Firstly, you have the problem with stare decisis and what's considered "settled law."
Next, you have the problem with all cases considered as precedent as being open to be overturned because one ideology thought the precedent was decided incorrectly.
So what were actually looking at is, and this is not hyperbole, but we're looking at a new set of rulings- not the first wave, by any means - of cases decided under the commerce clause all being overturned. Say, heart of atlanta.
Not to mention all cases decided with a right to privacy being able to be attacked because now, let's just say, due process only has to do with being charged with a crime. This would open up all cases under any sort of extended due process since roe was decided using that logic.
Then you have all other amendments to the constitution becoming targeted since, you know, they didn't exist in the originalist interpretation of the framers' ideas and they have gone too far...
All of the decisions of the court are deeply suspect, especially when you consider that stare decisis is now just a formality. The Supreme Court has literally just opened itself up to not having any real authority because, since it is more highly politicized more than ever before, marbury is now open for debate as the framework of the founders never codified that bullshit.
The court is a horribly, stupid, and disingenuous thing. It has been for decades, ever since the deeply, most fucked up politicization of legal interpretation has been a feature, not a bug. So now, politics is the whole shebang, and every interpretation from hence forth is just political, without any clear or actual reasoning.
The funniest part about it is the right has long been bitching about "activist" judges, but has, for decades, been breeding the project of creating a court so activist that there is no actual law, just what they want. Every accusation and all...
If the court fucks with loving, I can promise you, if they try to inull my kids' 'rights' to marry interracially, especially since they're of mixed race, I promise you, there will be a sudden need to replace the entire majority within a week.
The court is, and for a long time has been, a sham. Hell, if you support the court in this iteration, especially lauding originalism and textualism, then you've already decided that this court is a sham. See Marbury v Madison. The rogue activist judges in that case granted them any actual power, which is not enumerated.
So quit being a political cheerleader for the right wing court and realize the bullshit you're fellating in order to be okay with this decision.
The right has opened up pandora's box by overly politicizing the court. If the dems had any balls, they'd show you why.
I fucking hate this country so fucking much. Fucking hate it.