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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. I think that'd probably be enough to get this shit back on track
  2. The really scary thing to me is this: if you think Trump did outlandish shit in his first term, what do you think he'll do when approval rating doesn't even matter anymore? Second term will be the unleashing of hell since he doesn't need to worry about being re elected
  3. Yeah, he hit that dumbass shit out of the park. What you all don't get us that it isn't one side that has lost, it's our whole country. I didn't lose, WE lost
  4. What I've learned from reading this thread: every poster sucks, especially when they're gone.
  5. So lemme get this straight... You're on a different kind of device than a phone?
  6. I think your phone has the aids
  7. It's like you have no idea with whom you are speaking. Or no idea about whom you are speaking.
  8. We're talking about Trump voters... They're about the dumbest humans on the planet. And as to the rest of the post.... ¿Que?
  9. Too bad he doesn't have a grill to sell
  10. Do you? It's relatively simple, since the prison system is the entity that enforces all of the regulations on the phone calls, why are they charging inmates so much? The prison phone system makes an immense amount of money for a few companies, charging $3.00 for a 15 min phone call. How much do prisoners get paid? The policies in place so most of the work on keeping prisoners from harassing anyone, or running a business. It's pretty much all profit (and kickbacks)
  11. NSIAP Trump shilling for some bullshit supplement company while president https://m.flipspann.com/a?A=PUSH-HUM-BRAIN-TR2-H1-I1&ts=push-05-23-HUM-BRAIN-TR2-H1-I1&vo=push-hannity&bm=b&h_sxid=onesignal&v=push-hannity&p=rot&rs=lid604966dir&g=1273&t=w3&sxid=x0v177692k0y
  12. I'm not sure why he wouldn't be ready. If the only judge of readiness is a political past, all we'll get is not only more of the same, but two parties who don't even see the largest change in our history coming and won't be ready for it when it hits. The U.S. postal service is testing self driving trucks to move the mail across the country. They're not even the first. Like Yang says: we're in the third inning of the largest change, and no one's even talking about it.
  13. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danpontefract/2019/05/22/what-if-presidential-hopeful-andrew-yang-is-right/amp/
  14. What the fuck does this even mean? You think cartels are hurting for firearms? American firearms ?
  15. I've always thought that I was the only one who thought this outside of depressed, or even worse, suicidal people. For years I wondered if I was depressed.
  16. I feel like I shouldn't be alive. I have died 3x in life and I'm always kind of, how should I say, not caring if I die... Like feeling that death wasn't all that bad...
  17. That's pretty funny. Yang is definitely humourous.
  18. I think I'm lost. Seems like Icono'd should be added to the lexicon. But to be fair, Persians are kinda creepy
  19. And, away we go... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.reviewjournal.com/entertainment/food/new-las-vegas-strip-bar-features-robot-bartenders-video/amp/
  20. You gotta commit to that shit. Say it from your chest.
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