Bernie's economic plans aren't going to help. Full stop.
Jobs guarantees? This is just fucking silly. We're going to be giving government jobs out to everyone which seems nice, but what are we all going to be doing when our jobs are automated away? I guess I need to learn construction? We can guarantee basically no-show jobs, which just turns out to be "u" bi. Then the working poor will be in the same boat as before.
Government skills restraining programs have a terrible success rate. 0-15%
I'm all for free college, but why the fuck would we be pushing college so hard? A shitload of the jobs college degrees are now in are going to be getting automated away. VoTech programs are probably a better push, since I hear robot maintenance and repair is going to be big soon.
The welfare state needs to be blown up. It's a fucking nightmare. What is your experience with it? Have you ever had to use it? I have.
The safety net is filled with gigantic holes. It needs to be fixed in a major fucking way or it needs to be destroyed and rebuilt. I'm betting you've never been put in a situation that you had to use it because it's completely fucked.
A means tested universal basic income isn't universal.
All these government programs force us into becoming beggars. It's fucking demeaning. If you've never had to do it, I suggest you don't. They're stigmatized to a point that next time, if some tragedy strikes me and my family I would rather just die than try to use them.
They also fucking basically try to trap you into them, into a life of them, then they just trample you with them. Fucking dehumanizing.
Thinking about politics makes me hate everything. It's so beyond fucked up that I can't even stand it. The system is fucked beyond repair, and I have a great idea... Let's make that same fucked up system bigger, and let's make more people into wards of the state!
I'm more for just eating the rich than I am for voting, especially for any candidate that can't seem to understand that we need to either change the course radically (and I'm not talking about dinosaur methods) or we're going to see some real, good old fashioned violence in the coming years.