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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Yes. It's long. I did 9 years in the feds. I've never looked back... now I'm a square.
  2. Mine was a statutory max of 10 years, first conviction, zero enhancements, no downward departure (answered no questions) and it carried a range of 87-108 months. I got the full 108. Less people (0) in my case were physically harmed and I acted alone... Fucking feds
  3. Hmmmm... a 20 year max in the feds that carries a plea of 15-21 months seems very low
  4. I can't see the offer benadryl paywall... What did they offer him?
  5. It's only bamboo FLAVORED... ipso facto they need to be having it tasted.
  6. Yeah, plus he's a dentist... so he's REALLY an asshole
  7. All of it, or none of it. It never made a difference
  8. How come imma's volume is so fucking low all the time?
  9. Just a 3rd offense DWI or some shit...
  10. Chode is an abbreviated form of chorizo, which in espanisho means sausage. Taint is the no man's land between genitals and assholes.
  11. I'm guessing meth and credit card fraud
  12. It looks clear to me that he has boxed in some capacity. His plant foot slipped, though. You can see his right foot move correctly for the overhand and then it loses traction so he uses his front foot to pull the punch through
  13. There's nothing you could leave outside of a sign that spells it out... you think this idiot trumpsters could ever figure out anything that has even a shade of nuance? They're morons. You'd probably even have to misspell the sign so they could figure it out
  14. That's a waste. Gaetz will kill himself
  15. I've never once thought he was a solid poster. He was a bitch
  16. There's got to be a way to make this into a surly victory... will they just autopen anything we submit?
  17. I mean, politically, I get why he's doing it, but W can't be the only Bush to see that he's kissing the ass of a viper that's just going to bite him.
  18. There are a few MDC's in the fed system, as well as another designation, the MCC. Houston, Philly, Englewood, CO, Oklahoma city has an MCC at the Federal transfer center at the airport in okc, there's one in NC, Hawaii, Chicago, new York city, LA, Miami... I can't remember them all. But yes, the feds do use a lot of county jails as federal holds, even some private jails. Also, usually, to get a vegetarian tray, you have to claim a religious reason. I'm sure he has, as someone in the jail probably told him that info. So he's probably filed a religious exception for a special diet.
  19. Yes. Exactly that. One time, I knew it was coming. I was still trying to work, so by the time I went to the hospital I was really distended and was really nauseous. I went into the ER and told them exactly what was up. They had me wait an hour. I told them repeatedly I needed them to start an NG tube before it got to exorcist levels. I still waited. Finally, this poor nurse takes me back. I told her I needed a bucket, not just a little emesis dish, and I needed the NG tube placed and exactly how she'd need to do it since my nose has been broken several times. She said, no one requests an NG tube, and looked at me like i was strange. She assured me she was a pro at this, but wouldn't bend it like I told her, and turn it downward as soon as it stopped going in. She told me basically "I know what I'm doing" but she failed... and all that green vomit went all over her. I felt badly for her, but again, I had warned her and even coached her on how to get it down my throat.
  20. I registered to vote for the first time to support yang. He was out of contention by then but why not vote for the only person with actual solutions, following humanity first, and willing to put those actual ideas out there. Alas, I know my vote was wasted... I wish he'd move to a smaller town and actually build a government for the people. If I lived in NYC, he'd have my vote
  21. I've had my shit stolen 3 times in the last 3 years. I wish I had a good lead on someone like that. You should make a glitter bomb with a little video camera so that when they pick it up you can track them. Then get them on film opening it. Then you'll see who it is.
  22. so, I have scar tissue in my intestines. Every 5-8 years I get what they call an ileus, where a segment stops working and i get a blockage. It's like being pregnant. My abdomen gets all big and distended and it really, really hurts. If I wait too long to go to the hospital I start throwing up dark green vomit that looks like it has wilted spinach in it. They have to put an NG tube down my nose, pump my stomach, and wait for my intestines to start working again... usually about 5 days in the hospital where I can't eat or drink anything. It's just good, clean, fun
  23. Sell that shit. What industry are you in? Good luck with that
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