Have seen all of these and agree that he is a very talented actor. Lot of talent in that age group and sometimes that's the way it goes some years with awards.
So, have a rec that I did a search for mentions but came up empty: Vincenzo.
It's a kdrama and you may think I'm giving a thumbs up to a female romance movie on a mostly male message board, but I think it's more of a dark comedy-korean style. We loved it. Watched it with subtitles (*I like getting the original actor voices and emotions) and the male lead (**Song Joong-ki) and female lead (Jeon Yeo-been) have an excellent supporting cast. It's 20 episodes and has been out for awhile but we really enjoyed it for the overall cinematography, the character arc/development,, the comedy (some of which you might have to have had some awareness/viewing history of korea/korean entertainment cause there are a few oblique references). It's not a rom-com by any means and I wish we had Hulu in addition to Netfilx because the screenwriter has another show that preceded Vincenzo called The Fiery Priest that has returned for a short second season and I may have to subscribe just to watch it.
Due to the longer episodes/season, Vincenzo gives the writer time to develop the story and the actors time to nail their characters. It's not perfect but it's better than many of the stateside shows I've seen recently.
*I know that some films/series from other countries are dubbed even in the home country due to regional dialects etc, but most of the shows from Korea that I've watched seem to not do that and the english dubbing bothers me enough that I prefer subtitles even if the translation could be better.
**Okay, okay he's very very good looking and that didn't hurt my appreciation for this series.