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  1. Well. He's been calling himself uncle snoop for a while now, I guess he finally is...
  2. Of course if Democrats somehow brought Patton back to life, no Republicans would vote for them
  3. SKJ

    The Supremes

    These fucking motherfuckers... https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/01/north-carolina-supreme-court-steal/681244/
  4. Ha ha ha this past just reminds me, I saw idiocracy is now streaming on hulu... i didn't watch it because I was just looking for a show, like 30 minutes or so, but I'm going to have to watch it again soon
  5. This would be kinda the same thing except the system dealt with him. He was charged and he resigned. well, and he was black. And no one covered it up for him. And then Jesse Jackson took his seat. Same. But different. But still same I guess... One party at least cleans itself up sometimes. Remember al franken?
  6. Sure, but couldn't they just nationalize the US bases? Then charge a lease? I mean, talk about the pressure that would apply for the US vs the UN/NATO. not like that orange fuck would care, but everyone around him might. That could turn the tide against him. It would put him in a very precarious position.
  7. Interestingly enough, though, Denmark granted Greenland home rule. That would make it, internationally, a sovereign, if Denmark decided to free it. The US would have to either accept it as a territory of they wished to be, or would have to invade it otherwise, right? I think that's kind of Ireland and Northern Ireland in a nutshell... I am probably wrong
  8. They just want to harvest it.
  9. Trump to pull out of WHO... fucking morons Trump team planning to pull US out of World Health Organization on first day in office, FT reports https://ground.news/article/trump-team-planning-to-pull-us-out-of-world-health-organization-on-first-day-in-office-ft-reports?utm_source=mobile-app&utm_medium=newsroom-share
  10. Kari Lake: Voice of America. No billshit Trump picks hardline Republican Kari Lake to lead Voice of America https://ground.news/article/trump-picks-hardline-republican-kari-lake-to-lead-voice-of-america_ded81d?utm_source=mobile-app&utm_medium=newsroom-share
  11. I wonder if trump's handlers on pj25 are doing this so that they can get someone shittier in there that isn't as outright shitty?
  12. Wtf Trump taps former WWE CEO Linda McMahon as education secretary https://ground.news/article/trump-taps-former-wwe-ceo-linda-mcmahon-as-education-secretary_6f7811?utm_source=mobile-app&utm_medium=newsroom-share
  13. They're definitely going to change the name of this soon just to appease the trumpistanners
  14. It's really funny because Trump really fucked the farmers last time around and get they still, somehow, voted for him. Well, maybe just the ones that had faces still...
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