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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. SKJ

    The Supremes

    I say we start a PAC called GROOP, which stands for get religion out of politics. This is mostly happening because these cristo-fascists want to dictate everyone else's life, and are too stupid to realize that the politicians they're voting for are just pandering for power
  2. So glad this cocksucker is still dead. Every time I see this thread bumped it brings back that fond memory
  3. Let me slow it down for you. 1) they blame Biden for gas prices, but Biden does not control production... they want Biden to lower gas prices, but how can he without controlling the means of production of oil? Therefore, they want Biden to adopt a socialist policy because prices. 2) they are radically anti-socialist Yes, it makes no sense... it's just another of their complete cognitive failures involving cognitive dissonance
  4. SKJ

    The Supremes

    It's hilarious that we allow them to come up with new tests for whichever way they want to go politically. The truth is that it's all political. The history of the anti abortion movement was born out of racism. This is a good read: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/sep/08/abortion-us-religious-right-racial-segregation
  5. Of course the moron Republicans want Biden to somehow take over the means of production in the oil industry so we can have cheaper gas prices, but they also are strongly against socialism...
  6. Yeah, no... I actually have a hot wife I fuck. But about that man card...
  7. You're right. They haven't figured it out yet so they shouldn't be free
  8. Cops can't shoot for shit, really. Teachers will probably outshoot cops with this 24 hrs of training... Hell, I haven't shot in 20 years and I could probably outshoot a fucking cop... unless I was aiming for a dog
  9. I haven't had this feeling in quite some time. When I was younger, and deeply involved in bad, bad shit, I was seemingly dead inside. Now it's been creeping back in, like I'm dying more every day. It's like regressing into being dead inside very slowly. I can't figure it out. I'm doing well, my wife and kids are as well, and I'm just dying inside more and more daily. It's not a choice, either. And it's not like I'm depressed. It's just that either I'm beginning to become enlightened, or done such shit, or I'm really just becoming disconnected
  10. But aren't people that are pardoned no longer able to claim 5th amendment protection over their conduct in that investigation?
  11. She had to have been drunk. Or holding a shit ton of meth... No one does that shit if they're not holding, or drunk, or something
  12. Well, yeah... But breaking into a secured building with hundreds of other people and threatening murder is just a protest
  13. Well, I did do a rip in the feds, and wouldn't join the white boys because I'm not a racist. They used to say this about me, well, let me rephrase... one guy said it to me, but not much after that
  14. Ha ha ha I've been called a race traitor many times. I think it's funny as hell. I am on the side of Bulworth and say we just fuck em all gray Very enticing ad, I must say
  15. Except that armed officers have no duty to protect our children. Their one and only goal is to make it home safe. What we ought to do is take all the secret service agents and put them in schools. No more protection for politicians. See how they like that idea. Let them experience life without a security detail. Cowards
  16. Yeah, you're right... I think I just kind of combine them in my head since they're just two half humans
  17. Coming from a bitch that has had an affair, and who's husband has exposed himself to minors... Seems like she should've been stoned to death, according to her beliefs
  18. I have had a good string of shitty luck... happens every three years or so. I think it's karma, though, since I've earned it
  19. So, it would stop 300 mass shooters? Ooh look, a textualist! Break out the dictionary and see where militia indicates every single person should have an assault rifle in their home. Does a militia mean home storage of weapons? Probably the framers meant there was some sort of armory, right? See above
  20. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Yeah, except that the court is completely and brazenly political. 5 out of 6 right wing justices are groomed, and became members of the Federalist society... They brazenly lied about their intentions in their hearings Then we get to the overt acts of uncle Clarence ruckus Thomas and his insane wife, his refusal to recuse cases where she has material interests... Oh, and remember that hokey shit where is better that 100 go free than 1 innocent man is convicted? They ruled that innocence is not enough to overturn a conviction... Is bullshit. They're the arm of the fascists that gets to grant all the fascists powers... it's literally all they do, is political bullshit
  21. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Robert's only wants to outwardly give the perception that the courts are not political. He only wants people to think that they're not a political entity. And then he wants to act in the most historically bullshit ways. Or he could get a lot of free speech from companies to peddle influence, err gift a payback of any loans regardless of they were actually for a campaign or not. Money is now absolutely free speech, and all bribes and grift proceeds are covered in the first amendment Duh
  22. SKJ

    The Supremes

    But, if you look historically, abortion was known by the founders, since it had been preformed much earlier than the 1700's yet they felt no need to prohibit it because it was a not- so- common procedure of the time, and it wasn't seen as a living being at the time, since it was not post partum... and yet the knowledge of a repeating rifle should be taken into account with gun control, and all science should be ignored. But of course, the most basic argument against originalism was that slavery was ratified among the several states.. And yet here we are arriving at the thought that amendments mean something to the constitution, and that substantive due process is of no concern... so, also, see above, but yet here we are, about to ask own slaves again? If so, do we also ignore women's right to vote? They've tied themselves in to so many knots that they shouldn't be able to functionality write anything, much less an opinion... Just wait for this newest ruling... that innocence isn't enough to overturn a conviction. . It's amazing
  23. SKJ

    American Fascism

    What in the actual fuck is this fucking maroon even talking about? Holy shit, could he get any dumber?
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