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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. 1) get a six pack of beer 2) get you one of them Sawzall's 3) change battery 4) drink beer
  2. Wait... you're saying that the Italians are ahead of the Irish?
  3. It would be much easier than you think to infiltrate these morons... you could do much better work from the inside... hell, all you'd really have to do is put a punisher sticker on your car. They haven't thought this through at all... hell, the Michigan kidnapping case should show you that they're not smart enough, or serious enough to accomplish anything. If played well enough, I bet they would fight each other
  4. You beat the shit out of sinema and Manchin and bring them to heel... then you kill the filibuster, and do the things needed. If you can pass hr1, pack the court, then you can make elections actually fair again. It takes some will to have freedom... the dems have no will, and the Republicans have no soul
  5. Eh.. but not really... voting righrs; pack the court to 13 (there's 13 circuits) ending gerrymandering... taking actual steps to make us a democracy... They'd still be democrats
  6. If dems did the stiff I want they'd never lose an election again
  7. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Well, when you have one stagnant branch, one inept branch, and one fascist branch, I'm guessing that there would be some problems... Where are the right wing bitch-asses who complain about activist judges? Accusation/admission.gif
  8. You don't fucking brush your hair, Sitka? Fuck autocorrect
  9. The best thing that could hairbrush in this country would be if all these Maga fucks died. The second best thing Sitka be if the dems could ever grow a pair
  10. But will he get secret service protection if he goes to prison?
  11. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Well, it is known that he's uncle Thom, or rather, uncle ruckus... He literally hates the color of his own skin... uncle Clarence Thomas Ruckus, Supreme Court justice... house man for the great, white man, that takes care of his people
  12. Actually, they don't... probably got destroyed already by the public...
  13. We can text a tip to the Uvalde cops...
  14. Gross negligence? I'm pretty sure there's a duty to report, right?
  15. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Interesting essay in Vox... Pretty much nails the underlying arguments-- except for the part where he acts like Scalia wasn't a proponent of this new, shittier iteration of the court https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/23180634/supreme-court-rule-of-law-abortion-voting-rights-guns-epa
  16. Perhaps we should merge this thread with the destruction of public education thread...
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