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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Casa tv dinner... do yourself a favor and go right across the street to the Chicago Italian beef joint right across the street. Guy's from the north side, big Cubs fan, authentic experience and food. Hope it survived rather than that shithole
  2. Well, after the last 20 years, I'd say it's kinda true.
  3. This may sound stupid, but it's poetically even more insidious than you think. I manage restaurants. We sell a lot of beef products. There is a shortage on beef right now in all channels. What they are really trying to do is make this shortage into a policy decision by Biden. There are multiple supply chain issues in restaurants at this time due to covid, but the deeper lie is to say that beef rationing is happening because the green new deal and/or a policy decision by the current administration. They want their viewers to think we're trying to ban beef, which they love dearly, to inspire outrage for the left. The truth is there's a shortage, just like there's a shortage on cups. The lie is that it's a leftist grab on something their vacuous viewers love
  4. If he does it for damn sure is lifted and has a modified turbo coal-rolling diesel and a flagpole by God bless the usa
  5. Yeah, baby rapers always get the best treatment by the bureau. That's why the rest of the prisoners shit on them so hard. Well, that and they rape kids and shouldn't be breathing
  6. There's a long history to it, but the seriousness of the BOP and most DOC'S reactions to it made it change a lot. If you stand up to it at all, even in the least, most of the predators will relent because being in seg for a year or two will suck worse than just finding a willing participant. There's even signs posted in most genpop areas that tell you if you're being pressured you can let admin know and they'll protect you. Sure, there's still some shit going down, but if you're labeled a sexual predator, and you get a rape case in the joint, you'll be in segregation for a long while at the least
  7. From what I know about the subject is that there are not very many people that are willing to fight that get raped anymore in most cases. There are too many people willing to give it up that having to fight for it just makes it too difficult, considering if there is an actual fight, most prisons transfer and upgrade custody points for assault, especially attempted sexual assault. The guys that want to fuck guys in prison would rather develop someone than take someone so that they don't end up doing long shu terms and can be active on a yard.
  8. There are 4 to 5 prisons in the federal system that are used to house all the people that can't live in a normal prison because they'd be killed or assaulted a lot, and the federal bureau of prisons has to try to guarantee safety to its prisoners. Those prisons (maybe more than 5, at this point) are considered "not in good standing" prisons, and they ship all of the high profile snitches, molesters, cops, trans, and gamg drop-out members who would be green-lighted to those prisons for their safety. Entire yards of protective custody people that can't walk a normal yard. Better?
  9. He just might, if they let him on a real yard
  10. And then the hope becomes null and void. I would never say I regret my children, but sometimes I regret bringing them into this world where I have actual trepidation letting my 15- year- old son go out and hang out with his friends at night. I dunno, I'll shut the fuck up about it, but it's a real fear of mine...
  11. It means to me that MAYBE, just MAYBE, my mixed race children will have a future where policing is more safe for them. I'm not sure it will happen, but it's the first piece of hope that my "talk" with them will be in vain
  12. Is he in GenPop on a yard that's not in good standing? there are 3 or 4 in the feds... those are the yards they send all the molesters, rapists, high profile snitches, and cops to... In the feds they have the resources to develop yards like that, for gang dropouts, check-ins and such. Trust me, he's not walking a main line above low security being both a skin beef and a cop
  13. 15 years is 10 in MN, and 10 years in general population is a thousand times better time than 10 years in AdSeg. He might get killed in GenPop, but it's a long, slow, painful decade in the bucket. Not likely... they couldn't protect him and keep their car. This. It's called AdSeg... administrative segregation. Cops, especially high profile cops, do their time basically in a cell. It's a special kind of torture.
  14. I'm not saying he's not a piece of shit. Hell, I'd walk up to him and put a .22 slug in his brain for the hell of it. All I'm saying is that even if he had a GPS on him at the time it wouldn't have slowed him down. I'd be happy to watch his eyes go blank. But the decision by the judge to remove that worthless piece of jewelry played no part in this crime.
  15. I've known a lot on both sides. None were innocent at all... It's a live by the gun, die by the gun kinda thing. My own brother is about half way through a 30 year bid.
  16. You do know that mostly monitoring devices don't restrict travel. Even if it did, he could just remove it and have an hour to go do this... Mostly, they make sure you're home by some curfew if you have permission to travel. He wasn't on house arrest on bail, just being tracked. One would have to review his condition of bail to see if he was geofenced to Elgin, and if so, he could cut it off and just go about his business for a while until they caught him... But being on bail he only probably had to stay a thousand feet or so from that apartment. In which case, even if they noticed he was there he could've done it
  17. Why would a monitoring device stop him from doing what he did? They would've only been able to catch him faster, unless he just cut it off.
  18. GED level understanding of economics... It's not shocking at all
  19. Gqp/ it's not like they have jobs/ Gqp
  20. That guy is an ex-con... He's a complete piece of shit grifter, so it's right on brand for Fox
  21. My dad finally stopped watching fox news about a month ago. Today, he considers himself apolitical, sort of a both sideser, which is dramatic progress when you think about it. We had a decent conversation that involved politics for the first time in 4 years or so. The one thing that changed? I challenged him to get off fox news, start reading only centric sources that were only fact-based, and check every source with a bias checker before even reading it. He was almost a pepper. He still has about 5 shelves in his garage with canned goods, but it has dwindled down to half of what it was... and he's disgusted with the Jan 6 responses to trumps cult of personality. The man was a psychologist and a minister, and just now seems unplugged from fundamental thought that religion has led him to, coupled with trumpism. I think these small steps are starting to work around the country.
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