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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Sorry if it's already been discussed, but anyone see this fucking bitch Toomey on Meet the Press? Sure, there were no fucking warning signs that Trump was going to pull some shit like this while leaving office.
  2. This is it. This is how it ends Beat me to it.
  3. I'm sure they're banking on the fact that the residents of Trumpistan will step up and help them pay for the lawsuits
  4. I think it would behoove you to transmit those ideas to me, and others like me, who are not weighed down by such unreasonable definitions.
  5. SKJ


    I live in Oklahoma. I have a guy
  6. When can we get @RamjetFDO to do a quick re-release of her lingerie football league tryout photos and shops? Those were the best
  7. That's one of the reasons they asked me, I think, because I speak Spanish.
  8. Yeah, I don't think im going to go. Seems like I'd be stuck there for two weeks and that doesn't sound fun.
  9. May end up being sent down there for a thing for work. I can take it or leave it. I'd be down there 2 weeks for work. It's south of Dallas, but I'd be stuck there pretty much for work as I'd fly into Dallas and then be taken down there by the regional director, whom I don't know. Little Intel?
  10. Yeah, and now the cartels are going to have his ass green lighted, and every surreño gang will be hunting him
  11. I doubt that. As soon as someone finds out he was in that position he'll get green lighted immediately. There was an ex rampart cop at a fed joint in Illinois that got jumped on by every LA ese in the joint when they found out.
  12. There's supposedly a fed joint in Arizona that's all p.c. cases, like child molesters, ex cops, trans, and all the cases that can't walk a normal yard. It's probably a real sweet joint
  13. He's gonna have a great time in the feds. They'll probably put him in the protective custody joint in Arizona
  14. Im not a lawyer, but it's only a misdemeanor. Assuming you don't have any record, just plea it down and do your community service
  15. Yes. The plastic they're made from is very flammable.
  16. Well, interesting that you say that. I used to as well, but turns out the fire department recommends never putting those trash cans in your garage because they go up like Roman candles. I know this because it happened to me once.
  17. Yeah, he said he did the math, and wasn't going to keep raising funds when it was no longer possible to win. Honorable, but damn, what's left? Everyone else sort of sucks
  18. Not really. Played poker with a few in college. The ones there were flying the white boy flag pretty hard, which I thought was odd since that group has latino connections, but whatever.
  19. I've been reading a lot, and I think it's clouding my head more than anything.
  20. Well, no, I need help with gto, math, and modernizing my game for sure.
  21. Yeah, my bankroll was 2k, but then life took over. I generally buy in for 100 as I'm a small stack pro it would seem, and I only usually take 200-300. Earlier on in life when I didn't have a family and earned money how i earned it, I'd play with a thousand behind me, but at the games i played in, it was understood that i was never all in. But things change when you're a citizen. 200 is max buy in at the 1/2 table closest to me, so I generally never need to top off
  22. Yes. I've found 10-15 to be a good spot to get smart money out of seeing a flop with shit and getting stupid money in to see a flop with shit. I usually buy in for $100 and leave at least with a treble. But there are some wild variance swings as well, but I've only lost more than one buy in like 3x this year.
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