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Mrs Whiggins

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Everything posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. Texas 63 Iowa State 14 48 att/305 yds Iowa State is going to have difficulty summoning up more than a gentle breeze and close to a negative on the Fujita scale against the reinvigorated Longhorn offense. Maybe an early score will get the Io-way hopes up, but any other points will come late late when the regulars have a seat.
  2. Similar in my case; I had scant European history background from schooling but found that classic literature was much more enjoyable when I took the time to read a little real world history and background prior to delving into a novel. This show reads like that in some ways. The Cromwell and Wolsey types, the monarchs, and so on.
  3. Considering the series begins in a time of peace, I'm okay with it but I suppose if folks are used to GoT which debuted with attacks, assassinations, and so on then I guess they are impatient for the battle to begin. I do believe that had it opened with the dragon battles and tried to explain the conflict genesis with flashbacks that the folks confused about names and so on might have suffered a stroke keeping everyone straight. However, in 8 episodes there has been a battle, several fights, several murders including a beheading, a joust which included hand to hand combat, and the gradual decay of the man acting as the second hand on the clock slowing ticking its way to the zero hour bell when the action begins. If I had to guess, you won't see any real conflict until season two.
  4. Don't be too hard on yourself, but really it's going to be a team effort because even your wife with her skillset will need relief (I'm sure you know this but it's a reminder that tag team parenting can be a lifesaver). A couple of things that worked for us--you may not think you have that skill set, but what you can do is rather dispassionately step back and analyze some skills you can teach your daughter so that she can cope with her emotions. My husband was great at this all through our oldest child's stages of growth. In hs, when she would not realize she was getting a little too verklempt, and he could use humor to help her regain perspective, and it worked because they had this history together as far back as she could remember of him helping her learn how to cope and think about what was really going on. Which leads to a second thing that can help you cope as well--sometimes it's just a matter of a growth stage where they are physically growing and the emotional growth has lagged behind, sometimes it is a missed hour of sleep, low blood sugar, anxiety and so on. As adults we tend to dismiss the things that children worry about and sometimes they aren't good at verbalizing them and it manifests itself in ways that suspend disbelief. As in, really? You thought a tiger was on the roof and was going to eat us all and leave you alone? It boiled down to a fear of what if something happens to mom and dad when grandma and grandpa live so far away (we had moved to another state but the anxiety didn't appear until over a year later). Have some one on one time and let her ramble on but try not to tune out her words. Occasionally they can be quite revealing. Or, like when I admitted to another child something of which I was afraid and how it was difficult to figure out how to handle it. Or discovering that certain situations were overstimulating and having some time or a place to gain equilibrium was helpful for the entire family. Oh, and your son is still young. He will have his own set of things that *surprise you and challenge you. He hasn't hit toddlerhood in full stride yet. Hang on. *I must say though, one of our younger ones is very very quiet and that can be misconstrued that he is calm but it turns out he was just better at hiding it. We made a point of taking him out in the car or for a one-on-one bike ride and after a good twenty minutes w/o prompting he would launch into things that were bothering him.
  5. They also go on and on and on and on about George Soros but are also silent on Thiel (above) or anyone with the last name of Koch. We know why.
  6. Ryan Reynolds has been making some movies lately that I guess would fall along the lines of 'optimistic' or 'feel good' and I am here for that. I love Deadpool, etc but there is a place for this type of movie (Free Guy, etc) and I will watch. Plus Octavia Spencer is a great actress.
  7. Also, I suspect that tenderness by males especially toward other males (especially those perceived as your 'enemy') is viewed as weakness. Men can cry in the locker room when they have won a championship or when their dog dies but our culture has difficulty with the nuances between keeping a stiff upper lip and shouldering burdens w/o complaint versus compassionate understanding and empathy. The level of vindictiveness in our population, the glee over another's suffering, and the cruelty. Those are mainstays of authoritarianism.
  8. This right here. I have seldom had trouble sleeping, save the latter stages of pregnancy or suffering from some type of gastro bug. When I was a teen I had the most vivid dream that concluded with me being shot and your description is not dissimilar to how mine went: the blood dripping though my fingers on my chest as I staggered around and fell. How hard everything felt, the scents, the bright light of the room, and the reverberation of the gunshot. I woke up in a dark room with my heart going a mile a minute. It seemed so real and so unexpected that I was still living and unharmed. I tend to avoid horror movies because elements of those scenes seem to reappear in my dreams, but I never understood why that particular dream occurred. I dream a lot, and occasionally remember bits and pieces.
  9. Did you not watch the original Kevin Bacon/Lori Singer Footloose? When he picked her up for the dance in his VW Beetle, he had to kick the door open. So there you have it: zero degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon.
  10. Based on your anecdotes about your wife, she has always struck me as a very kind, loving, smart, and sensible woman, mother, and general good egg human being. However, in the case of your (not that old really) truck she is wrong. Or, if not wrong, then perhaps could use a different perspective. I'll give you mine: in our family a car (or truck--but we haven't had one of those for a number of years) is transportation. For sure our cars are not brand new and sparkly and we don't begrudge anyone who has a new one and will often comment on a nice ride out of admiration rather than envy. We won't swing our doors into an old car at the grocery store any more than we would the fancy new one, although parking lot douchebags do get a glare and muttering sometimes. But, we also don't make an assumption that an old vehicle means its owner is somehow less than worthy, or that it drags down the neighborhood. Now, I suppose if it has four flats and driveway weeds growing up through the engine blocks we might hope that someone would show a little more tidyness, but your truck doesn't fit that category. The category to which your truck fits is not unlike a marriage. Long lasting and maybe no longer the dewy eyed sparkling youth full of pep but the dependable relatable witness to your family's adventures, triumphs, sadness, and needs. A little worn around the edges but still with enough giddy-up to go the full distance. We had a little car like that we bought early in our marriage so I could get to work. A manual transmission which my spouse taught me (and boy did we laugh together during those lessons!) how to drive and it got us through blizzards, cat and dog thunderstorms, miles and miles of moves, children, car seats, and many years of Christmas trees (with the seats down) and more than once, landscape timbers that almost hit the gear shift. But one year it finally wore out and we couldn't really justify keeping it, even for the newest driver in the family. But we still reminisce about it and the children lament that we currently do not own a manual transmission because they were just fascinated by that and all the stories about when their mom and dad got married and bought their first used car together and started their many adventures. $3000 sounds like a pretty good bargain to me. Buy your sweetheart some flowers and take her out for dinner in your refurbished transmission truck. It's the miles together that count.
  11. I don't know, but it was Rhaenyra's dragon that produced them and I believe Daemon was going to place each with his three children with her: the two small children already born plus the one Rhaenyra is carrying. All of her sons with Harwin have dragons or at least we know the two oldest do plus Joeffrey has an egg (the scene with Harwin Strong, Laenor, her sons and the baby). I believe it was only Alicent's son Aemond who did not have a dragon (don't know about her daughter) plus one of Daemon's daughters had an egg that did not hatch. With the conversation she was having with her mother, Laena, I was left thinking that the egg placed with the baby usually hatches by a certain time, hence the young girl's dismay. So, it makes me question that those three new eggs then reappear much much later.
  12. Since the original post was a request for reading material, it's not unusual to find it in a book thread. @Spur08 --there are a lot of books, some good and some for which I didn't care, but I recommend skimming the shelves at your local library as its cheaper. You find one there that seems applicable for your family and then it might be good to have a personal copy. That is what we did, and the one we found somewhat helpful was The Mister Rogers Parenting book. It covered the age ranges of (I'm forgetful) maaaybe two to six? Those were the ages around which our children needed a lot of hands on guidance and supervision in learning how to manage family life, personal behaviors, what is an acceptable way to express emotion, and so on. Each family is different, each child is different, but it helped to have that book as a resource. Sometimes I believe Mr. Rogers got a bad rap--that critics would say he reinforced the idea of 'specialness' and that led generations to feel entitled. I disagree and that would be on the parents of those entitled-acting children. For 'specialness' is something that is true--each child truly is unique in so many ways but shares commonalities with every other human living and every human who has ever lived. Which means that while YOU are special, so is every one else and thus one must learn to do such things as wait one's turn, be polite, be kind, and so on. I think some parents just stopped after the you are special and tuned out the rest of what Rogers had to say about how to raise a child to grow into a healthy happy adult. Because parenting is hard work and a responsibility and should not be an afterthought. Mostly what we discovered as parents was that what was right (for our family) wasn't always easy, there are not really short cuts, and as my late grandmother used to say: patience is a virtue. Good luck!
  13. I believe GRRM claimed to be a reader of history and court drama and perhaps he and the writers drew inspiration from Henry VIII's last speech given to parliament (1545) about a year before he passed. It's a long speech and heavy on religion but towards the end it tracks with a similar sentiment as good old Viserys. Excerpt: Therefore, as I said before, be in charity one with another, like brother and brother; love, dread, and serve God (to the which I, as your supreme head and sovereign lord, exhort and require you); and then I doubt not but that love and bonds, which I spoke of in the beginning, shall never be dissolved or broken between us. And, as touching the laws which be now made and concluded, I exhort you, the makers, to be as diligent in putting them into execution as you were in making and furthering them, or else your labor shall be in vain, and your commonwealth nothing relieved. Henry was in bad shape but the full speech recalled the charismatic Henry of younger days. I can see why the show runners might wish to incorporate some of that sentiment into the episode.
  14. Thank you for the info. Yes, I think he is going to ask his group and see if Venmo is all they're using. They have saved up and are going to do some traveling together and want to have things organized and responsibilities somewhat equitable. Seems no one uses cash in hand anymore.
  15. Comments have been interesting. Most people are surprised Promise Keepers is still around. Harrison took over leadership in 2018. Like this tweeter's take.
  16. I have been lax about photos and gardening in general this year (thanks drought and record heat), and then I had just started seeds for fall when we all came down with Omicron so I'm still catching up a little. Finally had enough energy to get some of the seedlings out in the garden--thus far have the lettuce, spinach, and beets done. The fall tomato (just one this year) is going very slowly and may not make it with production in time, but I neglected some TLC with it, so it's just going to have to do its best. I still have mustard in small pods and did sow some carrots since they don't transplant well. The flowers are still to be planted: snapdragons and alyssum in pods, and I need to get the poppy and delphinium seeds thrown in the dirt. Will probably do some sweet peas again this year, I love their scent. In the meantime, here are some photos from the last few months: Early summer potatoes. They made a lovely potato salad. Lillies blooming in front of the aloysia Scabiosa (pincushion plant) I grew from seed. I also grew some that are white and some pink ones. The oxblood lillies like to put on a show, but not for very long. My spider lillies are the same way, but I do like bulbs--less care and so pretty.
  17. Sigh. Men like Ken don't want to share anything in the sandbox with anyone who isn't exactly like them. Ken, Jesus would have a lot to say about that. Plus, your argument is stale and so been there done that through out history: (rest of his thread is spoilered for length.
  18. While I think I understand your gf's perspective, I agree with Bama Chick and the others who've pointed out some potential differences. I'll go Godwin on this and point out that the Nazi administration very pointedly used such terms as cockroaches and rats and other vermin to describe Jewish citizens and in an inverse reality to your anecdote, it enabled non Jewish citizens to ignore what was happening to them. See a sign that had a mandated Jewish star in the window and think, oh I will take my business elsewhere thus making the Jewish business irrelevant. We now have trolls and trolls masquerading as elected officials essentially urging a specific percentage of Americans to regard other Americans and immigrating potential Americans in this light of less than. So, while your gf appears to say, treat the trolls as pests, I do believe we are at the stage in the arc of history where they are not going to go away without some severe consequences for their behavior. So if you did mean ignore them, I cannot agree. If you mean there are better strategies than retweeting everything the trolls say, then I agree with that. Jay Rosen, NYU prof, often takes the press to task for how they frame their questions and their stories, and their ledes. The public that is concerned with how things are progressing needs people who know how to do these types of things and do them well to speak up and speak out and give examples. The difficulty seems to be that the American attention span is shrinking faster than Ben Shapiro's gonads.
  19. One of my children wants to set up a Venmo with his buddies and asked for advice but I have never needed this form of payment. After reading above, it seems Zelle is preferred and I know his bank uses that. If for whatever reason he can't use Zelle and needs Venmo, any advice on things to avoid or must dos? We were thinking that he might want to go the credit card route and eat the transaction fee because he isn't always great with details and it seems important with this app. If he uses Venmo for awhile he can always delete it later correct?
  20. I have enjoyed The Crown because the acting is pretty stellar all around. But the old Crown (Henry VIII et al) seemed comfortable enough with heading off problems....
  21. Ohhhh. I missed seeing that it was her. Thank you. Rep for the sharp eyes. I still thought Alicent gave her poison though.
  22. That was my leaning as well. If not respect, then realizing the similarities--second sons, risk-takers, and somewhat pragmatic. IMO, the character of Daemon, for all his faults, appears to recognize some of the faults and flaws in others w/o being all sanctimonious about it. It seemed to me as if he recognized what Corlys was saying about the name versus the bloodline in the sense that what did it matter if Jacaryus and Luceryus (sp?) and Joeffrey were not Laaenor's. If the king says they are and he is in power then that is what they are. As long as they are loyal to House Targaryon, then they rule and can make the rules. Daemon defended House Targaryon when Vaemond insulted power. Still have a ways to go on House George Foreman, but I agree, the Aegons are running a tab and the bill is coming due.
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