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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. He's a fool of the right. He gargle the policies they tell him to. Of course, he's a fan of GOP Jesus
  2. I think the one fact no one can dispute is that Twitter is a shithole already. It will always be a shithole. Musk ain't changing that
  3. And they've gerrymandered the shit out of every possible district they could've so that they could seize the courts, at every level, in order to make this possible... since, you know, Republicans only oppose activist judges that don't share their ideals It's already in
  4. Probably cryogenic... zing!
  5. They keep fucking around and they will
  6. And why didn't they get his daughter one? Is she about to be kicked out of the family fur touching someone else's dick?
  7. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Not just a majority, but a super majority. She's proved herself to be a fucking narcissistic piece of shit... what did she say in that interview? Something like 'who would be better than me? ' I think any liberal with a fucking pulse would be better, you old, decrepit, narcissistic bitch, since you fucking died of PANCREATIC CANCER which is one of the worst, most incurable fucking cancers. Now we have a 6-3 court, of which consists of 2 be justices, but equal in fascism, and both in their forties. Great plan you had there, misses irreplaceable.... you just got replaced by a moron catholic strict conservative who can't even say 'poignant' and who will fight to reverse every good thing you ever did. The court fucking sucks, and it had a great ally in its suckage in RGB
  8. Am I wrong for hoping that they both kill each other at the same time?
  9. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Fixed You dint gamble your whole legacy, and the future of the whole United States on anything... especially having pancreatic fucking cancer Obama had a majority in his first 2 years. What could McTurtle have done to stop it?
  10. It's just his fantasy. He probably has a fan zine he uses to groom young kids
  11. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Uncle Ruckus should've never been nominated. The court as a whole has been unfit for a long, long time. Hell, I even hate RBG for being a piece of shit and not retiring during Obama's first term. Fuck the Supreme Court. What an awful, shit-filled institution.
  12. FINALLY, some good news on the political front, no matter how unimportant.
  13. Of course he did. Orange cocksucker
  14. Ha ha ha if I were to wear slim cut jeans they'd look like skinny jeans on my legs. I wear a cut with a slight taper so I have enough room for my junk and my thighs. I already have to buy a size larger than I wear just to get to that point.
  15. I do see your point, but I cannot agree. I'm old and married, though, so I guess it doesn't matter
  16. I read this and I think your counselor may be right. I think I am burning out. I'm really sick of it. On top of some physical shit I'm going through, my mental is just tired of feeling anything. I mean, I run a restaurant, and that stress isn't even making a dent on me, like I don't even feel that at all anymore. Maybe I need to find a way to re-engage somehow. Like I can't even feel angry.
  17. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Can we regret to Thomas as his rightful name Uncle Ruckus?
  18. Yes, you dumb bitch, you'll be in the receiving end of the soundbite culture you have helped to foster and propagate... live by the soundbite...
  19. I wear a true 36 but buy 38. I'm 6'0' and 230 lbs. I'm a little soft but not fat by any means. If you ever find me in slim fit it would be like shrink wrap down my thighs. What fucking world do you live in where people larger than a 34 are fat, and people in a 38 should try slim cut jeans I can barely even get into?
  20. Wait, just a second here, but shouldn't conservatives support buying U.S. steel over foreign imports? I mean, really... should the government not be spending its own money with its own producers? At what point did this change? When Biden decided to do it?
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