employee who works at the service counter and deals with the citizenry. @RDCanecutter could write a creative week's worth of gold here.
  4. Fragile White Males are a protected class. The surgically deformed penis with a chainsaw out front should've told you.
  5. Elevators...
  6. Last line of article where Phelps (D rep) mentions 'political pressure'? Yeah sorry you've wasted your time there but the reason no GOP lawmakers showed up is because they no longer have to be present in order to fulfill the duties of the monarchy. Chippewa County elected someone who will happily cater to the Crown and pay fealty to staying in power forevermore.
  7. Roasted a very nice pork shoulder for supper and for some reason kimchi and soju go quite nicely with that so it's Friday and I've got quite the buzz here.
  8. If I was going straight from Ian Fleming, it would be male. He was the author of the novels. However, once entertainment branches away from the source material into other vehicles, the investors can choose whomever they want and I'll either watch/listen/read or I won't depending upon if they offer up a good product.
  9. Oh, the medicine isn't mixed with anything--child has to take that straight. That was never an option on the table for our children. The mixing, per se, is what is done afterwards with the spices and condiments that the adult then partakes with a tiny taste. Maybe not for your grandson, but something about that evoked hilarity in our children. Maybe because it was the handing over of power (imaginary to an extent) to the child (pick the spice...) so that now they could save a little face. I know that doesn't sound like a concept a small child could grasp, but they're brighter than we think sometimes. Perhaps because their very survival depends upon large people who make them do things that they don't want to? As I said, it was only for a brief few years of when they were small and it wasn't all the time (although they enjoyed the reactions so much that they'd occasionally ask to play 'concoctions' with us when they were bored). It was a little bit of theater you know? Setting the pieces on the table along with a little bowl on a placemat for messes, building anticipation; oooo is this one going to be sweet do you think or wow, isn't that really red--do you suppose that tastes hot...water! Water! I need water!. It made them forget what they were so upset about in the first place. But it sounds like he's gone for the quickest way and sometimes that's just as well.
  10. Might as well embrace the taliban-ness of it all and begin writing the mission statement for the Super Patriot Alpha Male academy; no females of course.
  11. So, FWIW, I don't know your grandchild's temperament beyond not wanting the medicine, but something that worked for us around that age required a bit of a deal (I understand the warning about negotiating with terrorists, but this was presented as an either/or and curiousity always won out.) The child could either take the medicine as is, administered by the adult and be done OR the child could take the medicine as is, administered by the adult and then assist in the creation of a concoction which would then by taken by teaspoonful by the adult. Now, this concoction thing involved pulling various spices and condiments from the pantry and fridge, setting them on the table and then the child would point to one. After naming it or some other small talk about it, we would put a tiny amount of those selected in a cereal bowl and kiddo would stir it and then the anticipation would set in: what kind of face is mama going to make when she tries the Old Bay seasoning, garlic powder, italian dressing combo? It was rather hilarious and the kids outgrew the age at which medicine was a struggle, but they have fond memories of it. As a mom, it took only a little patience and desperation, but they took their medicine and got a little of their own back with the shared misery of cayenne pepper laced concoctions...
  12. If the story of the 11 year old girl who committed suicide after being bullied by classmates regarding her family didn't move people, they ain't budging on that even if it costs them. Maybe some on the fringes of MAGA, but too much of the silo effect of the media caving/Musk disinfo combined with idiocracy will take the pretzel logic to unseen heights before there is a shift away from the GOP/'Trump is God-like' standard ruler.
  13. This is the cherry shaped dingleberry on top of the shit sundae with diarrhea sauce: Note: he doesn't only mention going after media....
  14. If it is Judge Ana Reyes, perhaps she did her homework prior? She seems pretty level-headed but I've got no legal background.
  15. Some of the data available on certain federal websites has been removed so tracking reproductive health outcomes for women vessels is no longer important.
  16. No argument with the formula you describe and I'd add that the actor swap wherein you take a somewhat unknown but solid actor and make him/her Bond is my preference over a well known person such as Chalamet or Cavill etc. There are plenty of A list types that I think would do well and are pretty to look at but developing someone into Bond somewhat stays true to the character itself.
  17. When I was about 5 or 6, our neighborhood creek flooded to rather impressive heights. Our house was on the side of a hill, so we were unscathed, but my older brother wanted to go out and "see" the water. My mom reluctantly allowed him to go but since I was always tagging along, she told him he had to hold my hand because of the reason you cite above. I looked at my brother's toothpick arms and decided to stay home. Skeptical kindergartener is skeptical.
  18. For every response to this art that condemns it, there will be five times as many that either praise it, hail it as lib tear provoker, or excellent trolling (aka "can't you take a joke"). Sad.
  19. I can't answer that in a knowledgeable way, but the ratio is set by the state w/respect to class size etc so I'll hazard that it can't be too out of balance? What some districts do is cut the extra staff like librarians, school nurses, etc. Maybe the paraprofessionals as well. Administrators take up around 1-2% IIRC and there are a number of employees that are responsible for keeping up with testing, metrics, federal requirements, SPED assistance, etc. That the governor has held the same $ since 2019 isn't helping either. It's breaking something in order to come in with a solution that only favors a select few (which is the way public education was prior to Brown v. BoE. The specifics may have changed somewhat, but it's still a tilt of the table.
  20. With the cut of around 10% of NSF employees and the overall funding freeze for certain agencies, higher ed is going to be going through some things if the $$ stay on hold. The way I understand it is that the larger schools (say like UT and A&M) will be okay until the beginning of summer, but things may get uncomfortable after that. If that happens, campus cuts (especially in GOP dominated states) will likely follow ideologically directed guidelines in order to keep certain funding streams open. That's speculation, but not too hard to imagine. Other countries can certainly make some offers and likely find some willing interviewees. In addition, local economies of smaller university towns would take a hit as sometimes the school is the largest employer. Even if the skeptics say, 'well, just teach then" (i.e. no research), the infrastructure of the Tier I schools is enormous. Going to just let it all decay? Wait, don't answer that....
  21. I can't speak to other districts, but the teacher salaries that you mentioned take up 84% of our ISD's budget and are what is drawn from the stagnant state stipend. That leaves 12% for the non-bond related streams. I think data processing, etc are also under that part of the budget.
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