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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. I don't know if they'll hold him in a state joint inside of Texas. They'll most likely transfer custody to another state or the feds for protection. Yes. Thug cops deserve the main line This Like I said above. They'll either find a home for him in a different state, or the feds. If, and this is a really big if, if they keep him in Texas, that means they have a PC joint somewhere of which I have no knowledge. But in a state as large as Texas, I would bet they do. Thing is, they may not be confident they can even protect him there. There are probably dozens of gang drop outs in that PC joint that would want to move on him to possibly remove a green light on themselves.
  2. I'm guessing it'll be for her doctor friend who lost his license or some shit?
  3. Or rural Colorado wanting to secede
  4. Is this crazy talk? Yes. It clearly is, but why are these people considering this as an actual solution? Rural America already has an outsized voice in national politics because of the Senate, but that's not quite enough for these people. They want to jerrymander states according to their will. I don't know. I just don't get it. Privilege out of control? Or is this actual sanity that I just don't understand?
  5. Let's not forget, the Republicans believe anyone who looks at you funny or steps on your property should be shot...
  6. Let's not forget, the Republicans believe anyone who looks at you funny or steps on your property should be shot...
  7. SKJ


    I think that in most cases, cognitive dissonance requires cognition. For a large number of the Trump true believers, they are just being spoon- fed and programed. My dad sure was. Now, he seems so much happier just being apolitical. It's a testament to bring very careful what you give your attention to. Like maybe we should be burning Motley Crüe albums... (I keed, I keed)
  8. SKJ


    I think what he's getting at is that if you have absolutely no morals, you cannot be a hypocrite
  9. Like all the rest of the former military, she probably thought she'd get a discount
  10. She's into steroids. Probably has a deeper voice that Madison. It's not like he could feel it
  11. He would be checked in really quickly. Not before they beat the shit out of him in most instances. Hell, I bet he wouldn't even go out on the yard... he'd probably ask for PC before they even classified him
  12. Holy shit. I'm at my in-laws and they're watching fox news. The lies aren't even believable
  13. he's never been a decent person, so if he were to accidentally do something decent, he wouldn't recognize it
  14. Ha ha ha like they'd ever enforce the draft for their own kids
  15. Most definitely be will be going to a drop out joint He will probably still get fucked up there. DEA agents are going to be hunted in the feds. They've made so many bad cases in conspiracy that they'd be the utmost in persona non grata in the system. I could see someone hitting him just to remove a green light from their old crew.
  16. I'm not sure how someone could argue that a shovel hook isn't a hook. But then again, it is the internet
  17. Yeah... all the fucking time. The guards are always looking at your nuts and your asshole. That's got to be the shittiest job
  18. I don't think it's like that, but the whole rape thing is way overblown. There are plenty of dl people and willing engagements so the raffle thing is really just the past. There were only like 5 murders when I was down, but plenty of stabbings. The thing about it is that a lot of the materials available on the inside aren't hardenable to make a knife that can go deep enough into the thick sludge of skin and bone to kill quickly. There were a lot of cuttings with razors but this is hard to kill someone with. Hollywood has made a complete misunderstanding of how hard to kill someone is with metal sharpened but not hardened. It's not so easy with knives that bend or break off in the body. Sure they're are horrible wounds, and it sucks to get metal or plexiglass removed from a stab wound, but most survive. The blunt force trauma probably kills more than the stabbings to be honest. I was pretty well taken care of just because I had references that could be checked and vouched for. And I had a good name and paper. I was never made or ethnic enough, but my heritage was close to a good organization and I had flawless paperwork and was in good standing with several groups through affiliations I made while on the streets. I never was in the white boy car, and never in any car really, although I carried enough respect to stand on my own. It wasn't so hard. You just go mind your business. Do your number and most everyone who is anyone respects you. But I wasn't some fraudster white collar piece of shit, or a skin beef, or a rat in any way. In fact, my unwillingness to provide information, to reveal any people, and my silence in the case prevented a very large conspiracy. So I had a few grateful people in my corner. Those people, including those of other races I had dealings with were more than willing to vouch for me, and I proved it with never revealing names of any sort. So I did pretty good time. I was pretty much left alone. I did have to fight a few times and never offered any evidence in my investigations which helped. I also served 2 years in the hole because I wouldn't talk even after an altercation, and would never speak on anything so after I got transferred to a new spot , that clout came with me. There's a code that is still respected in the life of crime, and some I was living it I was beyond reproach. That helped to make it easy to do a long stretch. And even though the white boys hated me, they still respected me enough to leave me alone.
  19. Ha ha ha I get it now. I think I misread that in that case. Upcoming suicide made me laugh a lot
  20. I appreciate your thoughts, but I really need you to understand this. It's obvious that you don't really know life on the inside, but if he goes to the joint, he'll most likely be going to a low security joint or a camp. In either of those, he'll be fine. The worst that could happen to him is he goes to a medium security joint and he gets cuffed by some group as a soft target and they extort him, while protecting him as part of their hustle. If he does get extorted and reports, he'll be transferred. If he doesn't report it, they'll just take his money, and considering he'll have plenty to pay, he'll be fine. Your thoughts on the prison system are errant. White collar criminals are rarely in the presence of violent criminals and if they are, they can just tell any staff member they're being extorted and get moved. The worst that can happen to him is he's out on a road crew picking up trash, or mowing lawns or some shit. The days of inside justice for White collar folks is long gone, even if they were an aberration before.
  21. While Ohio completely sucks (i lived there and went to Ohio University for a couple years) they're still not as bad as Wisconsin, the home of the tundra inbred hillbillies. But it's pretty close.
  22. Let's look at this a little bit more objectively... A group of people used force to climb fences designed to warn them and keep them out of a secured facility. When this group encountered barricades manned by security personnel, staffed there in order to keep them out of this secured facility, they attacked the barricades and the security staff who were there to enforce the security of the secure building. The group then bypassed the officials in place to enforce the security of the secured building with violent means, use of brute force, and makeshift weapons. This group then physically breaks the doors and windows designed to keep uninvited people out, through physical force and use of tools (an enhancement in normal breaking and entering cases, and moreso in home invasion cases, as well as bank jobs and heists...) and gain access to the secured facility. The group also then act in a physically threatening manner to staff charged with the security, and make vocal threats to the staff inside the secured facility. The group consists several physical assaults and batteries of said security staff, as well as commit felony murder (a charge that makes everyone involved a murderer) Some of the group then accesses an area that is secured within the secured facility (enhanced security) and then proceeds to assault that portion of the building, threatening both verbally, and physically the protectees of the secured facility and also assaulting and causing physical harm to the staff of the secured facility, and then FINALLY one of the officers in charge of the security of the facility discharged one round into one of the people that passed all of those warnings, barriers, staff, in multiple layers of concentric security, and kills one of the group that is spearheading the attack on his protectees... I'm fairly certain you can all see the conclusion coming... but this person spearheading the break into YET ANOTHER layer of security gets shot ans killed, and we are to somehow think that person is a martyr? And we are to somehow think that this person was not guilty of several incidences of crimes that a reasonable person could, and probably should kill that person, and they're a martyr? I mean, let's just break this down into the objective facts. From what I've learned from this board over the decade I've been in it is that any Texan would've killed as many as he could've and rightfully so. It's not even in the same stratosphere as the BLM protests, riots, break-ins, whatever you want to call those acts of riotous vandalism that they did on empty, vacated, places of business. Fuck that dumb cunt. They'd have all been subject to death in righteously shot in most states by any home or business owner, and 100% subject to legal shooting in any other armed secured building in any state. Fucking complete idiotic privilege in full force. In fact, most of them would be facing life in any other state case in which the state prosecuted this group, and possible capital punishment in a number of states.
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