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Mrs Whiggins

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Everything posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. We had the inverse of Four Weddings and a Funeral last year so I stepped away for awhile, and two months into 2025 and one is inclined to view an island as rather peaceful as long as one can perform dental surgery with an ice skate.
  2. Parasite is currently on Netflix if you'd like a rewatch; great movie. Mickey 17 is set to release in the US on March 7th I believe, but it may be a slow roll out.
  3. After the success(!) of Tesla's self-driving fleet of trucks and autos, Elon's going for the Cyberplane?
  4. NGL, I can rock a pair of hot pants but no pics you weirdos.
  5. Here's the trailer for the upcoming film from South Korea, taken from the web novel, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. Stars Ahn Hyo-seop as lead character, Kim Dokja, along with costar Lee-Minho as Yoo Jung-hyuk. Kim Ji-soo is the female lead. IIRC, the first installment is The Prophet/The Prophecy (depends upon country for title). Brief synopsis is that Kim Dokja has been the sole reader of an ebook novel (Three Ways To Survive In A Ruined World) for the last 10 plus years. As he's reading the final chapter, fiction and reality began to merge and as the only one who has read the story, he attempts to create a different end. Don't know which platform it will appear on in the U.S. yet, but it looks lively. I like some of the various series that Ahn & Lee (I've still yet to see Pachinko) have been in before, not as familiar with Kim Ji-soo's acting (just her singing) save for Arthdal Chronicles because her more recent series (Newtopia, Snowdrop) are on platforms to which we don't subscribe.
  6. Thank you for the correction and further information. The source I used was a Lubbock website and I looked no further to verify so my bad for that.
  7. Same! Also, the standard line when eating toast along with a wave of the fingers: Crackin' good toast Gromit !
  8. With the CDC "going through some things," wanted to point out that there is a measles outbreak in Lubbock (an outbreak is 3 or more confirmed cases IIRC). The last I'd read it was at 12 confirmed cases and an ongoing investigation/tracking that officials believed might have more cases in the coming days due to the contagious nature of the virus and the reduced rate of vaccination (I think the article mentioned that one school had a rate of 46% with the two shots required for immunity. So, just as a reminder that post holiday global travel is often how measles lands stateside seasonally and then can spread among those that are unvaccinated (for various reasons), be on the watch if you have family members at risk. It is noteworthy that state data (kindergarten and 8th grade are the two groups reported) shows many schools have inoculation rates below 95% which is the level needed to maintain control/herd immunity. Around 1 in 5 cases require hospitalization.
  9. Agree agree agree. We caught it on Netflix recently and it was great to have the old gang back. All time family favorite is the short where Wallace takes the rocket to the moon (A Grand Day Out) and encounters the robot.
  10. Two days out from being 3 months since this thread was started and 103 104 pages thus far. What a mad mad mad world. Also: I noticed that Jared Kushner had commented on the development of Gaza over a year ago (since of course he's a real estate guy) and so nothing to see here, nothing to see....
  11. That popped up in my reminders list this week so we're probably going to watch it soon as well. I haven't seen My Name Is Loh Kiwan yet (another one of Song Joong-ki's films) that is also on Netflix. It's a drama vs thriller. I tend to save the dramas/genres/etc that others in the family may not enjoy as much for when I'm home sick etc. Song had a cameo in Queen of Tears that was hilarious but QoT is a romance/drama and my spouse isn't really into those so I watched it over a three day home with a bug recovery. When I run across a writer/director/actor(s) that I enjoy, I like to watch their other works. (QofT was directed by Kim Hee-won from Vincenzo). (side note: QoT was okay, it got decent reviews but there was some sloppy plot/writing that left me gruntled. Same thing with The King: Eternal Monarch. Lee Min-ho and Kim Go-eun as male and female lead, respectively are solid professionals, and the supporting cast was fine, but the time travel stuff started to get a little forced towards the end.) My spouse thought the banter was funny, but I think he was 'humoring' me to sit through the entire series given that it's not his genre. He's really more of a 3 Body Problem preference. Also: ditto on the commentary regarding spy/thrillers; we've enjoyed a lot of them over the past couple of years. Also also: The Nice Guys is still on Netflix and we rewatched it again, (lost count on how many times we've seen it) and it is so under-rated and thank you to whomever first recommended it as it's just so hilarious.
  12. If the U.S. taxpayers "gifting" Trump a NFL team would make him step away from politics, I can think of a few teams worth the sacrifice.
  13. We just watched the state of Texas do this with the abolition of auto inspections while maintaining the fee did we not? Whether one pays electronically or in person, most required services have fees: utilities, etc. The skim fest is going to be Yuuuuuge. Not to mention when crooks are the ones running the operation, one has to surmise that all data is not only a weapon but compromised worldwide.
  14. A real Barbie has a shit ton less plastic.
  15. Was very pleased to see the theme to Mr. Roger's Neighborhood at #5 in their listing. What a wonderful song for everyone. The one he sings that gets my eyes a little teary is "It's You I Like..." So many children need to feel this type of caring.
  16. ...and before I forget, 'member the Liz Truss (former UK Prime Minister) lettuce competition where many folks were rooting for the head of lettuce? While it's a dim chance of occurring (less than 1%), by the time we reach 2032, how many of us are going to be on Team Asteroid?
  17. Zero surprise that the Vice President, when faced with a moral dilemma on humanity, chooses an ad hominem attack. Dude, even your GOP predecessor had more spine and that's not exactly a compliment.
  18. So very very sorry for your loss @Brisketexan. Those memories are just one part of the legacy your parents shared with you but they are precious beyond anything else we have on this planet. May your family find strength through sharing those stories in the days ahead. Peace my friend, peace.
  19. Well there's a surprise. The guy that came up with the flaming CyberTruck is also a gaming CyberCuck.
  20. That crossed my mind while considering @South Austin's post on page 1 because once it gets cemented into a percentage of people's brain's "Trump is better than the Democratic Party with immigration," then they can slow up while other bsc news takes center stage because those people wouldn't believe anything else. If the economy takes a nose dive, then trot out the propaganda and videos and it's all Biden's fault once more. Regardless, wouldn't the fear strategy also work to keep wages and costs low among the ones that remain? Accessing healthcare, etc comes with too much risk?
  21. Sorry to learn of your mom's passing. Have no advice regarding legalities but do give yourself some time to feel ALL the emotions that grieving incurs. There will be moments when it sneaks up on you and it's okay to embrace those feelings when they come.
  22. The $10.00 Egg McMuffin is going to be an interesting market watch.
  23. After giving it some thought, I was trying to view your hope as not in vain, but your final conclusion is likely the correct one. While the $$ drain may end up taking its toll and cause alarm to some business sectors, there are also the strategies the GOP has floated before--child labor, for one. Or eliminating welfare, and other programs. And so on. I wondered if that was one of their schemes with eliminating taxing gratuities. They may also 'encourage' more females to return to low cost labor especially if other avenues for them begin to close due to new prohibitions on hirings (i.e. the merit myth the GOP is so hung up on) and/or having a pregnancy derail college or hs opportunities due to a lack of support. That used to seem far fetched by now it seems all too real.
  24. Poop Froots and Fart Tarts. This. This is why we need windmills.
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