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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. I mean, you can act like you don't get off on violence or intimidation, but this seems like you do... Clearly I'm not judging you for it, but it's the same description of feelings that mob guys get when they take their revenge. There's little that sets us apart outside of the fact that your methods are state-sanctioned
  2. Maybe the guy that took your shit just looked at your account? I mean, you have a billing address? You have any instructions on your account that state that you're out of the country? You ever answer why you are getting a unit to someone? Wife ever tell staff you're moving out of the country? I know that you think that it's identifiable that you rarely entered the unit, but I would tend to think that that's a much more difficult way to find good units to hit. Most people talk about themselves, and the info is what is used against them.
  3. I wonder... What about the problem of ex-cons? Why should they be fucked for life if they 'pay their debt to society?'
  4. He's definitely the smartest guy in the race. Here's a data guy. No one else has a policy that will deal with the coming onslaught of the tech world. I don't know how you all see it, but automation, the shitty metrics we use, and the fact that no one else is even seeing the real problems coming, well, neglect him at your peril. I get it, his road to the White House is unlikely, but we're going to get nothing but more of the same from any other candidate. Then we're going to go through a few years of crushing recession, all while GDP is going to be telling us we're fine. This country is going to fuck itself. And hopefully I'll be able to survive
  5. That'd be cool. I can't bring myself to sub to Shapiro, I'd hate that playlist He's a very interesting candidate. A true numbers guy and an actual economist. He's checking all my boxes so far, for sure
  6. Probably not live, but I'm sure I'll be able to catch it. Can't wait for his cnn town hall in a couple weeks
  7. I tend to agree with Yang's take on how Trump got elected: We automated a shitload of jobs in all the states that swung his way. He has said many times it's right in the data. They thought he was going to do something for them. He didn't. I wish more candidates for behind his human-centered capitalism idea. Sure, maybe a dem can swing them back since he hasn't changed anything there, v but no one is advancing any ideas that would really do it. Yang has said the only reason he's running is to advance the ideas that would help save us from the upcoming onslaught that brought us Trump... It's time for someone to take notice, even if it's not him.
  8. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/03/boston-dynamics-latest-robot-is-a-mechanical-ostrich-that-loads-pallets/
  9. Here's a link to his audio book "The War on Normal People"
  10. Yes. He advanced a policy position. You do recall that ACA wasn't really thought out when he was advancing it, though. He advanced a few more. But mostly what he did was talk. Lots and lots of talk. Lots of it. A whole lot of ideas, with no meat to them, but a lot of should and would. I'm not talking about his time in office, by the way, I'm talking about his campaign.
  11. No, but I'd say that the current policy isn't great. I mean, let's not get it fucked up... You don't have to hate Jews to hate apartheid.
  12. Yeah, but that's not the reason we got Trump. Yang has pointed it out by studying data.
  13. Oh yes. It's why I've not ever been excited about a candidate since I could vote. I love that hat, by the way. But yeah, I like this guy's rhetoric, but to me, that's all it is so far.
  14. SKJ

    Economy Thread

    Here's yang on the freakonomics podcast https://youtu.be/ZCREBV_m8dY
  15. I just realized I haven't even put this podcast in this thread yet. Cross posting freakonomics podcast https://youtu.be/ZCREBV_m8dY
  16. Yes. That's true. I'm not saying anything to the contrary. Look, my thought process is in planning, coordinating, and activating ideas. So when I hear platitudes, it actually kind of revolts me a bit. We're not in a good place. Our country seems to be regressing while all of our measurements say we're doing great. We're not even seeing the brunt of the problems that are going to hit is in the near future. Hell, we're not even talking about these problems as a general rule, so seeing more and more people talk about everything while having zero actual solutions doesn't really move me in any kind of way.
  17. I'm not saying it's not a winning strategy, I just hate that it's a winning strategy.
  18. Yeah, but I think I'm not alone in wanting to know what he really stands for before seeing him as sometime I could vote for. I hate platitudes and love actual policy ideas with plans and etc. Until he comes out with a platform, he's just another Obama.
  19. Man, here talks so good, but has no real platform. Please, just outline a policy.
  20. Stop getting fixated on the perceived notions of his supposed support. He's the only one talking about it. It's coming, and we as a nation won't even see it when it happens. It happened already and it brought out work force participation rate down to around 65%.
  21. I know what he hasn't done in two years... Addressed the causes of this (suicide, opioid overdoses)
  22. Stop it. You think we just all of the sudden topped out? Quit being disingenuous. I don't really mind, but you know, stats like that kinda indicate the direction of a Nation state
  23. Maybe Trump should win. I do like the state of the union right now. I mean, under Trump, we've had consecutive years of falling life expectancy. We've made ourselves look like complete idiots. We've watched out president give blowjobs to dictators and shit all over basic human rights. I bet there's 50 or 60 deaths this coming election since Trump is going to do nothing but ramp up his rhetoric... I love it. I don't have that much to lose. But it's coming... The race for the bottom is coming and all that goes with it. Olds are going to be getting murdered in their homes from Antifa and ms13... If we're going to, as a nation, allow this untermench to be re elected then let's not half ass this shit, let's watch it all fucking burn.
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