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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Holy shit, that picture is real. Ha ha ha ha ha that's incredible
  2. Ha ha ha ha you're not serious, are you?
  3. https://goo.gl/images/nHd2qi
  4. Gays can get married. But she's 7, so I don't know yet.
  5. I've been to a few weddings for people of that type (the envelope in the pillowcase type...) I eloped. Wife still kinda wishes she had a big wedding, but I think only in a wistful way. That being said, my daughter won't be getting married, so that's ok.
  6. The old bag's just mad because she has writer's block, it whatever stupid artform she takes part in. I mean, if you're not stuck, a stupid barking dog isn't going to bother you
  7. This is the shittiest thing I've seen all day. Negged
  8. I'm no genealogist, but if your grandfather is native, and let's be generous and say he's 100% native, so one of your parents is English, (since you said your 'english half') that makes you half British, and 25% native, and 25% other, right?
  9. Oh Lord. He's native... Which means he's most likely white
  10. Which seems perfectly reasonable for someone who just wants to mind his own business. But I guess they'll do what they have to do, just as I.
  11. Well, then I guess we would have to find out what they're willing to do... I've never been compelled to testify in court, but I would just tell them upfront, then flat-out refuse
  12. Wow. I guess I hope I never get deposed. I have a strong stance of never answering questions. If you're not a party to the lawsuit, why do you have to answer anything? That seems ridiculous to me. I guess the old I don't recall is all I could even say. Fuck that. Seriously, though, if you have to talk, especially in a civil matter where you're not getting sued, why the fuck do we even have a Constitution? That seems so backwards to me. I mean, could I just say something like I'm just minding my business? Is there a law that compels you to talk about shit that isn't any of your business? That seems stupid to me. I never talk about shit someone else does.
  13. I'm not a lawyer, and I don't even know where a holiday inn is, but can't you just refuse to answer questions?
  14. Future seems a bit confrontational
  15. Gutless Old Pussies you say?
  16. SKJ


    She threw up, then she just had the way way too high sweats and that feeling of spins and anxiety I don't think she freaked out, but it was definitely way too high
  17. Maybe I got the avatars confused, but he had the pootie tang Avatar
  18. I think you may be mistaken. Most American carmakers are killing off all of their sedans next year. Ford is killing all but the mustang. Chevy is killing most... I read this like 6 months ago
  19. SKJ


    Well, she does have a decent tolerance from her insane vape pen. I can only hit that pen once
  20. Yeah... Only Democrats are on furlough https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna952236
  21. SKJ


    I hear learning to play the didgeridoo actually can cure sleep apnea. Nothing cures insomnia. My personal hell
  22. Is one of them Trump? Are the rest the Trumpkins?
  23. Happy Junkanoo
  24. I know we only fuck 10's here, but are we all supposed to be billionaires, too?
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