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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Continuing to fuck
  2. Yang on cavuto
  3. Please. Let's let this troll move on to greener pastures. He just keeps changing the subject and arguing non sequiturs
  4. I have a job. I would also like you to understand that none, absolutely zero of what you said responded to what I said. I'm done with you. But don't get it twisted, the revolution will end this nation if automation takes away 35% of jobs. And your assertion that the poor are to lazy to start blowing shit up is completely idiotic. And I would also like to add that your assumption of who and what I am are probably quite a bit off. Should the revolution start, you should beware of people like me
  5. You're sitting here trying to be insulting like a motherfucker, but you're simply trolling. The VAT is going to be passed on to the consumer. This happens with pretty much every price increase of any sort, but let's take a look at why it matters, since you're so fucking smart. Since this VAT is going to serve as a way for the government to recoup the huge shift in the labor pool that we'll see with the coming wave of automation, do you think that we should find a way to pay for and save about a third of the population through un-recouped government spending, or should we wait for the companies that are saving massive amounts on key inputs (labor) to voluntarily take care of the people displaced? You're acting as if the fucking huge cost savings of automation will somehow be guaranteed to save the economy enough money to care for a large part of the population. We've seen the invisible hand and we know it doesn't work that way. Honestly. Shut the fuck up
  6. You still haven't looked it up, or watched the podcast... Or read the rest of the thread? Allow me to quote you...
  7. Ha ha ha ha ha Keep trolling
  8. Let me put it to you this way. You motherfuckers better do something, because if you don't, a lot of you are gonna die
  9. Seriously, knock it the fuck off. Troll some other thread. He explains his numbers, which make a lot of sense. And don't come in here with that progressive math bullshit. You motherfuckers are as conservative as a televangelist... You never practice what you preach.
  10. I can see you haven't bothered to inform yourself, so, you should shut the fuck up
  11. The point of it is, from a libertarian standpoint, is who gives a fuck what they spend it on? The elderly, on a fixed income, may just save it all and will it to their grandkids. Who cares? Means testing is fucking bullshit.
  12. I guess... Here's what I see. The guy on top has no weight on the guy except the rape choke. So his arm is already posted. His hips are high, so any bridge wouldn't throw his weight forward. In this position he needs to clear the rape choke while getting to a hip to shrimp, then grab wrist control while recovering a half guard. You can't bump someone, or bridge as you say it, if not carrying their weight. His knees are on the ground and his hips are high, the rape choke is his third point of balance.
  13. The VAT is a necessity with the coming change in our economy through automation. The way he puts it is that you can't tax robots. The VAT would also generate more tax revenues than the current method considering the offshoring of profits from corporations. There have been plenty of studies showing causality between much of crime and poverty. I guess we could look them up and debate them, but it's pretty much been debated to death
  14. He breaks down the numbers quite easily.
  15. Because you haven't even listened, or given it any real thought, yes... You are arguing from a silly, foregone conclusion
  16. I don't know what you do, but does your career isolate you from automation? You really should listen to the podcast because he destroys your position
  17. Also, if someone already receives more than 1k a month in welfare, they don't get it. If they receive less than 1k, they get the difference up to 1k
  18. So the uninformed can shut the fuck up: From his website: Andrew would implement a Universal Basic Income, ‘The Freedom Dividend,’ of $1,000/month, $12,000 a year for every American adult over the age of 18. This is independent of one’s work status or any other factor. This would enable all Americans to pay their bills, educate themselves, start businesses, be more creative, stay healthy, relocate for work, spend time with their children, take care of loved ones, and have a real stake in the future. Any change to The Freedom Dividend would require a constitutional amendment. It will be illegal to lend or borrow against one’s Dividend. If one does not graduate from high school, your dividend does not begin until 20. A Universal Basic Income at this level would permanently grow the economy by 12.56 to 13.10 percent—or about $2.5 trillion by 2025—and it would increase the labor force by 4.5 to 4.7 million people. Putting money into people’s hands and keeping it there would be a perpetual boost and support to job growth and the economy.
  19. This doesn't Target the perpetually poor. You're arguing from a false assumption. This targets you. Listen to the podcast or Google this shit.
  20. And I'm just guessing you still haven't listened to the podcast. If you did you'd understand my "leftist thinking" I bet giving those rich people stuff totally works though. I hope you don't vote, because you're just another of the idiots that brought us Trump.
  21. It's not "giving people stuff..." I bet your ears would bleed if you listened to the fucking podcast.
  22. What percentage of Americans so you suppose this is? Or is this just a random guess made about a population from anecdotal evidence?
  23. This is addressed in the podcast, but the actual expenditure for it is pretty small
  24. From his website, also explained in the podcast Wouldn’t that cause rampant inflation? The federal government recently printed $4 trillion for the bank bailouts in its quantitative easing program with no inflation. Our plan for a Universal Basic Income uses money already in the economy. In monetary economics, leading theory states that inflation is based on changes in the supply of money. Our UBI plan has no changes in the supply of money because it is funded by a Value-added Tax. It is likely that some companies will increase their prices in response to people having more buying power, and a VAT would also increase prices marginally. However, there will still be competition between firms that will keep prices in check. Over time, technology will continue to decrease the prices of most goods where it is allowed to do so (e.g., clothing, media, consumer electronics, etc.). The main inflation we currently experience is in sectors where automation has not been applied due to government regulation or inapplicability – primarily housing, education, and healthcare. The real issue isn’t Universal Basic Income, it’s whether technology and automation will be allowed to reduce prices in different sectors.
  25. The Guineas I used to work for loved Columbus day.
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