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Mrs Whiggins

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Posts posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. 9 hours ago, Satchel said:

    Shit will get real when the AAU opens an investigation into how the state of Texas has negatively impacted the quality of education offered in state publics with its onerous limitations on what can be taught in the social sciences.

    I have to say I'm in agreement with @tx 3 putt on this one; as mentioned before across this forum--these orgs (such as AAU) no longer have the ability to censure (with any sort of consequence that matters) and even if they did, a large part of the populace whether within the state or elsewhere would likely respond with a "So?"

    Would it matter on a global stage? Sure, but many in this country are isolationist as it is. Would it matter to some in this state? Sure, but it wouldn't move the needle, not when the last decade of right leaning thought (I cannot call it conservative really) has been propagandizing how 'lame' and unproductive social science degrees are. Over and over again until the mantra has been picked up by many parents, aligning those degrees and classes with 'underwater basket weaving'  (because it suits the nature of rw thought to avoid the nuances of considerations such as 'what is an elective?" or "why society cannot only offer degrees in business and engineering."

    Tucker C is quite fond of espousing The Great Replacement to his viewers but the true great replacement is the shrinking numbers of critical thinkers and educated, involved citizens. Sad.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  2. Ha! No salacious photos (thus far) but then again, the library I visit is not likely to order anything that would raise an eyebrow.


  3. 10 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    So an Irish Eggroll, an Irish Stew, and an Irish Breakfast all walk into a Chili’s Bar.  I forget the rest of the joke. But everybody got horrible diarrhea 

    From an Irish Breakfast?

    You, good sir, have a weak weak constitution if you cannot digest a good Irish breakfast. A good long run along the Liffey followed by a full plate and a steaming cup of tea is a wonderful morning in Dublin.

  4. ^^I'm a little scared to get on a Civil War reading kick; there's so many great books out there, some of which I should probably reread for a refresher.

    Finished Jeffery Toobin's The Nine: Inside The Secret World Of The Supreme Court (2007) as well as a different Pete Souza book from 2018 ( Shade: A Tale Of Two Presidents) that was adjacent to the one I mentioned earlier.





    I enjoyed reading both; Souza's book is a very quick read, Toobin's was a little longer and complemented the earlier book I read about SCOTUS. I'll likely read his other book that was mentioned (The Oath) but in the meantime have started his more recent work, Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism (2023). Not very far into it, but with both the Murrah building bombing as well as the more recent events of January 6th, it's been an interesting rearview exploration.


  5. 6 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    I know it’s not malicious just a linguistic relic we can afford to toss.

    Just as intelligence occurs on a spectrum, so do emotions and one thing I've observed is that many humans on one end of the intelligence spectrum (especially those with chromosomal disorders) are some of the most loving people out there and forgive trespasses easily. Such is the gift of the human species.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Gil Bang said:



    1 hour ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Even it that were true, what does it say that he’s willing to reveal it to try to help his campaign?

    It's Montana so he likely is aware that the number of sovereign citizens who would ignore the stolen valor angle but COMPLETELY and WHOLEHEARTEDLY blame the fed govt NP service employees is a number far greater than zero than most of us truly want to know. Now, many sovereign citizens turn in their voter cards because reasons, but the ones that don't might somehow feel compelled to support someone thus injured in the line of duty....

  7. Slight thread hijack since this is a little older--

    Our pantry contains balsamic vinegar, white wine vinegar, a red wine vinegar a friend made, apple cider vinegar, and regular  white vinegar. Recently I ran across a recipe that called for sherry vinegar and so I subbed in white wine vinegar but I started wondering--with the exception of balsamic which has a wide range in price, age, and quality, for the other types does it really  matter all that much? We use the balsamic quite a bit with various salads or bruschetta, the red wine on salads or with (cooked) wilted lettuce salad (yum) but the other ones I'm mostly using for things like refrigerator pickles or basic recipes.


  8. On 3/31/2024 at 9:51 PM, Dnaguy said:

    But what’s great is when she goes into purge mode and what it does to my daughters, See, they got the heterozygous version of the dominant hoarder genes (I think that works?).


    On 3/31/2024 at 11:08 PM, NorthLoop said:

    .. there's a fucking Coach purse in here... we need to go through these boxes again"

    These two consecutive posts cracked me up because...truth. The hoarder gene can easily skip a generation and that is what makes me commiserate with  NorthLoop's post. I have two (2) purses: one is brown, one is black. That is it. They are slightly different in that the black one is a little more suitable for dressy occasions while the brown is my everyday. But my oldest? She, like her late grandmother, is the Totebag QUEEN------Satchel, purse, bag, clutch, tote, handbag...in all shapes and sizes. For reasons I cannot fathom, all are necessary accessories (how well she would enunciate that in the throes of the emotional maelstrom I always admired even if I never broke character of Mean Mommy).

    Me? I'd be looking at that box and thinking, nah my other purse is in the closet and the brown one is in it's spot (I have one location for keys & purse) so yep, let's roll to Goodwill but my oldest would be clinging to the box like E.T. was hiding in there.

    • Like 2
  9. On 4/4/2024 at 4:28 PM, SydneyCarton said:

    Moors? Uh, who wants to tell them?


    1 hour ago, Sawbonz said:

    Amazing these dudes were only apprehended 

    Akshallyyyyy, the article doesn't elaborate on the juxtaposition of the Nazi reference and the paramilitary group named The Rise of the Moors so allow me:

    The latter group are from the Moorish sovereign citizen movement, a subgroup of the sovereign citizen populace, that follow the teachings of the Moorish Science Temple of America. The MSTA holds that African Americans are descendants of the Moabites and are therefore Moorish by nationality and Islamic by faith (wiki page here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moorish_sovereign_citizens)

    So, one might argue that some of this boils down to black people with guns make white people nervous more than white people with guns and I agree with @Sawbonz that it is indeed amazing that the standoff ended peacefully.

  10. 1 hour ago, Satchel said:

    Anybody who thinks state schools in Texas are sufficiently diverse, equitable and inclusive is just not paying attention. Since the first Black student was admitted to UT in 1956, no public university playing D1 sports at the highest level has even 5,000 black students enrolled - and that’s in the state that is home to the largest number of black citizens in the country. Black people feel under assault in Texas and it’s not because we’re paranoid.

    When the BLM protests were ongoing, watching the ags get upset that Kellen Mond was among the protestors at the statue on the main campus of Ross and then spending lord knows how much time tracking down Mond's ancestral line to show that one of his ancestors owned slaves and therefore their own outrage was justified somehow was rather interesting. At a university that has an AA student population of ~2-3%.

  11. 4 minutes ago, ohchaucer said:

    Magnitude: 4.8
    Solar Eclipse: 4.8
    Quarters played in the 2024 football season before A&M fires Mike Elko: 4.8

    Well, it’s been fun everybody!


    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. 17 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    At your age, isn’t the sexiest smell Ben Gay?

    Considering I'm a lot younger than your squeeze, Sela Ward, no it is not. However, I'm sure she won't mind if you need your bottle of Nugenix before you ring her up.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  13. So, a page ago I'd mentioned losing weight due to a bug I'd picked up. Once recovered, I continued portion control with the healthy plate method (1/2 plate is veg, 1/4 protein, 1/4 carb), exercise, and I already didn't consume much sugar but made an effort to restrict foods like chips for snacking by not eating after supper etc. The good news was that in addition to keeping some weight off that I'd gained over the years, when I got some blood work done recently, my labs were quite good overall. Blood sugar and everything in the normal range so no meds whatsoever. Ten pounds lighter and back to give 'em hell I'd like to speak to the manager form. Plus, my cocktail habit with prepping supper seems to not be detrimental....yet.

    As far as the medications go, my neighbor was on Ozempic and the weight loss was real but it messed up some other stuff for her so she had to stop it on advice from her PCP. It was something to do with her kidneys/creatine levels but I admit I don't know anything beyond that.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  14. 47 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    This makes me angrier than anything that's ever been posted on this website. Order of operations is fucking woke now?? I may or may not be an engineer.

    The number of people who have degrees from a certain school (in your user name) who quote that guy as a legitimate source of "information" never ceases to astound me. I read his tweets and my first reaction is  ALWAYS:


    • Hook 'Em 3
  15. I made chicken pot pie from the chicken we roasted a day ago and so that gave us time to make a few cocktails. We were trying out some liqueurs picked up from the local shop. No idea what the names of the cocktails were as I wasn't the 'barkeep.' But gin (my main spirit of choice) along with a cherry liqueur and another drink with peach liqueur. First was gin (Hayman's) with lemon and cherry liqueur (shaken with ice, strained). Second was gin, dry vermouth (Noilly Prat), and peach liqueur. The first cocktail had better flavor because we used Navy strength gin and it overpowered the peach in the second drink which had more gin and less liqueur. I made a wilted lettuce salad to go with the pot pie because the lettuce from the garden is about ready to bolt as the temps climb and boy do i like lettuce pan fried with a little bacon and vinegar. I may be a little wooooozy right now. Ah well, as T.S. Eliot said, "Gin and drugs, dear lady, gin and drugs."

    • Hook 'Em 2
  16. On 4/3/2024 at 3:52 AM, tigol said:

    I'll confess to ordering Lume.  My sister gave me all kinds of shit about it because the women at her gym have all switched and it smells like ass.

    I like the shower gel, but good 'ole aluminum Old Spice FTW.

    My spouse used to use Mitchum and now he uses Speedstick (sp?) but I splurged and got him a bottle of Chanel Allure cologne for his birthday and I don't care if he uses deodorant any more. That stuff is sex on skin right there. NTTAWT. At least for him anyway.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  17. Here's a little more about it:


    Here is a little more with what she said (from the link above)



    Rep. Laurel Libby, R-Auburn, argued that those rights also extend to neo-Nazis – even if one disagrees with their message and stated goals.

    “It’s is our duty to protect the Nazis’ right to free speech and association, as long as it does not infringe on someone else’s rights – as long as they are not harming someone else,” Libby said.


    More from the article:


    Rep. Laurie Osher, D-Orono, submitted the bill in response to efforts by Christopher Pohlhaus, a prominent neo-Nazi, to establish a paramilitary training center in the northern Maine town of Springfield. He later abandoned those plans amid public backlash that followed a Press Herald report on rising activity among hate organizations in Maine.

    And in 2021, a group of armed men in uniforms calling themselves the Rise of the Moors was traveling to Maine with the stated goal of paramilitary training. That group was apprehended in Massachusetts after an armed standoff along Interstate 95. They did not have licenses to carry firearms in that state.



  18. 9 hours ago, Steel Shank said:

    Let’s think positive as I plan on going.

    It's working so far; HA ran 39.90 to place first (District 21-6A) in the 4X100m with Galena Park NS just behind at 39.98 (a US #3 for 2024). The 100m was HA's Watkins and Ross of GPNS going 1-2 at 10.22 and 10.45 respectively. Watkin's time was a new US #5 for the season. Area up next.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  19. 2 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Wasn't a thing when I went to school...

    It wasn't for me either, and the rich students skied and stuff over the breaks/holidays. School was free care for my folks and if we were out of school when I was small then my grandmother provided care but once I was old enough, then I was either taken to work with one of my parents and they found work for me to do (my older brother had a real job). One spring break towards the end of the "vacation" I wasn't feeling so hot and got in trouble for laying around so washed all the cars, swept off the driveway, and did all the outside work they usually had to spend a weekend day doing. At lunchtime was sitting with my dad who had stopped home to check on me and he remarked that I looked puny and I said, 'well, it hurts when I breathe.' Turns out I had pneumonia in both lungs and missed several days of school because I was in the hospital. But at least the cars were clean!

    Unless they had/have a fever, our kiddos were/are in school.

    To each their own.

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