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Everything posted by westexhorn

  1. I just don't want his ass near Bryce Anderson, Derrick Brown and Jeremy Patton who are committing soon.
  2. The team needs a true PG. Too bad Chris Paul is not available. Trae Young would actually be dope.
  3. Well in regards to offense the Oline needs to take a few steps forward in order to have the offense that Sark has in mind. Hoping Flood can elevate the talent.
  4. Poor Sark comes to Texas thinking a shit ton of resource is going to be at his disposal only to find out Texas can only drop little teabags. He better be an excellent coach and developer otherwise say bye to all the top talents.
  5. If can't close on a 3 star OT... will it be different with a hotly contested 5 star OT?
  6. Sark better start calling Tim Beck and figure out how to have him in the staff or Samples
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