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Everything posted by westexhorn

  1. Sark is not going to step on their throat when he sees Michigan discreetly waving the white flag. Pull starters and rest.
  2. This game is already over. I am sure there's mutual understanding about this. Michigan is not even hurrying up at this point; they are just practicing.
  3. Michigan is just practicing at this point. Game is over.
  4. SMU's gonna slide into Trey Owen's DMs with a fat stack arent they
  5. Clown fiesta
  6. westexhorn

    BC @ FSU

    FSU is giving a reenactment of the Seminole subjugation
  7. westexhorn

    BC @ FSU

    Fuck it let's get Kevin Wynn too for a buy 1 get 1 free special
  8. westexhorn

    BC @ FSU

    It's going to be long night for FSU if they can't stop the run.
  9. The sad thing is San Fran wasnt like this not long ago. I lived there for 10 years from early 2000s to 2010s and it was one of the safest places to be. I would walk late at night in the city with 0 issues at all.
  10. Pom squad looking on point
  11. Garret Riley must be having PTSD now whenever he hears the name Georgia
  12. He would certainly solve our CB need post Muhammad (if he isn't a headcase first...)
  13. Regarding the recent Georgia DL decommit
  14. The lack of mention on Bledsoe makes me wonder
  15. This kid's uncle is a Texas fan who hangs out at IT board. He said Georgia was the dream school and wishes UT recruited this kid. He said Garrett's family cares about academics a lot.
  16. pics not loading
  17. That sounds like easy money to bet China at this point
  18. What are current vegas odds for US vs China to win most gold?
  19. I think China ends at 39-40. I dont think US win without several upsets (which we failed twice this morning).
  20. Wait for men breakdancing. There are so names I recognize. Japan and SK are dominant in breakdancing.
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