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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Ok. Thanks for this suggestion. We email bombed the shit out of these addresses. Subject lines we used were along the lines of seeking prospectus for possible investment, among others. Also email bombed all their job ads with transcripts of our conversations and etc... 2 days later, refund achieved. Thanks to all for the suggestions Chalk one up for our team
  2. So she wasn't always ugly as sin? Damn. Best me to it. I think you missed the meth and the steroids, though. She has the trifecta.
  3. he'd roll over on his mom (yes, probably both ways) if he thought it'd give him 10 more minutes to live
  4. Maybe this is the magic that brings the right and the left together. The sooner the Trumpers figure out that they are actually unpatriotic and are allowed to hate cops, we'll find some common ground
  5. Believe me, the thought has crossed my mind.
  6. Good to know. Will update soon
  7. Yes. All this, we've done. I think I want to start a class action for fucking fraud replete with punitive damages and etc. I live in Oklahoma sux, and am just about to file here. We've already contacted the consumer agency in Texas.
  8. I would definitely stay away from vroom for sure. The guy who came to pick up the car was independent, told me he's heard some wildly terrible stories about them. I figure I'll have to drive to Texas to get my money.
  9. That's a no, for sure. They had it listed completely different. Then they sent a base model.
  10. this p.o.s. company took my down-payment, sent the wrong car, picked up the car, and still has not given me back my down-payment. After numerous phone calls, I'm still waiting for someone to contact me and give me my money.
  11. Well, it's apparent, even in the most cynical sense, that she cares more about Texas than the politicians in Texas do. She does more for your state than all of your elected officials. Maybe Texas should find some people like her, that give a fuck about Texans?
  12. Gotdamn is she ugly as fuck. No wonder her husband likes to show his cock to kids. One begins to wonder is she could maybe buy a chin with our tax dollars
  13. But we should completely protect fetuses! I mean, not after they're born, but only pre-partum
  14. Buy heirloom tomatoes.
  15. It's the American way
  16. The fuck makes you think I love alone? Because my wife don't bitch about whiskers? You got to be a man, at some point
  17. Do your wives really bitch about you shaving? What a weird thing for a woman to complain about with all the shit they keep in the bathroom...
  18. I think they all pick up the party line phone and go to class
  19. I've been assured by multiple experts in the field that he's the nice God now and that more importantly, if I pray hard and have the right kind of faith I'll be rich.
  20. So, basically, you're saying God is still that vengeful one from the first book? I sure hope not, because if he is, we're all fucked
  21. A smoker doesn't necessarily need a fire box. It's only helpful to keep your coals from getting to hot. But you can achieve the same temps with a few methods. In a normal barrel smoker, you can cover your coals with foil to deflect their radiant heat a bit, or you can just put a thermocouple in the bottom of your smoker and regulate the internal Temps with the volume of hot coals added. You could also just keep monitoring internal temp of each by using multiple thermocouples. There are lots of solutions. Or, you could just use the smoker attachment on a commercial cook and hold device and set the cycle Temps with your connected thermocouple measuring internal temp of each brisket for a more uniform, commercial cook. Alto Sham makes good cook and hold cabinets with such controls as to be able to use internal temp rather than a pinch and pull method.
  22. I'll say it again, this is how i see it
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