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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. I AM LITERALLY SAYING THAT PEOPLE SETTLING FOR "ELECTABLE" OR WHATEVER OTHER WAY YOU WANT TO PUT IT, ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM. how can you not understand that? My favorite candidate, Mr. Yang, had started he would like to have a ranked choice ballot, which would help that situation, but as of now it doesn't. So we get stuck with nothing but bullshit
  2. Now I feel like you're trying to argue. You want to keep pushing, keep pushing. What you need to realize is that while I need to grow up, you need to wise up. The way it stands now, all that matters is fucking name recognition and fucking money. That's our system. You seem to think that that's a working system. The moron vote, the money vote and the TV time are all that will choose our next president. Is the system working? I need to grow up?
  3. I'm not saying you're angry, but you are kind of leaving towards being insulting which would tend to denote anger. Trust me, I know. That's why I took a day off, to get my head back normal
  4. I'm not sure what I'd do. I probably won't even vote. I generally don't vote because neither is worth a fuck. I'm guessing I'll be having that opinion after the first primary
  5. You should take a step back. I did. I took a day off and I feel much less tired of this shitshow of politics.
  6. The sad part is that, as a country, we put way more thought, work, and effort into picking a fucking football draft pick
  7. Ha ha ha ha ha ok killer
  8. You just make my point. I was saying that she's not only not the best, she's also not even the most electable.
  9. Not so. But the reasons behind needing groups and groups of people to settle for shitty candidates is what got us here. Trump is President. Harris's largest donor is Time-Warner. Trump will probably be able to use that to whip a decent conspiracy theory into a second victory, and CNN is right in the middle of that problem. The Media liberal bias whatever whatever blah blah blah is a divisive enough issue to whip up his base plus some.
  10. She doesn't, though. She's not the absolute best candidate. She checks all the mediocre boxes. She's probably just a couple degrees better than Trump. We have to stand up and fucking force the absolute best candidates through the system.
  11. You're settling for a bunch of electable people instead of all the best. That's pretty much in Black and White. Ha ha ha I must've read that wrong. Justify it how you want to, but what we should do, if you were in my way of thinking, if only elect the absolute best candidates, not the "most electable"
  12. Another person settling. How, in this fucking country, is the absolute best ever unelectable? Answer, because you're all too fucking lazy to demand the absolute best. As long as we continue to play a silly little game of absolute stupidity, we will continue to live in absolute stupidity. Calling @Brisketexan, save me a fucking spot
  13. Right. So this is your justification for selling out. Let's get all the posters who feel some sort of way about why we shouldn't vote for the absolute best rather than the absolute most expedient in here to give us their reasons for selling out so we can all see everyone for what they are. And don't fucking sit there and act like putting the absolute best in 1/3 of the government isn't such a big deal. The argument is completely moot.
  14. Aaaaand welcome to the main reason our country sucks. Electable should be a majority electing the most qualified candidates, and yet you Democrats, who are supposed to save this country from Trump (hint: you won't) are acting as if being two of the most reasonable, most qualified candidates in the field should already be written off because of (insert whatever completely moronic reason such as race, sexual orientation, gender, or otherwise completely foolish as fuck reasons you can generate) and are already closing the door. Why the fuck should we expect any real change when the absolute to cause of the problem has still not even been addressed in either party: you elect the best, not the alternatives. We haven't learned anything, at all, from Trump. If there was ever a chance to elect the brightest and best candidate without worry about a completely crooked, crippled, and inept administration and their loyal 30%, that time is now. But you are all already shrinking away from the best chance to reclaim excellence by thinking "anything but Trump" is the solution. Don't you fucking get it? ANYTHING BUT HILLARY ELECTED TRUMP. Now we have morons gambling the likely future of this country on the prospect of ANYTHING BUT TRUMP. And we'll likely end up with the liberal Trump. Morons
  15. I mean, honestly, how the fuck would that be the most unelectable combination? Our current combination is Trump, Pence. How in the everylovingfuck is that bullshit more electable than a functioning, competent businessman with an economics degree from Brown (who has actual built-from-the-ground-up businesses and a legit foundation to further startups) and a Harvard, Rhodes scholar mayor with excellent business experience, as well as military history? Both of which are most likely documented geniuses with a deep, profound understanding of strategic, sound policy ideals?
  16. I would like to see a Yang, Buttigeig combination. That seems like it would be a good, functional, working team of the smartest guys in the room.
  17. https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-little-known-andrew-yang-may-end-up-on-the-2020-debate-stage-by-gaming-the-system
  18. Fuck yeah. Like I said, he's the only candidate of my lifetime that has ever checked my boxes. The only one I've ever donated to, and ever been excited about
  19. Well, let's consider the numbers? I mean, 30% of the voters, could that be about 6% of total population?
  20. From Andrew Yang I had a meeting last week with a social psychology professor named Jonathan Haidt. He wrote a book called The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion. He also worked on a report called Hidden Tribes that came out recently. It turns out that the proportion of politically disengaged Americans is 26%—one of the largest groups in America. We will of course compete for every vote. Many traditional Democratic constituents are excited about this campaign. The Freedom Dividend has the power to improve the situations of millions of Americans. But this campaign has the potential to change the game by activating groups that have not been traditionally politically active. This group is called the Exhausted Majority. The Exhausted Majority feels ill-served by the political system as it currently functions. The Exhausted Majority is many of us. We have the potential to realign our entire political system by offering solutions for the true problems of this age. As one small sign, here is a videoof my appearance on Tucker Carlson last Friday. I honestly didn’t know what to expect—but it went tremendously well. I will go anywhere someone wants to have a real conversation. The huge lesson from the Hidden Tribes report is that our political media does not reflect the points-of-view of most of the American people. Most Americans are very reasonable. We agree on most of the big things. Unfortunately, one of the things we agree on today is that our government has grown unresponsive. It needs to be pushed into the 21st century.
  21. Fuck yes that's amazing! Is that your picture?
  22. Here's his most recent email. February was the best month ever for our campaign—we received donations from 34,025 different people for a total of $570,954.82! The average donation was $16.78. That’s incredible. THANK YOU for making it happen. We raised as much as many other major candidates for the month. Aside from the raw numbers, which are staggering, here’s another reason I am excited. I received this message hundreds of times via social media: “You are the first political candidate I have ever donated to.” This message is important. It’s become a constant drumbeat. And it means that we are poised to do great things. (He's the first I ever donated to as well) I would post the rest of the email but I can't spoiler
  23. There's a shitload on YouTube. Just Google his name. Here's a good one... It's from last year though. His newer stuff is out there too
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