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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Why did they boycott all these things? Proctor abs gamble? Amy Grant? Seems odd
  2. And just when we thought she couldn't get any more moronic.
  3. That's a lot of work when you could just look at their Facebook feed for a couple years
  4. I woke up today with swollen top lip and tongue. Really itchy eyes and can't stand wearing my contacts. My lip was a bit swollen yesterday a few hours after, but not as much. Took benadryl and am drowsy, but swelling is down
  5. Ha ha ha fuck you. I just came back on to say my taste is back. So 3 hours of no taste/no smell Not so bad.
  6. They told me not to take anything for the headache unless it became strong and I needed to
  7. At 13 minutes into my wait I lost taste and smell. Been an hour and no taste and smell... When it came on my mouth got very watery and the viscosity of my saliva changed, I had to swallow a few times due to the volume of it. No other side effect.
  8. Just got my first one. Moderna. Waiting 15 min now
  9. Yeah, I got out in '08. There were some times I thought about saying fuck it and getting back in the life but the thought of being around those loud, stupid mouth breathing morons for another decade kinda kept me out
  10. If you can make contact with someone inside there you could probably... there's a decent network of people through various gangs. I haven't kept up with it since I walked away from everything when I got out. I have been contacted a few times in some eerie ways but I've always told them I'm retired. It's like 6 degrees of separation, but less considering the small population. Funny story, that cop Mack from the rampart division in LA got put on a line in Illinois and all the Surreños found out who he was and he had to fight them all. All of them. Word was he held his own pretty good, considering. Anyways, there's always a way. It's easily possible through intermediaries.
  11. Wow. How stupid are his parents?
  12. So, there are joints called 'drop-out' joints, where they house drop outs for prison gang members. Part of the drop out process is that they have to proffer. This makes them snitches. The feds have a few of these that they place cops... those joints are full of snitches, drop outs, child molesters, and any other group that can't walk a main line. The leo's of the group will probably go there. As for the rest, they'll be just fine. There are hundreds of Aryan gangs in the feds. Some are called 'security threat groups'... people think because the feds bottled up the AB and the other actual STG's that there aren't many left, but that's just not true. In fact, in the feds, they'll just ride with the white boy car.... that car is bigger than any of the Aryan gangs. Usually, though, the white boy car is kind of ran by the most predominate Aryan gang on the yard by their allegiance, but they're not subject to the gang's rules per se... it's more of a mutual protection treaty. The actual cops will probably be sent to the bad standing yards, the drop out joints. The ex cops might try to walk a normal line... if they do they won't be able to join an Aryan gang, as you can't have ever been leo (a rule) but the white boy car might take them. If not they can check in and get transferred to a drop out yard where they can live in peace and harmony with all the child molesters and skin beefers. I've neve been on a bad standing yard, so I don't know if the time's any good, but it's is on a main line.
  13. I don't think you know much about prison
  14. They have special yards for them. High profile snitch and check ins... there's one in Arizona, and Terra Houte in Indiana was one when they built the new joint and turned the old joint into a medium.
  15. I would think once they identified suspects, warrants were easy to get
  16. It was completely obvious they were terrible at crime from the get-go. Hell, not even just crime but operational security, in the parlance of these gravy seals... They took their own cell phones and incriminate themselves... they didn't take advantage of mask wearing as an advantage... they wore highly identifiable items... they posted publicly -or Hell, privately even- their exploits... You had to know they'd be shittier, or worse, in after the fact logic... The reason they sucked so bad is that they are just gullible enough to believe they were right in their actions... just stupid enough to think that they were doing the right thing... just savagely so pimped by their orange pimp that they thought they'd be heroes. They fucked around in their complete simplicity of thought that they were born to find out. They were a simp to their own mirage of righteousness
  17. I think he already has, sir
  18. The first Jesuit pope, ladies and gentlemen
  19. but I bet they'd take the money. Disingenuous right wingers always take the socialism money.
  20. My lord... Tucker is such a little bitch
  21. Shouldn't the thread title be changed to 'Rush Limbaugh HAD advanced lung cancer?"
  22. schro-ding-ding-ding-er!
  23. Ok. So, I'm not an alcoholic. But if I want to sleep, I usually need to drink. My tolerance is getting fucking out of hand, really, but if I don't drink i usually only get 3 or 4 hours. I do probably have some ptsd considering my history, but I mostly have insomnia. Sometimes I wake up from nightmares and can't get back to sleep.... most of the time, like right now, I just can't get to sleep. I have a history of sleepwalking, so I'm probably not a good candidate for ambien... and zzz quill and other otc are no help at all. Anyone else?
  24. Hmmmm.... this seems sort of socially-ism-istic
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