So, there are joints called 'drop-out' joints, where they house drop outs for prison gang members. Part of the drop out process is that they have to proffer. This makes them snitches. The feds have a few of these that they place cops... those joints are full of snitches, drop outs, child molesters, and any other group that can't walk a main line.
The leo's of the group will probably go there.
As for the rest, they'll be just fine. There are hundreds of Aryan gangs in the feds. Some are called 'security threat groups'... people think because the feds bottled up the AB and the other actual STG's that there aren't many left, but that's just not true.
In fact, in the feds, they'll just ride with the white boy car.... that car is bigger than any of the Aryan gangs. Usually, though, the white boy car is kind of ran by the most predominate Aryan gang on the yard by their allegiance, but they're not subject to the gang's rules per se... it's more of a mutual protection treaty.
The actual cops will probably be sent to the bad standing yards, the drop out joints. The ex cops might try to walk a normal line... if they do they won't be able to join an Aryan gang, as you can't have ever been leo (a rule) but the white boy car might take them.
If not they can check in and get transferred to a drop out yard where they can live in peace and harmony with all the child molesters and skin beefers.
I've neve been on a bad standing yard, so I don't know if the time's any good, but it's is on a main line.