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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. And again. Nothing of substance added to the conversation at all. Seriously, stop trolling this thread.
  2. I mean, I'm not sure about all the Bitcoin trading shit. Then this... https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/03/22/majority-of-bitcoin-trading-is-a-hoax-new-study-finds.html
  3. I just wish this guy would come out with a platform I could read. Everything I hear from him is political-speak and gushing stories how great a guy he is. I don't trust "great guys" cuz their fall is so far.
  4. I'm pretty sure Yang was on Fox. Yup. Certain he was
  5. To be fair, minding one's business is essential to survival. I'd hope it was a lesson learned
  6. No. This is just not true. The figure, which if I remember correctly is 600-800 billion, is the amount of money that is basically diverted from current welfare programs to this program from the people who would opt in because it's greater than or equal to their current welfare benefits. That's it, and all
  7. Hole eee shiiiiit. So, this is why you refuse to educate yourself. I get it. You don't need to disprove what he's written, just say no, lol, that's wrong. Stop trolling this thread
  8. You a fan of Milton Friedman?
  9. Name 5 ideas of his that are horrible. Without looking
  10. I would suggest you read his book, but I don't think you'd do it. By all means, judge everything before you take in any information. It's clear to me, though, that Yang is much, much more intelligent than you. He's actually looked at it from all sides and come up with a comprehensive argument. His book is called "the war on normal people" Yeah, I know, it's wasted on you, but others may read it so it's not a total waste of words
  11. You must see that he acts, continually, as someone who has been bought and paid for, right. I mean, it's seriously out there for all to see, and not even a little bit. Arguing from a point of "he's not because it hasn't been proven" is turning a blind eye to his conduct out in the open. Just be rational
  12. You must realize that literally nothing has been disproved, and that Trump has literally behaved as if been bought and paid for, right. You must see this. It's literally impossible to not see it. In fact, Fox doesn't even argue it, they just shift directions.
  13. Oh. I see who you are now. Hi, the You came back to troll. And show you refuse to read before you argue. Good to know
  14. And you're going to but for Trump? Wow. I mean, you realize how stupid that makes you look, right
  15. I think your lost. You actually WANT 4 more years of a complete, inept, shitshow? Look how far we've fallen
  16. Ok. There's a lot of shit in this post, but let's break it down. There are 4 different ways it adds up to 2.4 trillion. The "savings" through a semi consolidation of welfare programs. The VAT (which doesn't tax only 5 companies, which is a hilarious assumption...) The economic stimulus And the "dark savings" which is what we'll call it. Jail will be reduced by getting rid of stupid drug laws, but will also be reduced through this. It's not surgery. You could go read his platform, but that might be too much for you (yang2020.com if you're interested) Studies actually show the opposite when it comes to health and nutrition, though, but you know, that's just science shit. And no, it's not only idiots that support him. Go read his shit, then you'll at least be arguing from some point of fact.
  17. Holy fuck the Trump fans are oozing out of the woodwork on some sort of victory lap. There's really no victory at all to be had, either way, if you love this country.
  18. Right, but what you literally said was that you loved to trigger libs, which is basically trolling. I'm not saying you're a troll, but I'm done ways, it's what you're saying. I really can't see why trying to trigger someone is anything but trolling. Anyways, back to whatever it is that is going on in this thread
  19. So what you're saying is, you're trolling?
  20. Don't tell anyone, but 800 billion of those savings is from a sort of consolidation of welfare programs. The other savings, a statistic he used from the Roosevelt institute, "We currently spend over one trillion dollars on health care, incarceration, homelessness services and the like. We would save $100 – 200 billion as people would take better care of themselves and avoid the emergency room, jail, and the street and would generally be more functional. Universal Basic Income would pay for itself by helping people avoid our institutions, which is when our costs shoot up. Some studies have shown that $1 to a poor parent will result in as much as $7 in cost-savings and economic growth." That's just a couple hundred billion that is coming from the "hidden savings" that you wouldn't want to count, because gambling...
  21. Maybe grassroots advertising? I mean, hell, he's only raised a few hundred k. You have people running that have raised millions and have not even a policy point to talk about. I can't understand how a grassroots movement isn't good enough for you all. He's making his platform clear with literally no money
  22. https://twitter.com/cushbomb/status/1106021514917367808?s=20
  23. Yang is going to say that it shouldn't be pushed by doctors as some sort of medical necessity. It's not. Shapiro is going to droll on about culture, to which Yang is going to say it's perfectly fine to do if that's your belief, but it's not a true medical procedure. It's a silly debate. But it's access to a lot more eyes and ears. It's not like CNN has set up a town hall for him, since they think his policies are fringe... The actuality of it are there is more inertia in the status quo, which is empty policy and nonsense bullshit feel-good speeches with little-to-no policy behind them.
  24. Have you seen every one of his appearances? He's trying. But everyone dismisses the idea because, and I'm just guessing here, but the self serving stupidity of the elites don't want to give it a lot of thought. Plus, the whole bootstrapping meme from the whole of the spectrum from the shitlibs to the right wing think it's unamerican to enact. It doesn't matter. We're going to elect another hollow shell, like Obama
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