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Mrs Whiggins

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Everything posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. From the article: Umm, is it just me, or did he just describe DEI and certain reactions to it but inverse? I mean, he's referring to his 'morality' which I'm not going to take a stab at guessing how he defines that but I have a pretty good idea that he comes out okey-dokey but others not so much. Then I like (sarcasm alert) this next quote by the senator: It's called a commandment because that is how (you) wish to wield it. It's not encouraging, it's enacting rules and laws that bind others to these while ignoring that many of the earliest documents were crafted by people who were fleeing just such type of "encouragement." The very first commandment, which I notice is lacking mention in the interview is that one shall have no other Gods before me. What principle in education is that serving exactly? What happens if a student takes the Lord's name in vain (#3) in the classroom? Who decides the spectrum upon which the penalty of "vain-ness" is enacted? Is a by gawd it's hot in here going to get a seventh grader sent to detention? Instead of working to assist with restricting access to weapons, mental health support, and other useful ways to spend tax dollars to actually improve education, yes let's command via the law that public schools place the ten commandments in the classroom. It can go right alongside thoughts and prayers the next time commandment #6 is violated.
  2. It takes a wide lens to view the panorama of hate. I mean, the point about time and development (website) is rational---but then again, it's a little gaslighty to minimize it given the stretch of 2016-2020 actions don't you think? There is an EO (day one or two) that gives Homeland Security rather vague and loose options when coordinating with state and individual law enforcement agencies to act as federal immigration officers. "Just pull 'em over and we got your back!" I disagree with immamac that the EOs are all performative nonsense. Some, sure. But others seem like test balloons. One thing I do agree on is the grift and of course, there is an EO for that: Which is why the EO changing the directives for equal opportunity had to be signed.
  3. It 100% would have made a difference. Disagree. The grievances were going to be had no matter the topic. The right keeps talking...yes, yes they do. A little less would certainly suit me just fine, but if there is serious self-reflection and thinking prior to speaking, America would be better served, yes? It seems it is too great an ask to have. ...the left keeps thinking they know better. Oh? Didn't realize the right could read minds to know what others are thinking. That's the danger of placing the population in this binary way of right v left regardless. Not going to debate the 'both' sides terminology but the push for 'sides' is what leads to the attitude that is displayed in the next sentences that I'm not quoting. Guess which class of people (hint: those standing at the top of the wealth pyramid) are doing most of the pushing...cha ching. I've had covid 3 times. Sorry for your misfortune.
  4. If you had already rec'd it on this very long thread, I do apologize as the search function on this website does miss things; but we were thoroughly entertained with this series. I was actually a little surprised that I couldn't find a discussion but then again I think it initially aired stateside as the US was coming out of the worst of covid in 2021 and the algorithm for Netflix suggestions is also not the greatest. The lawyers (paging @TwiceHorn @Brisketexan @Ghost of LL et al) on Surly ought to give it a watch just for the courtroom scene(s) and a couple of other legal maneuverings that were amusing. Thumbs up from us and I now have my eye on both the screenwriter, Park Jae-beom and the director, Kim Hee-won as ones to watch for future endeavors.
  5. According to the Associated Press, the Spanish language pages also have been removed (SIAP) with the explanation that the website was being "tweaked/updated/insert bullshit here" and would eventually return--a removal that also occurred in 2017 with a similar explanation but the pages were only restored in 2021 under former president Biden. (also according the the AP--no linky because fuck it--some Hispanic voters for Trump are now experiencing the awareness that...well do I need to move this part of the post to the LEPF thread?)
  6. Oh. I think I finally understand why so many of those Corps of Cadets guys seem to like him.
  7. 'member all those "adults" who were so proud of the FJB phrase and even spent $$ on stickers to display their hard earned 'wit'? Yeah I 'member. So, in that spirit: FDT!
  8. His mental insecurity may be large and a primary driver for his actions, but he and his family are fucking slumlords so it's only natural he's going to evict the prior tenants out into the cold and hold a four year plus firesale with all the possessions therein. Bankruptcy, grift, and delaying lawsuits has always been his wheelhouse. We get the bill and he gets the $$$. Isn't that what makes America great again?
  9. Wonder no more. You just need to travel back to year 2019 and this quote by the incoming leader of this country: So some way some how, the reason for the rollback the incoming president wants on wind energy is going to be blamed on the windmills in California and the wildlfires because there is too much wind apparently. He might want to install a gauge in DC since that seems to be a greater source of most hot air in the US than the Santa Ana winds coming from the Great Basin and heading towards southern cal.
  10. Have seen all of these and agree that he is a very talented actor. Lot of talent in that age group and sometimes that's the way it goes some years with awards. So, have a rec that I did a search for mentions but came up empty: Vincenzo. It's a kdrama and you may think I'm giving a thumbs up to a female romance movie on a mostly male message board, but I think it's more of a dark comedy-korean style. We loved it. Watched it with subtitles (*I like getting the original actor voices and emotions) and the male lead (**Song Joong-ki) and female lead (Jeon Yeo-been) have an excellent supporting cast. It's 20 episodes and has been out for awhile but we really enjoyed it for the overall cinematography, the character arc/development,, the comedy (some of which you might have to have had some awareness/viewing history of korea/korean entertainment cause there are a few oblique references). It's not a rom-com by any means and I wish we had Hulu in addition to Netfilx because the screenwriter has another show that preceded Vincenzo called The Fiery Priest that has returned for a short second season and I may have to subscribe just to watch it. Due to the longer episodes/season, Vincenzo gives the writer time to develop the story and the actors time to nail their characters. It's not perfect but it's better than many of the stateside shows I've seen recently. *I know that some films/series from other countries are dubbed even in the home country due to regional dialects etc, but most of the shows from Korea that I've watched seem to not do that and the english dubbing bothers me enough that I prefer subtitles even if the translation could be better. **Okay, okay he's very very good looking and that didn't hurt my appreciation for this series.
  11. I read Moby Dick the summer prior to entering college. I wouldn't call it my favorite book, but it was not a bad read. I did have to spend a fair amount of time looking things up as well, but in addition to the themes it provides a good framework for *American History (along with some other novels of its period). *I have come to appreciate just how much "history" was omitted because of an overall lack of educational/career opportunities for much of the populace among other things. What stories and perspectives that are never told is not unique to this country.
  12. Beryl is a traditionally *feminine name. The masculine version is Barrel and if American naming trends continue is likely coming to a youth sports team roster in the near future. J/K...sort of. *In America. The name was also used as a masculine name in the past. The spelling was the same as the feminine version but if one goes back far enough, there were a number of variations.
  13. Been way too busy to hang around much, but spouse made The Last Word as our pre-dinner drink and we had a little wine with our pasta (clams with a tomato sauce from our garden). Not a bad Wednesday at all at all. The Last Word 3/4 ounce gin 3/4 ounce green chartreuse (good luck finding this now, its production has been scaled back--if you locate some, let me know where you found it sil vous plait, we're low) 3/4 ounce maraschino liqueur 3/4 ounce lime juice garnish with brandied cherry (we used a couple of bing cherries we had on hand) Shake with ice, strain.
  14. In addition to the resource links that @Masshole Horn provided, I would add this one: https://www.centraltexasgardener.org/. Be careful though, I could spend a lot of time on their site because they have a lot of useful info. They have a to do list calendar that includes maintenance chores for lawn and garden as well as planting dates. For example, here is one for July: https://www.centraltexasgardener.org/resource/july-to-do-list/ ...and here is the link to the months so you can see what is coming up: https://www.centraltexasgardener.org/category/tips-of-the-month/ Have fun! My youngest liked growing beans the best; lima beans and green beans. I have the sweetest pic from when he was five with a big no front teeth grin holding a lima bean as big as his thumb.
  15. No one should EVER spend money on a sport coat that looks like the wearer forgot to have a burp cloth handy when holding the baby.
  16. Sorry for not keeping up lately. Work has sped up the last couple of weeks and fell behind on t&f watching.
  17. When it's this humid, boob sweat is indeed a thing, but I prefer not to talk about it and just shower when I finish a work out and that's all there is to it. I have been known to run through an irrigation geyser (those early morning runs where certain homeowners have not noticed they have a wonky sprinkler head spraying the sidewalk) to cool off but five minutes later it's just back to sweat. Ugh, Texas heat is no joke.
  18. Two cocktails on tap for this evening. The first is an Aviation (gin, elderflower liqueur, lemon, and topped with club soda) because I feel rather light while the second is a Spring Collins (gin, lemon, creme de violette, cherry liqueur) because last week was Dame Joan Collins' 91st birthday and she has a great quote: Even when you win the rat race, you're still a rat...
  19. Truth be told, I don't either. He's 21 years old now and running low on options. Not so much because he couldn't perhaps find something but moreso because he comes with a not insignificant amount of baggage.
  20. Not passed out as much as TMI. But tonight is one martini followed by some bubbly because we were celebrating and gosh darn it, it's good to be married for a long long time. Nice to have some memories that go back decades. Cheers!
  21. A signed copy of his book normally costs $59.99. Imagine paying ~60 bucks for a 241 page book (~10 bucks for the Kindle edition) signed by a high school dropout that was co-authored by two other people (including Michael Quinn Sullivan) because owning this book must in some small way prove one's worthiness as a patriot. He's got a bright political future ahead of him in the GOP. But he's going to need help when it comes to drafting anything beyond a note to teacher excusing him from PE.
  22. Fucking hell. Spouse made Cosmopolitans during dinner prep and then finished with a Pegu Club and I am tipsy. But its Friday so whoooo. Oh, and using the Tanqueray Seville Orange Gin in a Pegu Club is not a bad way to construct the cocktail. But after the Cosmos can't say that my judgement is legit.
  23. Bumping this thread because there is a Season 1 marathon prior to the release date of Season 2 (June 16th) for those of you who don't stream it/ are interested. This weekend on Saturday (HBO2) starting at 12:00pm CDT.
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