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Mrs Whiggins

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Posts posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. I'm usually a fairly patient person, but when I go to the grocery store, I have a list and I am there to get the items and get out. If my husband is with me, sometimes I go an aisle ahead and bring items back to the cart to make it go faster. So why the family of I dunno, five, six, seven? along with the main cart plus the kiddy cart feels the need to stretch out along the fresh fish display so that no one else waiting can see anything gets me surly. I have children, so I understand the need to keep children occupied and entertained, but by the time you have more than one, up your crowd control game people.

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  2. Despite all the Froome hate, he was arguably better in the heat than Thomas, but the Ineos train does seem off the rails this year. Bernal was looking around like "what do I do?what do I do?" when Thomas blew up. I was thinking, "go for it kid" since he didn't look to be too strained but about that time the others went for it and he was caught in no man's land. 


    I completely agree re Movistar. Is it Landa? Quintana? Do they not talk to each other? They are a hot mess.

    Alaphilippe is looking pretty good right now. He sat back and didn't have to defend anything and even gained a little time. Wonder if Kruijswijk and Pinot et al will go for it tomorrow. I hope so. I would like to see attack after attack after attack.

  3. He might just do it, tomorrow will be interesting. He can handle the "hill" at the end, but if other teams attack, can his team respond?


    To the person who mentioned Bardet--when he first appeared on the Tour, I was really rooting for him and I still do but, bless his heart, he seems to suffer from the oddest mishaps and tactical difficulties at the most inopportune times.

  4. We kept our landline because my spouse figured that the money spent was cheaper than therapy/attorney fees. Nobody has the cell #'s not even the schools my children attend(ed). We live(d) very close to their campuses and to this date I think I've only had one maybe two spoofed/spam calls. It obviously isn't an option for work, but for everything else it has been great. The landline has a machine and the calls coming from the strangest little towns all over America crack me up. The best call I have gotten was from an angry local demanding that I call her back about the money she owed the IRS. That was the first time it dawned on me that our own number was being spoofed as well.

  5. Restocking toilet paper in the bathrooms would be a start. Have seen some pretty nice HOA pools where the bathrooms are foul because everyone thinks it's not their problem.


    Until it is.

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